Murdering hunger



  • predi22
    predi22 Posts: 8
    Thank you very much, I'm sure lots of the advice here will help me!

    Many of you require me to use my willpower. If I had it I wouldn't have these 60 lbs extra, but let's keep hope, maybe I'll somehow get it :)

    Jestinia... "until I was in ketosis for a couple of months." wow. I admire you. I don't know if I could make that long without suicidal thoughts :-)

    Capt_Apollo, two slices only might seem like a good idea! I never tried it yet but I think I will!

    beachgod... "Buy a digital food scale and weigh everything"... my meals would take me half a day, especially with all the seconds I get :)

    auddii.. "If cutting carbs didn't work well last time" - well it did, for a few weeks only though. I wish I understood why it was like that. Thank you for the links, I'm reading them now!

    doodlecakes_0 - "Roast your veggies in olive or coconut oil, it's healthier than fries and will get you used to vegetables. " - wow this DOES SOUND GOOD!!! thanks!!

    TwinsRaGift - I've never heard of Sam-e, seems like a good help for starting a diet! Thank you!

    jenlovv - a smoothie like this seems like a great idea! black bean quinoa burgers - I love beans! thank you!

    SabinaBehague - "You didn't mention if you drink sodas or other sugary drinks. " - I only drink diet soda. No sugar, for sure, but they seem to boost my appetite... I tried munching on veggies, like you said, and I was constantly hungry though :(

    KatDJZ - Phentramin-D sounds good for some time, it's not very cheap but it's temporary though. Do you know any reliable source of getting it? There's lots of fake supplements everywhere today.

    itodd4019, "When you are "empty" feel it! " you say, well, I'll pray for the courage to do that :)

    GBrady43068 - "I'm in the wrong thread." - LOL - hehehe :))

    BIG THANK YOU everyone, I feel encouraged :-)
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    2 cups chopped lettuce/romaine/whatever lettuce you want (2 cups is a lot!)
    1/2 chopped red bell pepper
    2 tablespoons sour cream
    1 tablespoon salsa (I mixed the salsa with the sour cream)
    100 grams of cooked ground chicken which had been seasoned with cumin, salt and pepper
    ...and I also like a dallop of hummus on my salads (I doubted that this salad would fill me up, so I added hummus...I probably didn't need it)

    Anyways, the whole salad was around 260 calories and it murdered my hunger.

    You don't have to starve or be hungry, I promise. I loooove food. You should too.

    I make a very similar salad but with 1/2 cup of taco meat, an oz of cheddar, some avocado, and twice the salsa and light sour cream. I also add cucumber and red onion. Still only about 450 calories, tastes delicious and very filling
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    SabinaBehague - "You didn't mention if you drink sodas or other sugary drinks. " - I only drink diet soda. No sugar, for sure, but they seem to boost my appetite... I tried munching on veggies, like you said, and I was constantly hungry though :(

    Switch from diet soda to water if you can. Munch on the veggies *between* meals, not instead of meals. And remember that hunger is not the enemy. I'm hungry right now, but I just looked at the clock (10:40 my time) and reminded myself that I'll be having lunch in about 1 1/2 hours. I've learned that it won't kill me to wait a little while to eat.

  • GetteJ
    GetteJ Posts: 27 Member
    I'll echo what a couple have said about veggies. You can eat LOTS of them without as many calories as the other stuff. As for soups, try blended squash or potato; you can add just a dollop of cream but get that same creamy consistency. And broaden your horizons for broth and juice based soups. Many different flavors to try that way.
    Can you request a standing desk? A friend of mine in an insurance office recently lost close to 60 pounds, and that was one thing that helped. If not, SCHEDULE breaks away from your desk, even if it's 5 minutes to go ask someone in the building a question rather than emailing. It makes a bigger difference than you think.
    Baby steps!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Diet pills and restrictived eating don't work long term, which you've already discovered. I went through the same thing for years. Atkins "worked" for me too - for about a year - then I went on a vacation where I wasn't able to control the foods as well and after being completely off track and fully enjoying all the carby yumminess, I just couldn't find the willpower to get back to it and the weight came back over the next year.

    So, this time around I decided to eat the foods I enjoy, just in smaller portions and with some healthier substitutes (more veggies, leaner meats, etc) and over time I figured out which macro balance works best to keep me satisfied. As long as you're eating within your MFP calorie allowance, you will lose weight. As you continue tracking, pay attention to how certain foods affect you. Most find that foods high in protein and healthy fats are more filling than high carb foods. Some find high fiber foods quite satisfying. I've also found that, for me, more processed foods are less satisfying than the more natural versions (example: instant oatmeal vs home cooked steel cut oats).
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    SO here I am hungry, haven't eaten since 6:30, had my 2 poached eggs, suppliments and veggie smoothie for breakfast. (320 cals)

    I feel empty- I am having a cup of grean tea, and eating baby carrots. (sub 100 cals)

    It's feeling good, and I am hanging in there.

    I remember when I used to have oatmeal with butter (500 cals) before I left the house, then right about now a breakkfast burrito and potatoes at this time. (1000 cals easy!)

    I'm winning!

    You will too, believe in yourself man!

    OH- and get out of that chair, walk around some every hour.
    Sit on a swiss ball and keep your core activated all day long. Peeps may look at you funny at first, but it's so good for you, who cares.

    OK, I will leave ya alone now. Just tryin to poke ya and encourage you a bit!
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    p.s. I eat the majority of my cals in the evening when we have a nice dinner. Tonight is Spagetti and salad. Going to bed hungry has never worked for me.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    hey there, you and I are in very similar spots so I wanted to offer some dietary advice from one big man to another. I'm currently 250lbs down from 270ish.

    First, I'm not saying ditch McDonald's, Popeye's and all that great tasting stuff completely but you do need to cut down. I love the big Mac with a side of fries at McDonald's, but I will easily become hungry again in 2 hours tops. It's a lot of calories without a lot of fill. I'd rather go to chipotle and get a burrito bowl with brown rice. Still a lot of calories but keeps me much fuller longer.

    Keep Lean Cuisines in the freezer at work and try making sandwiches at home to bring to the office. My favorite is using Arnold's Arnold's - Sandwich Rounds, Multi-grain (100 cal) and using black forest ham for the meat and one slice of cheese. Very healthy lunch and you can have 2-3 of them.

    I also recommend keeping reasonable snacks to help fight off hunger at the office. As we speak I have two boxes of Nature Valley Trail mix bars roughly 140 calories each and I have a box of goldfish which I measure out using a kitchen scale I leave at work.

    Biggest tip, make sure you record EVERYTHING.

    My next suggestion is get used to cardio. My drive home from work is about an hour too in traffic, so I got a gym membership close by work. I generally do an hour of cardio and squeeze in 20-30 minutes of weights. Even if you only did 45min that'll be a long way to help you become healthier and increase your food allowance. Also, elliptical using a heart rate monitor so far has been the best bang for my buck with burning calories. I average 750 calories working at 70-80% of my max heart rate on the elliptical.

    Generally speaking, I'm not consistently starving so far on this diet, neither should you. You can do this++
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    my favorite hunger suppressants are water, coffee, food, and willpower.

    you're just starting, and making huge drastic changes are the quickest way to find yourself falling back on old habits.

    i used to be able to destroy a whole pizza pie, but instead of ordering a whole pie, i'd order two slices of chicken and peppers pizza. get some extra protein and veggies on there.

    Great post, just wanted to add that I noticed for me that drinking more water helps with the hunger. I don't have a source to site (anyone feel free to jump in), but I read an article in the past that suggested that people can sometimes confuse hunger with thirst. We actually get water from eating our food so that makes sense. So try drinking more water, it'll help.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Butternut squash soup is amazing, and can be used as a base for all sorts of sweet/savory soups and stews.

    Chilis are also a good option. Experiment with different meats like ground turkey breast, pulled pork tenderloin, stuff that is leaner than beef. Also, experiment with different beans and veggies, and try roasting peppers, chilis, onions and tomatoes before putting them in the pot to make them sweeter and more flavorful. You can make some extremely healthy, low cal chilis that are packed with protein and veggies.
  • predi22
    predi22 Posts: 8
    If not, SCHEDULE breaks away from your desk, even if it's 5 minutes to go ask someone in the building a question rather than emailing. It makes a bigger difference than you think.
    Baby steps!
    Thank you! LOL, I have all my computers in the company set up for remote help... we're moving to a 5x bigger building soon and if I didn't set up remote, I'd probably lose 100 lbs in one year :)
  • krisken1
    krisken1 Posts: 9 Member
    You don't need pills. They don't do anything anyway.

    You don't need a special diet either (unless you have medical issues). Reasonable calorie deficit, some exercise, and a lot of patience will get you where you want to be.

    i LOVE the ( alot of patience will get you where you want to be) thats that part i need to tell myself everyday!!!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hey, I just signed up here... My name's Adam, from PA, I'm just under 40, 5'11, 238 lbs (belly only), and I have a totally sitting job - IT specialist, by my computer from 7 till 5:30, plus almost 1 hour driving one way...

    Plus, I love food and it's hard for me to stop before getting really full. The foods I love most include fast foods - especially Popeye's, McDonalds and pizzas...

    Veggies and fruits don't have to exist for me. I can eat them though. Sometimes :-)

    I did Atkins for several weeks a few times in recent years, first 10-15 lbs were fast, then... I stalled.. my mood went bad... and I got back my normal style of life.

    Right now I'm thinking about starting with a low carb again, maybe 2-4 weeks, and then just - SOMEHOW - get on smaller amounts of food.

    I know pretty much about nutrition and I believe I would achieve my goals... especially on a lonely island, with no restaurants and grocery stores :-)

    My question is about hunger suppressants - both chemical (pills) and 'natural', like water or some veggies.

    I'm scared that my mood will go bad again really soon after I reduce the size of my meals and I'll end up with a whole pizza pie again...

    Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

    - Adam
    In the end you will do what works for you, opinion is that without TONS of willpower low-carb doesn't work. I ended up craving nothing but carbs and overindulged.

    The better answer is to start making little changes to what you do and build on them as time goes by.

    1) Is there a gym in your building? If there is, when it's your 10 minute break..go there and hop on a treadmill or elliptical. Do some at lunch. I do this every day in my job and it took me from ZERO exercise a week to 100 minutes a week right away. 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there. If you get an hour lunch, you'll be able to do even more than that. If it helps,think of it as "storing" more calories so you can eat more...
    2) Start logging EVERYTHING you eat here. Don't worry if you OCCASIONALLY go over on calories... a day or two a week hasn't stopped me from losing so long as I didn't go crazy (I can have 6 slices of pizza one day and still lose for the week but I can't eat an entire PIE by myself :tongue: ).
    3) Don't overweigh. Once a week, same day, same time...especially if you obsess about scale numbers. Too many variables affect it...extra water after last night's Chinese food..haven't had your morning "constitutional" yet..etc. can vary it by several pounds either way.
    4) Try and get more water in. Add flavoring if it helps. A lot of the times you think your body is saying "I'm hungry...." it's REALLY saying "I'm dehydrated". If your pee is yellow, you need more water. Aim for closer to a pale yellow lemonade-ish color.
    5) When you start to get bored with your exercise routine (And you WILL) switch it up..start doing weight lifting for some of those (I do that with my 3rd break three of my 5 workdays now). Do a different machine. If it's nice walk outside instead of in. Take a tae kwon do/kickboxing class. Play tennis/basketball/baseball etc etc etc. Ride a bike.
    6) Sometimes pre-logging helps. If you are planning on having a calorie-bomb meal at Popeye's, McDonald's, pizza...log it ahead of time and plan your other food around it.
    7) Not a HUGE calorie-saver but a way to drop some calories here and there...If eating something super-fatty/greasy, dab it a bit with a napkin before eating (remove the pool of grease inside the pepperoni on your pizza, for instance). Every little bit of fat you remove will lower the calor-ifficness a bit but probably isn't enough to change the taste appreciably (I'VE never noticed a difference...)
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I've found a protein smoothly is more filling calorie for calorie than anything else I eat. I use PB2, unsweetened almond milk, frozen blueberries. If I have the extra calories I add one or two tbsp of ground flax or hemp seeds. One scoop protein powder.
    Also, I follow an idea that I took from the South Beach book. That is to have at least one veggie every meal including breakfast. My go-to breakfast is a poached egg on a bed of stir-fried spinach, chard or arugula. I also like making frittatas loaded with veggies like hot peppers, scallions, mushrooms and spinach.
    Lunch is usually the smoothie.
    Dinner varies greatly.
  • Stefmoray
    Stefmoray Posts: 19 Member
    Well actually diet pills like Phentermine do work to control appetite, however you can't live on diet pills so it's a vicious cycle (I know bc I've done it!) So after a while you start eating like you did before bc you are hungry or stressed or too many get togethers and that appetite comes back. So I think.... eat more protein with a good mix of healthy carbs in smaller portions every 3-4 hours, track it and make sure you do some type of exercise (even 30 min of walking) every day. Good luck! I know your pain!
  • kdbnmd
    kdbnmd Posts: 16 Member
    I LOVE fast food and use to order out quite frequently. Food is like a drug in the since that the temptation to over eat
    is going to be there, especially if, like me, you've been doing it most of your life. Change doesn't come quickly but if you adjust your eating habits over time slowly then you have a better chance of making it last. Give your mind and body time to get use to the change.
  • JennifersW8
    " I only drink diet soda. No sugar, for sure, but they seem to boost my appetite"

    Artificial sweeteners have been linked to increased cravings and appetite according to my doctor.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    You're getting mostly excellent advice here. I'd like to also add to see a nutritionist. I saw one about 5 months into my weight loss and wish I had seen her earlier! She helped me not only with my food (personalized for me and my health) but also with my workouts. She kept up with me up until the time I was laid off of work. She would still be keeping up with me if I had given her my personal email vs my work email! It was not expensive and MORE THAN worth the money I spent! She even reviewed my MFP diary to offer suggestions/corrections/recommendations.

    Personally, I do not recommend pills. I do recommend fresh food vs prepackaged/processed/frozen/etc. but I know that's not always possible. Look at labels. Look at calories, fat, carbs, sodium... high sodium content means you may retain water. So try to lay off the salt and use other spices in place.

    Good luck! With determination & drive, YOU CAN DO IT!!! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: and try to cut soft drinks - TOTALLY 100%. drink LOTS of WATER!!! and I mean LOTS! but I do think some have already mentioned this... :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    " I only drink diet soda. No sugar, for sure, but they seem to boost my appetite"

    Artificial sweeteners have been linked to increased cravings and appetite according to my doctor.
    When I'm starving after a workout but still have an hour until my boyfriend gets home, I drink a coke zero to tide me over until dinner. It works wonders, and I have not personally had problems with staying in my calorie goals due to cravings from sweeteners, and it has not hindered my weight loss.
  • saynay18
    saynay18 Posts: 25 Member
    FIBER! Ultimate macro to keep hunger at bay. It can bring along some farts, but you won't be hungry. I have been loving Quest bars lately. Got them at GNC, full of protein and fiber and after I eat one I am SO full! I normally just eat half of a bar for a 100 calorie snack.