Need advice

I've been logging into MFP for the past five days and doing really well. I've been exercising, drinking water and staying under my calories. Tomorrow is a real test of how well I do. It's my mom's birthday and we're having a party for her with tons of food and, of course, cake. I always end up eating a lot at parties and I really don't want to do that tomorrow. Do you guys have any advice for me to make sure I don't eat too much? Is it advisable to skip lunch and just have the party food and save calories? I'm open to any and every idea!



  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Personally, I would drink lots of water, and eat something healthy before you go. Have a little slice of cake, but keep water or tea handy and sip at that to avoid other calorie traps. Just think how hard you worked all week!!!! you dont wanna wreck that in one little afternoon right? you can do it, stay strong :)
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    you could save up calories or you could eat during the day and try and make good choices. Remember one day didn't make you overweight. :) If you look at the reports you can see it goes on a weekly deficit. :)

    So you could eat what you decide, have a good time and the make some trades throughout the week, or you could not eat and stay under. It's life so do your best. :)

    Have fun and happy Birthday to Mom. BTW I don't like cake or frosting (I know what's wrong with me?) but wow chips and salsa, or cheese whoo those are me weakness.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    That is a tough one. The key is moderation. Pick your favorite thing and have some of that or have a small amount of everything. Sometimes just a taste is all I want anyway. If you go over a little, It's not going to undo your whole week but if you are like me it might set off a binge that can't be controlled. Also, you could take a veggie tray so you know there is something there you can eat.
  • lbridges27
    One trick that always helps me eat less before a big meal or party is to have half an apple an hr or so before I'm going to be eating.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    If it were me, I would get a good cardio workout in before the afternoon; then I don't feel guilty later!
  • withanurgency
    All great suggestions! Thanks so much guys! I'll just make sure I eat a little something before I go. Skipping lunch might backfire because I'll be ravenous. I'll make sure I'm not starving and then just eat in moderation. I've been great with calories thus far so I can indulge a little.

    Thank you! :-)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Everything in moderation. Load up your plate with veggies and oly leave yourdself with a litte room for the high calories snacks.

    Chose just one piece of cake...make it an insde piece with less iceing.

    eat slow and the throw away the plate. Thell yourself you won't get another one for at least 20min. by then you probably wont be hungry.

    drink water no sodas

    you can definalt save up calories, but I would not recomend skipping lunch. If you do you may be so hungry you binge at teh party.

    Good luck and have fun :)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    well, for me, a plan kinda helps. I would not attend starving. drink plenty of water the entire day. eat everything you normally would, but in moderation....just a taste or a few bites. then walk away. being in control will be key here. again, it's just one day...make sure you enjoy it as well. try not to stress about the food....make it all about your mom! good luck and have fun!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    That is a tough one. The key is moderation. Pick your favorite thing and have some of that or have a small amount of everything. Sometimes just a taste is all I want anyway. If you go over a little, It's not going to undo your whole week but if you are like me it might set off a binge that can't be controlled. Also, you could take a veggie tray so you know there is something there you can eat.

    I like the veggie tray idea. That's what I did for Thanksgiving at my sisters house. I still went over my calories but only by a bit. Snacking has always been a big part of Thanksgiving for me. Filling up on the veggies kept me from the fudge tray. Good luck :)
  • dux1fan
    dux1fan Posts: 65 Member
    Eat like you would normally that day. I would have a yummy salad with lots of veggies and low calorie dressing. Have fun and work out an extra 10 mins too :)
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Keep a drink of water in your hand at all times at the party. If you're drinking you're not eating and the water (along with SOME of the healthier party foods) will keep your stomach full. Also, if you want cake, HAVE cake. Eat 3 bites to satisfy your desire and then discretely throw it away. Exercise a little more than normal the day before, the day of, and the day after the party. You'll be fine. :)
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    I've been logging into MFP for the past five days and doing really well. I've been exercising, drinking water and staying under my calories. Tomorrow is a real test of how well I do. It's my mom's birthday and we're having a party for her with tons of food and, of course, cake. I always end up eating a lot at parties and I really don't want to do that tomorrow. Do you guys have any advice for me to make sure I don't eat too much? Is it advisable to skip lunch and just have the party food and save calories? I'm open to any and every idea!


    I would drink water before the party to help fill you up, so you're not so hungry to begin with. Do not skip any meals! I would say, before you eat anything, decide how much you want of each thing that would satisfy you; eat the cake but a smaller piece. Enjoy your food 'but' LOG everything. I started out eating whatever I wanted on MFP but I always logged everything no matter how unhealthy and still stayed under my calorie guideline. If you have a smart phone, you can look at the calories before you eat a food, and know ahead of time how many calories it will cost. I log everything as soon as I eat it, so I always know what calories I have left for the day. Also, you can add exercise to the day to help counter the calorie intake. Don't let this occasion be stressful or you'll overeat even more. If you go over, get back on the next day without guilt.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Definitely don't skimp all day to save calories. You'll only go into it starving and then eat tons of bad food!

    Try drinking sugar free metamucil in the afternoon - the fiber will fill you up. Also make sure to have lots of fiber and protein at breakfast and lunch. And, like everyone else said, drink a lot of water and/or other fluids.

    Then, do as someone else suggested - make your first round of food a plate of veggies and low-cal options. Eat that first, to satisfy hunger. Then, allow ourself tiny bits of the "bad" stuff. Also, just accept that you will likely go over your daily calories,b ut put a limit on it. When I went to a holiday party, I gave myself an extra 500 calories that day and just went with it. Didn't impact my weight loss b/c one day won't hurt you and weight is a trend over time.
  • withanurgency
    You guys are all so awesome! I love, love, LOVE MFP!

    THANK YOU! <3<3
  • sapphirelazuli
    I can only echo what everyone else has said. Do a little extra exercise, don't go on and empty stomach and drink plenty of water. Don't pile your plate, only put on what can fit. :)
  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
    I would say don't skip lunch whatever you do. You would probably end up eating way more then you would normally at a party because you would be so Hungry. If you like soup i would have a bowl or shop or warm tomatoe juice before you go and bring a healthy snack with you so in case there is only junk food you can have a second option. Good luck and let me know how it goes