anything > treadmill

fanullona Posts: 82 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Help! I can't stand the treadmill!
I much prefer running on the street or in the park but it's dark by the time I get home from work and there's tons of snowy sludge on the ground so my only cardio choice is the treadmill which usually results in a very short, half a$$ed run.
What do you guys do to stay motivated on the treadmill? Any mind tricks? :wink:


  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm strange - I actually prefer the treadmill to walking outside (sorry - I'm not a runner yet). I find that watching the miles add up motivates me. Watching how each time I increase the incline my calorie burn goes up, knowing that I'm not going to get hit by a car, etc...

    Have you tried circuit training? Do the treadmill for 15 minutes, jump off and do some jumping jacks, lunges, crunches etc then go back to the treadmill?
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    I usually set out either a distance or a time that I must run when I get on the treadmill. Then I start counting down...I am a clock watcher and probably it'd be easier if I could just not look but I watch the time almost constantly and tell myself when I have 1/10th done etc I try to put something interesting on the TV and listen to music too but mostly it's just a willpower thing for me to set a goal and finish it.
    I also sometimes try to see if I can beat a previous record for a 5k or something on the treadmill so I am competing with myself and trying to make a goal, so it's easier to keep pushing thru if I have a definite endpoint.

    Good Luck!
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    On days when I am bored with the treadmill, I look up a treadmill workout, print it out/write it down and bring it with me to the gym to do. It adds variety, keeps you interested and engaged.

    There are tons if you just google "treadmill workouts," but for example:
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    I try to mix it up by doing different speeds and inclines. Sometimes I do intervals too. It really makes the workout more interesting.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I love my tv, so I bought DVD's of series that I'd always been meaning to watch. I'm only allowed to watch them when I walk on the treadmill. Since I'm not a runner by choice, I am also training for a 5K which makes me use the treadmill since I live in Iowa--the land of snow. That keeps me motivated!
  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    Similar story I love my bike but winter months make it not exactly a joy so it exercise bike for me, my motivation comes from knowing it's still helping and looking out the window waiting for spring.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    I hate the treadmill, I could never stay on it very long even though I did see results and liked them. But I'd give up and stop and put it right back on. I'm doing better the DVDs, which I vary everyday. Some people say they do better with a good music mix, a book on tape or even watch a TV program. Me? I walk outdoors on Saturdays (yea, not a runner either) in the middle of the day (but I can do that here in Arizona). And do my morning workouts with DVDs (right now switching off with 4 or 5 Jillian Michaels DVDs). Good Luck!!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    I will sometimes set it up so I can watch videos on youtube or netflix while I am on the treadmill. Also, with me personally the first 5 to 7 minutes of the treadmill is the worst part then I can kinda get into it. I'd rather be outside walking too, but it isn't always optimal. Or an MP3 player works too. I tried reading a book while exercising on there, but that was totally not working for me and ended up being really clunky lol ... Also, you can try mixing up your pace on it too. Try running for a few then back to walking then running etc. It helps to switch it up and make it more fun.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I too have a hard time running on the treadmill (I just can't get into the rhythm when I'm focused on the speed setting).

    Try dancing and workout videos when the ground is too snowy. Netflix has a bunch you can order the disc for, and even some you can instant play. I even looked up dance steps for ball room dancing and practiced those just for fun by myself.

    You could get a step and do step aerobics if space feels too tight or restricted (moving up not out!)
  • evieparamore
    evieparamore Posts: 4 Member
    I prefer the treadmill to running outdoors - I run outside from time to time, but for me the climate controlled gym is much more motivating for me! To help, I keep my ipod shuffle updated with only upbeat songs - my "running music." Each song typically averages around 3.5 minutes, so by the time I've listed to 3 songs, I've already ran at least mile. Make a 9-song playlist and there's at least a 5k on the treadmill! :)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Oh I kind of love the treadmill sometimes!

    Make a new playlist, find a movie or Jersey Shore marathon (haha!) to watch on t.v. and definitely rock the intervals/increase incline. It helps to put the focus on something else in timed sets.

    Even a half assed run is still a run! Take pride in just moving your bod!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I'm strange - I actually prefer the treadmill to walking outside (sorry - I'm not a runner yet). I find that watching the miles add up motivates me. Watching how each time I increase the incline my calorie burn goes up, knowing that I'm not going to get hit by a car, etc...

    Have you tried circuit training? Do the treadmill for 15 minutes, jump off and do some jumping jacks, lunges, crunches etc then go back to the treadmill?

    I would do that...but i would feel wicked stupid as I would be at the gym lol
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Oh I kind of love the treadmill sometimes!

    Make a new playlist, find a movie or Jersey Shore marathon (haha!) to watch on t.v. and definitely rock the intervals/increase incline. It helps to put the focus on something else in timed sets.

    Even a half assed run is still a run! Take pride in just moving your bod!

    new jersey shore this thursday baby!!!! whoop whoop!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I haven't figured out any way to consistently stick with a treadmill. Closest I can come is to cover the readout so I dont know how far or how long I've been going and watch a show that I can't figure out the time from.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I stay motivated by positive reenforcement and KNOWING that running more than 30 minutes a day takes off 2 pounds a week no matter how poorly I eat. Loud music and making a running schedule to look at my progress toward a goal i.e. 6 miles in under an hour by my b-day, 7 miles @ 6.5 mph by April 1, etc. Setting a daily goal in the running schedule makes it more real for me than just getting on and running til my mind says STOP! I'm a clock watcher as well so I use that to my advantage by looking at how far I've gone and telling myself at the end, "I'm slimmer than I was an hour ago." I run first thing in the morning after a little caffeine and no food so my body burns fat instead of the food I ate recently. It's called "fasted cardio".
  • fanullona
    fanullona Posts: 82 Member
    all great advice. Thanks guys!!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm strange - I actually prefer the treadmill to walking outside (sorry - I'm not a runner yet). I find that watching the miles add up motivates me. Watching how each time I increase the incline my calorie burn goes up, knowing that I'm not going to get hit by a car, etc...

    Have you tried circuit training? Do the treadmill for 15 minutes, jump off and do some jumping jacks, lunges, crunches etc then go back to the treadmill?

    I would do that...but i would feel wicked stupid as I would be at the gym lol

    Why? I'll bet if you did it once or twice - you'd start seeing others doing the same thing.... then you'd be a trendsetter. LOL!
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I get so bored on treadmills!!! I love to go run my 4 miles outside but on days I cant because of the rain like today. I get sooo bored. I do not watch the tv it doesn't keep me focused. I stare at the screen in front of me and start to think and my thoughts just keep coming and sometimes it makes time go by faster but its hard because my distance is staring me in the face!
  • I watch fitness/"i used to be fat"/biggest loser type shows when I'm on the EFX at home, or when I'm at the gym I take my itouch and watch Family Guy. If possible, I'd chose the exercise, weight-loss type shows. SUCH a motivator!
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