Easy Lazy/Emergency Meals?


Just starting out on this journey & wondering if people have any good suggestions for easy meals that you can prepare that is healthy for the days where you are tired & just want to head down to McDonalds rather than fully cook a meal.

I've done like chicken sausages & salad before but not sure how healthy that is. I'm a terrible cook, if a recipe says it takes 1 hour, I normally take at least 2 hours so any help would be really good!


  • pitterpatti
    pitterpatti Posts: 33 Member
    Broil some fish/chicken lightly seasoned
    Mix a pot of quinoa with low sodium veggie or chicken broth in a 1 to 1 ratio, boil, cover, reduce heat, and simmer for about 15-20 minutes
    I'm not sure if they have them where you are, but I get the pre chopped fresh produce in a plastic bag that is microwavable. Most days I actually do something with it, but on lazy days, I just nuke it in the bag and season afterwards.
    This whole dinner is completed in the time it takes to cook the quinoa.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I make big batches of things like chili or posole or Moroccan stew and put some in individual serving bowls in the freezer. I also keep some of the healthier soups (Pacific Foods, etc.) on hand, and a few convenience meals like Lean Cuisines and black bean burgers in the freezer.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    Do you also not enjoy cooking? If you just don't know how to do it, then seriously consider taking a few classes on healthy cooking. It's a way better investment than going to a restaurant and you might meet people who are also into healthy food. Restaurant food is expensive! even fast food.

    I try to use my days off work to prep/cook food that I can combine throughout the week in different ways. I keep stuff in tupperware so it is ready to eat with not a lot of last minute effort.

    I usually will make some or all of the following items:
    -sauteed green veggies with garlic and olive oil (kale, zucchini, broccoli, etc)
    -roasted boneless chicken thighs
    -broiled salmon, marinaded with garlic and ginger and a little soy
    -wash lettuce
    -cut carrots and other veggies into sticks
    -roasted yams
    -roasted cauliflower
    -sauteed mushrooms with garlic
    -hard boil a bunch of eggs
    -a vegetable soup
    -turkey meatballs in fresh tomato sauce

    I plan to add some kind of a whole grain pilaf thing (maybe wheat berries with caramelized onions, pine nuts, raisins, herbs) to this rotation at the suggestion of my dietician who thinks I am not eating enough grains.

    These pre-prepped foods can be combined in different ways--sometimes I will make like a chicken tortilla taco for dinner with some salsa, or I can add some of the salmon to a big salad or with some soba noodles, cucumbers and cilantro make like an asian pasta salad, or just eat a yam with a pat of butter and some veggies with store-bought hummus for lunch or a snack, etc.

    Another thing is that if you live near a farmer's market, get food from there because it is much tastier and you won't be going to a supermarket full of aisles of junk food.
    Getting really into whole delicious natural foods can be a great way to lose weight.

    I'd say a cooking class will help you, unless you really just hate to cook. Try to make it a relaxing and fun hobby/activity/interest :)
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    I am the queen of lazy meals. I cook once per week and then during the week I throw together meals in 5 minutes. I cook about 2 pounds of chicken breast in the oven, cut it up into cubes and store in the fridge. I'll make a huge batch of rice, and veggies (throw in some of that cooked chicken), store in the fridge. I'll pull out the chicken throw it into a pita with some cheese and stick it in the toaster oven. 5 minute meal. Or 2 minutes on the stove in a tortilla for a quesadilla. 5 minute meal. Heat up the rice mix in the microwave. 2 minute meal.

    I have a rice cooker so I just set it and walk away, come back and I have about 8 cups of perfect rice. I just add a bag of frozen mixed veggies, chicken, and scramble some eggs in the microwave throw them in. Done.

    I bake the chicken in the oven with a tiny bit of olive oil, pepper, and mrs dash. 25 minutes or so at 350. Done.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    I think the easiest, least time consuming meal (next to a smoothie) to make is a salad! I like your idea of a chicken sausage salad. I buy a lot of salad greens every week, so I never have an excuse to not make a salad. Just wash your greens (or splurge on prewashed) add some protein (i.e. chicken sausage, pumpkin seeds, slivered almonds, smoked oysters, anchovies) & some colorful veggies (i.e. beets, peppers, onions, mushrooms, avocado, tomatoes). If you use dressing, you can put a couple of tablespoons in the bottom of some Tupperware, add your salad on top and then shake it up to dress it at lunch time.

    Also, it really helps me to plan out all of my meals each week, before I go grocery shopping. Then, when I get home from grocery shopping, I take the time to portion out the food for my week's meals & snacks. If I have time, I'll even cook things like chicken, potatoes, or beets, which take a while to cook, then wrap them up so they're ready for the week. Nothing hurts my weight loss efforts more than waiting until I'm hungry to figure out what to eat!
  • realdusi
    realdusi Posts: 10 Member
    I eat a lot of soups, salads, sandwiches and the occasional frozen dinner. I work a lot and go to school so about twice a week I pre package salads and fruit and veggie snack packs for the week for lunch and dinner. Sandwiches are great because they are quick, can have infinite variety and travel really well (usually my dinner on a school night). I always keep about 6-12 frozen dinners on hand so if I feel like something different but don't want to cook I have something tasty. In college I used to cook a large meal every Sunday and portion it into single servings in the freezer. After about four weeks you've built up some decent variety.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    I am the queen of lazy cooking:

    Mixed frozen veggies and add a can of tuna. Throw in pan and stir until veggies are warm (or microwave).

    Slim noodles, philly cheese and whatever cooked meat you have (ham, chicken etc)

  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member
    Anything in the oven, and anything blended.

    Last night I had pork (already diced) in the oven with a greek yoghurt sauce and i blended up some steamed broccoli with cheese and milk. Took about 10 mins to prepare

    Less time to drive to maccas!
  • babymulanz
    babymulanz Posts: 9 Member
    Great ideas, that's really helpful, thanks!!. I can't wait to get home & try them. I have some quinoa & chicken breast at home. yay!!
    I have no excuse now.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    It's nowhere near as yummy-sounding as the other suggestions, but I just had two slices of Whitewheat bread, toasted, with shredded cheddar melted on top and three sausage links, cut in halves, overall. I've had a cold, I'm diabetic, and I haven't wanted to eat much over the last 36 hours. This little "meal" was packed with the calories and the protein that I needed and wasn't overwhelming with fat, carbs, or sodium. It only took about 5 minutes to make, too, so it could be a quick boost for when you need to run out the door in the morning.
  • rdsxfn
    rdsxfn Posts: 58 Member
    pizza. (I love pizza lol)

    just plan your day accordingly from the get go and you can fit it within your calorie goal. :drinker: