Eating around 800 cal a day



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Okay thanks so much to everyone who answered! I've decided to try and up my intake even if I feel like I'm forcing myself. I'm doing this to be healthy and the last thing I want to do is damage it! I'm just going to start with adding almonds to my diet to get the calories up without filling myself up to much. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I could eat that would be great but once again thanks everyone! And thanks for not being so judgmental or confrontational too :)

    :drinker: Nuts are a great way to get extra calories and healthy fats in when you're low on calories. It doesn't take a lot to get a significant calorie boost from nuts, so you don't have to feel like you're stuffing yourself when you're not hungry.

    LOL, zombie thread!!!
  • sdefranc
    sdefranc Posts: 30 Member
    7 years ago, I was on a 800 calorie diet through high school in order to lose weight fast. I ended up DESTROYING my thyroid and reproductive system.

    It isn't worth it. Up your calorie intake, eat higher calorie/higher protein foods.

    Same thing was happening to me.... after a while started getting lots of hypothyroidism symptoms without realising what they were, then mineral deficiencies, and to add injury to insult, stopped losing weight as well as my metabolism came to a halt.

    So not only isn't it worth it, it doesn't work... perhaps you'll lose weight in the beginning, even for a number of months and feel ok for a while, but sooner or later you will HAVE to go back to a higher calorie intake, and when you do, expect all those losses to reverse themselves pretty quickly.
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