Kettle bell DVD

I need to change up my workout and I was told to try some kettle bell workouts. Does anyone have a good DVD they would recommend? I really enjoy running too so I am looking for something to add in with running. Thanks.


  • GregJourney
    GregJourney Posts: 80 Member
    Ultimate kettlebell for beginners by Paul Katami is a good starter
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Power Body: Kettlebell Bootcamp with Angie Miller

    Someone brought it in to our gym (at work, have small area for DVD workouts) and my buddy and I decided to try it one day when we were bored of the same old same old. This is one of those workouts where the next day your sore in places you forgot had muscles! She's a great instructor, talks about form and goes through moves at a slow pace then increases and adds levels of difficulty. Haven't done this in a few months so I may be misremembering but I believe you can also do only a few of the sections if you're pressed for time.

  • mandie919
    mandie919 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks guys! I am looking to specifically work on my core area, did you see results with this?
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    I thinks these a great for a new KB user - bonus they are on sale
  • mandie919
    mandie919 Posts: 55 Member
    And what weight kettlebell would you recommend starting with??