What's the difference between losing weight and body fat %??

This confuses me greatly. Please explain. And maybe offer advice as to how to do this.

Note: I do not go to the gym. I find it boring and I just...can't do it. I've tried so many times. I do swim, though. Used to occasionally do a lil yoga at home but that's all. I have been eating better, too. Lots of bunny food, try to mix some protein in with every meal (like chicken, if it's on sale), rarely drink pop...

Thanks :)


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    This confuses me greatly. Please explain. And maybe offer advice as to how to do this.

    Note: I do not go to the gym. I find it boring and I just...can't do it. I've tried so many times. I do swim, though. Used to occasionally do a lil yoga at home but that's all. I have been eating better, too. Lots of bunny food, try to mix some protein in with every meal (like chicken, if it's on sale), rarely drink pop...

    Thanks :)

    If you lose bodyfat percentage then you are losing fat. If you lose weight you might be losing fat and/or water and/or muscle and/or bone density.

    Bodyfat percentage is a direct readout of the percentage of your body that is fat. If that goes down you can be confident you are losing fat. Your weight on a scale is just that, your weight on a scale....does not say how much of that weight is fat and how much is everything else. You can easily gain 3 pounds on a scale due to water retention while still dropping 2% bodyfat.

    To simplify:

    Change in Bodyfat % = a specific amount of fat lost
    Weight loss = ????
  • csy108
    csy108 Posts: 58 Member
    Your weight on a scale is just that, your weight on a scale....does not say how much of that weight is fat and how much is everything else.

    Exactly. On the moon you would have a different scale weight, but the same body fat percentage. Think about that if you see your weight fluctuate by a few pounds here and there. BF% estimates (can be hard to get accurate) and body part measurements/how your clothes fit are much better indicators that you are approaching your goal. Assuming your goal is to shed pounds of fat.
  • llama_sammich
    llama_sammich Posts: 124
    Ok....how do I know what percentage of my body is fat? This is sounding less and less realistic...
  • SweetLove91
    Anyone know how I will track my calories burned while liftin weights??
  • csy108
    csy108 Posts: 58 Member
    These calcs can be off for some people, but they seem to corroborate the BF% I got from an electric current resistance scale I have that gives me a BF% read out.


    None of these are exact, just ballpark. IMO, their only real usefulness is to track a change over time. I understand there are ultra accurate scans you can get done at an appropriate facility.
  • briansyuki
    briansyuki Posts: 11 Member
    Body fat percentage is the mass of the body that is pure fat tissues. When you lose weight you lose both fat tissues and lean tissues while the bf% can go down without losing weight, especially if you build more muscles.
    Knowing your bf% is important because it will help you determine if your fat level is healthy and track your progress in fat loss.

    see comprehensive article about measuring body fat percentage: http://www.loseweightlegit.com/6-effective-ways-to-measure-body-fat-percentage-6/
  • Murph1908
    Murph1908 Posts: 125 Member
    You can get a scale that calculates body fat percentage.

    My weight has stayed the same for the past 2 weeks, but I have lost .5% of body fat. It was nice to see that go down, since my weight was on a plateau.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    You can get a scale that calculates body fat percentage.

    My weight has stayed the same for the past 2 weeks, but I have lost .5% of body fat. It was nice to see that go down, since my weight was on a plateau.

    I really don't get this...how could one lose body fat without losing weight? body recomp is for real I know but it takes time and discipline...I am not saying you are doing it wrong since I don't know you...I am just honestly confused and curious about it...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You can get a scale that calculates body fat percentage.

    My weight has stayed the same for the past 2 weeks, but I have lost .5% of body fat. It was nice to see that go down, since my weight was on a plateau.

    I really don't get this...how could one lose body fat without losing weight? body recomp is for real I know but it takes time and discipline...I am not saying you are doing it wrong since I don't know you...I am just honestly confused and curious about it...

    because those scale are famously inaccurate and flucuate badly due to hydration levels...I wouldn't trust them at all.
  • elbaldwin0525
    elbaldwin0525 Posts: 159 Member
    I have nothing to add other than youre so freaking beautiful! srs.
    This confuses me greatly. Please explain. And maybe offer advice as to how to do this.

    Note: I do not go to the gym. I find it boring and I just...can't do it. I've tried so many times. I do swim, though. Used to occasionally do a lil yoga at home but that's all. I have been eating better, too. Lots of bunny food, try to mix some protein in with every meal (like chicken, if it's on sale), rarely drink pop...

    Thanks :)