What have I done?

All of my hard work I did is lost. I have had a lot going on over the past 7 months and have not taken time for myself. Today I stepped on a scale for the first time in months and I am almost right back to where I had started in 2012. I was at 289 then now I am at 285. I was down to 264 at one point and maintained it for quite some time before it started to creep back up. Because of everything else going on I stopped taking care of me. I am so disappointed in myself. I'm frustrated and need to get back into the right frame of mind, so that I can take care of me again. To think all it took was someone saying something to me that I used to hear when I was a kid to make the downward spiral begin. How do I get to the point where those stupid little things don't bother me.


  • jcas211
    jcas211 Posts: 5 Member
    Remember this, Today is a new day and so is tomorrow. I have no idea what someone said but I hope I can encourage you to try again. I started a diet 3 weeks ago and joined on here just 4 days ago (found the site by accident while calculating calories in a recipe). I have only lost a total of 10 pounds so far, 2 in the time on here - still 55 - 60 pounds from goal. I had lost weight before and gained it all back + more. Let's try this together. You have not gone as far as I did in re-gaining. I will try to come up with encouragement to help you.
  • nicki_1004
    nicki_1004 Posts: 36
    Thank you. I know it is a new day just having a hard time getting out of the funk. I had an awesome support team when I began losing weight in 2012 and it has kind of dwindled down . Tomorrow is a brand new day I am going to get back on track!
  • s4naz
    s4naz Posts: 86 Member
    A year from now you would have wished that you started today! So do it and don't look back!
  • mckat08
    mckat08 Posts: 79 Member
    A year from now you would have wished that you started today! So do it and don't look back!

    Exactly!! I tell myself this everyday!!
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    I have been everywhere between 103 and 210. My "healthy" bmi is something like 115-130. I have lost 45 pounds here, gained 60 there, lost 10, gained 5. Don't beat yourself up. It will just overwhelm you. Get up, make the best choices you can, and get it done. Every d**n day. Whenever you start to give up, remember how you felt on this day. Print your post out and put it where you can see it.
  • hjblackburn26
    I agree with everyone else. Tomorrow is a new day! I have to remind myself of that all the time. I, also, have had a rough couple of months for different reasons resulting in me putting back on the weight I had lost. I weigh currently 295 and I was down to 285 not to long ago. While I'm not up to where I was when I first started I'm still disappointed in myself for 'falling off the wagon'.

    I'm told all the time to take it one day at a time. Believe me...it's hard to believe and do when you are trying so hard. We are all in this together and if you need to talk that is what we are here for. WE CAN DO THIS!! It might not be as fast as we want it to be but we can do this as long as we believe we can and work hard at it. Good luck!
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    The only thing you've 'done' is decide to get back on here and do something for yourself. :flowerforyou: