Gym or at home workouts?!

Hey all,

I am newer to this website. Trying to lose about 90lbs. I have done the at home workouts. 30 day shred and some Bob Harper ones as well. I get a really good workout. Sweat a lot and can feel it for sure. My problem is commiting. I know now that I am going to stick with it this time. Eating better has been the hardest part. But I am doing my best. My husband goes to the gym and loves it. However, his work pays for over half of his membership. I would have to fork over the $65 a month for a membership. I would love some input from everyone on if they have done the at home workouts. I try to get in 45-60 minutes when I workout. I just don't know if I should forget working out at home or join the gym? Maybe give working out at home 1 last actual shot and stick to it for at least a month and see if I notcie results.
Please give your input and let me know.
PS also could use any tips and any help at all on losing weight.

thanks so much


  • Destinie30
    Destinie30 Posts: 9
    It can be hard to stay committed when you're doing at home workouts, but if you stick with you should notice a difference. I've dropped 2 pant sizes in about 5 weeks, which I'm pretty happy about. Having lots of people to support and encourage you can really help keep you motivated (feel free to add me). I also have been listening to music and dancing around while doing dishes and laundry, to help burn more calories and make the chores more fun. :)
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    Have done both. Gym has some social benefits-not always to my advantage. Prefer at home as can do at ANY time and don't waste time traveling. Works best to schedule work-out time and treat it like any appointment (would you miss your Dr office appointment or trip to the hairdresser?). If I miss the "appointment" can do it in evening instead of TV.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I prefer they gym, as lifting weights is the best thing a girl (or guy) can do for their physique.

    Oh, and sweating is not a very accurate or dependable indication of a good workout. I get MONSTER burns at the gym and don't sweat very much. Just saying.
  • becky4m
    becky4m Posts: 61 Member
    I love doing my own thing on my own time at home. It is what I prefer. I have lost 96 pounds doing it, so it can be done. Just stick with certain days and times and do it as scheduled. No excuses. You will see results if you go hard, watch your form and push to do better each time.
  • trisha986
    trisha986 Posts: 139
    I get distracted way too easily at home. I take longer breaks. But it's how I started before I started weight lifting. Now I need to go to the gym because I don't have heavy weights in my house. I also feel like if I'm at the gym I HAVE to work out. Theres no TV, food, bed, sofa around. Lol. I do prefer yoga at home though.
  • miss_phat_booty
    I do home workouts, its just easier for me to get up early before work and get it done. I've had gym memberships in the past and could never commit to going to the gym regularly.
  • Gyyu
    Gyyu Posts: 9 Member
    Im not a fan of doing home workouts. My siblings have tried doing TRX or Insanity but would quit before the 2 months were up. Doing the same 7 workouts, 5 days a week does not sound appealing to me :( I would go for the gym membership(like a YMCA!)
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I'm fortunate enough that my boyfriend is very techy, so we the XBOX, an XBOX One, Wii, etc., which allows me to mix-up my workouts in a fun way that my gym membership doesn't provide. I go to Planet Fitness, so there are no group classes, no pool, etc. The XBOX has internet connectivity so I get to stream YoutTube channels on my big screen TV so I get the feeling that I'm at the gym in a group class. Working out at home gives me the diversity so I don't get bored.

    I'm also lucky enough to have a mid-range elliptical at home (a recent present to myself because I absolutely love a jaunt on the elliplical) and a stationary bike. I also have a bench and some weights. So the cardio and upper body I've got pretty covered at home.

    Though I mostly work out at home, I do keep a gym membership for two reasons: 1) if I go 3x a week, my membership is reimbursed up to $200/year through my health insurance and 2) because I just can't strength train my lower body the same way at home as I could at the gym. That being said, my gym membership is only $20 a month. If it were $65 a month and not reimbursed would I keep it? Probably not?

    I think it all comes down to a couple of factors: 1) is paying the $65 a motivating tool to keep up with workouts or will you just end up feeling guilty when you choose the home over the costly gym? 2) Are there other gym alternatives in your area or would you only want to go with your husband? 3) Your husband's gym should offer guest passes or trial memberships, most do anyway. I would take advantage of this and see if you like the gym. Some people don't like the atmosphere or the people or the equipment.

    That being said, I've known people who have lost a lot of weight either way, but often when they start with home workouts then eventually switch to a gym because they hit a plateau that they can't break through, but this is usually many, many pounds in.

    Good luck. If you're interested in some fun at home workouts, look at the Fit Sugar or Fitness Blender channels on YouTube. They have a wide range for beginners and more advanced workouts for later on. Fitness Blender also has a beginner weight loss program, which coincides with various videos on their channel. I ignored the food stuff becuase I'm vegetarian so it didn't really apply. I found a free pdf online of the program. This might help you by providing a more regimented approach while you decide about the gym.

    p.s. sorry for the long post. hope it helps and good luck!
  • spiderweb12
    spiderweb12 Posts: 14
    Im in the same boat, just started 30DS and really want to get back to crossfit but its far too expensive at the moment! thinking of heading to my leisure centre's gym once a week - its only about £4 a session and theres no financial commitment. Home workouts have a lot going for them but I know that I dont work as hard as I do outside!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I get distracted way too easily at home. I take longer breaks. But it's how I started before I started weight lifting. Now I need to go to the gym because I don't have heavy weights in my house. I also feel like if I'm at the gym I HAVE to work out. Theres no TV, food, bed, sofa around. Lol. I do prefer yoga at home though.

  • HealthySideofLife
    HealthySideofLife Posts: 80 Member
    I lost 80 pounds exercising at home before I stopped exercising and eating healthy. I joined a Gym and felt really self conscious. I'd rather exercise at home, and there's plenty of things you can do! I did 30 day shred, couch to 5k program, lots of YouTube videos, and I recently found a guy on YouTube for kickboxing, which had been giving me quite a sweat. As long as you challenge yourself so you're not doing the same thing over and over again, exercising at home can be good enough. It just depends on the kind of person you are. I don't like gyms so I don't go anymore lol.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    I love doing my own thing on my own time at home. It is what I prefer. I have lost 96 pounds doing it, so it can be done. Just stick with certain days and times and do it as scheduled. No excuses. You will see results if you go hard, watch your form and push to do better each time.

    agreed. im training at home currently, because i have no time for gym. mind that i did invest into heavy weights, a squat rack and a bench to do so. no, they arent attractive in the middle of my living room, but hey, who cares?!
    yes, i do have off days, when id rather sit on the sofa watching films, but i always (mostly) pull myself together and do my workouts as i scheduled them.
    its all about commitment. if you dont want to do it, youll find excuses, whether its gym-time or home-workout time. if you want to do it - do how and what you prefer/think that works for you.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I lost most of my weight while working out at home with DVDs (and some Wii fitness games in the beginning). I found it much easier than going to the gym. When I was working, change into workout gear, start dinner, do a DVD, and by the time I was finished dinner was ready. I could come up with a million excuses not to go to the gym, but when it's that easy, it's hard to find an excuse not to. I now do DVDs on the weekend and have a monthly membership for pole dance classes, so I do that four times during the week.
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I like going to the gym and home workouts. Though, in terms of money, a home workout is the way to go. You can schedule a time when you want to work out and you can watch the things you want to watch when working out. I use a stationary bike. My regiment is pretty basic do 50 sit ups, pop in a movie then ride the bike (for about 30 - 45 minutes depending on how far I want to go) while watching the movie. Eventually I will have to get a gym membership because I need to work on some strength training, but for now I'm loving this routine and I do sweat!
  • Alexandra_S
    Alexandra_S Posts: 41 Member
    It doesn't matter what you choose, you are either committed or not. If it's the latter then you can stop going to the gym despite your membership. But if it's the former nothing will distract you at home.
    I workout at home. I used to do it all by myself doing exercises from women's magazines. Now I use FitStar app. It's fun. When I wake up I can't wait to launch the app. I make my bed and workout immediately. And I can't get distracted, the app doesn't let it. I do one exercises after another and have 1 minute breaks sometimes (those are programmed). My workouts last 30 - 37 minutes. Because I'm still a newbie. I've been doing my get lean program for a month. Workouts get longer as I get stronger. It works for me. I can see my progress and I'm very happy with it.
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    2) Are there other gym alternatives in your area or would you only want to go with your husband?
    There are benefits to going WITH your husband. He'll be your accountability partner/encourager. It's more fun to go with someone and you can plan it like a date night. Once you are feeling better about your fitness and seeing changes to your body, your love life will likely improve!
  • harhir
    harhir Posts: 4
    I am not a big fan of work-outs and also have to push myself. But I have found another alternative for me: I started riding my bike to work. Almost 8 miles one way. I try to do this at least three times a week. It is not boring as sitting on a stationary bike and I save on gas. I carry clothes to change and my laptop in paniers. And fortunately we have showers at our office building where I can change.
    When I am not riding my bike I will head for the gym during lunch time. We are flexible when to take the lunch break and when I go there around 1pm I hit the down time and avoid the crowds in the gym. I just hate to go in the morning and the evening when the gyms are packed.
    On weekends I am more lazy and will occasionally use the stationary bike I have at home. I still have to improve on that. ;-)
    But I also started using my bicycle more often in general for daily tasks like going to the store. This way I get my exercise in a more natural way instead of pushing me to gym exercises.
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    But I also started using my bicycle more often in general for daily tasks like going to the store. This way I get my exercise in a more natural way instead of pushing me to gym exercises.
    My commute is only 3.6 miles, but I just can't make it work. I have my kids every other week, so have to drive them 16 miles to school. The week they are at their dad's, I have to go home at lunch to let the dogs out, and then I work a p/t job in the evenings. Once I get out of debt, and don't need the second job, I can at least commute every other week!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I workout at home, but I also have equipment there, weights, bench, treadmill, stationary bike, assorted other equipment, videos, etc.

    Log your exercise on here and log your calories and eat at a deficit, then you will lose.