Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Challenge!

suejoker Posts: 317 Member
Hello, Beautiful MFP People!

Before January of this year, I liked fruits & vegetables, but I never ate enough of them. Sometimes there were economic reasons, but usually I was just minimizing their importance to my health. Since January, I've really stepped up my game and have reaped the benefits! I'm down to 1 blood pressure medication (I used to take 4), my cholesterol is down, my energy is up, and I'm completely full & satisfied, while losing the weight I need to lose!

One of my MFP friends said she was trying to get her veggie intake up, so I challenged her to see how many days in a row she could eat 9 servings of fruit & vegetables. She's on a roll! So, I decided to take the challenge over to the message boards and see if anyone else would like to work on their fruit & veggie intake. You don't have to reach for 9 servings/day, if that feels like too pie in the sky right now. Just commit to a number of servings and see how many days in a row you can sustain that. When that gets easy, up your number and see how many days in a row you can do that!

Check in here as often as you can, so we know how you're doing! Share your favorite fruit & veggie recipes. Post pictures of your latest farmers market score! Challenge your friends & loved ones. Go ahead, get competitive with it!

Today, I've had 12 servings of fruits & vegetables, how about you?



  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    Count me in, Sue! At this time of the year, I love my salads! I eat a lot of stir fry year round. Veggie bread is a good source, three servings in each slice! I haven't had any trouble getting in 9 servings a day, and some days more!!
  • PlumeriaToo
    PlumeriaToo Posts: 188 Member
    I'll join the challenge. I usually eat one veg at each meal but I know that's puny and I have been trying to make it two veg and a fruit. This challenge should spur me to be more accountable. This is the season to begin this challenge with all the asparagus now and rhubarb on the way. This will be very good for me.:happy:
  • carolbentson
    carolbentson Posts: 2 Member
    I'm In. Count me in for 9 servings a day
  • jeni27
    jeni27 Posts: 17
    Could I have the recipe for veggy bread?
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I'm eating as many veggies as I can already. That many servings would probably kill me. My poor belly isn't used to much roughage.
  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    The veggie bread is made by Country Harvest, at least in Canada. There are 2 different kinds; I've only tried the tomato one. It's pretty good. I like it toasted and put tomato or cucumber slices on it. I'm picking up a loaf of the other one today to give it a try. Will post more fully on both later today, or tomorrow after I've tried it!!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    I'm eating as many veggies as I can already. That many servings would probably kill me. My poor belly isn't used to much roughage.

    Jestinia brings up an important point for people not used to eating fiber rich foods! When I started, I didn't take that into account and had some very crampy, bloated & gassy days! It passed (no pun intended;) within a couple of weeks, but I wish I'd slowly increased my intake instead. So, I recommend that you gradually increase your fiber intake over a few weeks. Also, as you're increasing your fiber intake, make sure to also increase your fluid intake. It will keep everything flowing smoothly:blushing:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'll do it, and am excited to see what other eat. I eat lots of vegetables--I try to have 2-3 different ones per meal (I'm never sure what makes a serving size exactly) and in particular have been trying to bring them for lunch even when I don't bring a full lunch--but sometimes feel like I'm in a rut with my choices. Right now in addition to what I buy at the grocery store I've been getting some vegetables from a local farm, but at the moment that just means greens and root vegetables (beets, parsnips, celeriac, and carrots). Also, I have some rhubarb and am trying to decide what to do it besides buy some strawberries and make a pie (luckily pies are too much work anyway, so I'm not that tempted, even though that's my favorite pie). I recall using it as a savory side at one point, so will have to look on the internet for ideas.
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    I love fruits and vegetables. I have a tendency to be very up and down with them. It depends on my schedule. I eat a lot of salads and have a veggie with dinner. When I pack my lunch, I try to throw in an apple or carrots or cucumber. However, I always feel like there should be more. Definitely up to improving that as well as my water consumption. :)
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Here are a couple of useful links (they need to be copied and pasted into your browser).

    This one shows exactly what is a serving of many common fruits & veggies:

    This one gives an overview of the health benefits of eating more fruits & veggies:
  • delaroom
    delaroom Posts: 7
    I used to love fruits! But they make my sweet cravings worse. So I eat them less often. But veggies are still good friends. They keep me full and I love to explore with them! I realized eggplants are my fav! they have this creamy texture and great taste! especially with cheese. I also like the taste of leeks now! subtle sweet! better than onion smell-wise!!! I add zuccinis to my morning omletes! And also avocados!!! perfectly go with scrambeled eggs! ummm. Oh and cucumbers!!! I love the fresh smell of those!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Delaroom, have you tried roasted sweet potatoes, carrots or beets yet? Hopefully, they wouldn't trigger your sugar cravings, but they all taste like candy!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Dinner time! Wild Alaskan Cod in a tomato puree based sauce with garlic, green onions, cilantro, asparagus, & beet greens. Total # veggie servings in this meal: 4. Add 1 in snacks, 4 in my green smoothie, and 3 in my lunch, that's 12 servings of fruits & veggies today! I'm on a roll!

    If you'd like to try this recipe, just spray an oven pan with your favorite cooking spray. Put all of the ingredients in same pan and put in a 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes.

  • felicia2005
    felicia2005 Posts: 35 Member
    Count me in!
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    O.K. Not sure how many cups these are as I drink quite a few of them in my morning smoothie

    250 gr of spinach
    6 aspargus spears
    200 gr of broccoli
    200 gr of peas
    2 kiwis
    6 chunks of pineapple
    250gr of blueberries
    A huge bowl of green mixed salad

    This is pretty much what I eat daily.
  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    Sorry folks! I can't update you on the veggie bread by Country Harvest. No veggie bread left in the store yesterday! I did see another brand, Dempster I think, but it only had half a serving of veggies; wasn't worth $4.00 for 12 slices of bread!! I'd rather have some real veggies!!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm in.

    Saying that, this weekend won't be a good start. :tongue:
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    I'm in.

    Saying that, this weekend won't be a good start. :tongue:

    FlaxMilk, you're in, just because you're funny and has anyone ever told you that you resemble an apple? Better be careful in here, someone might eat you;)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    FlaxMilk, you're in, just because you're funny and has anyone ever told you that you resemble an apple? Better be careful in here, someone might eat you;)

    Thank you! :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    It may be time to change my pic, huh? I haven't because I keep meaning to take pictures of something pretty to eat and forget to do so. :grumble:
  • sonnig_tag
    sonnig_tag Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in. Realizing I have been eating too few veggies, for sure.

    My name is Susan. I'm new to the website but have used the iphone app off and on, not really sticking to it. Recently I had a physical and my fasting blood sugar is too high. I have been worried about this...and have diabetes in my family. Anyhoo, I need to lose 40 pounds.