
Do you ever just have that day you can't seem to hit your macro goals, or it seems everything you eat is jam packed with one specific macro. I have a hard time with carbs I love fruit I usually eat a serving per meal or a vegetable. I seem to have a really difficult time hitting my protein needs and as far as fat I'm either right on or really over. Anyone else have this problem, have food suggestions? Thanks


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i pre-plan so that it doesnt happen.

    plan your meal round the protein element so you're getting enough.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    This is why I like protein powder. I don't usually have a hard time hitting carbs or fat. And if I am there are tons of options that can help meet my macro quickly and easily.
    So on days when I am low on protein, a protein shake made with water will quickly and easily bump up my protein macro without adding a lot more carbs and fat to make it easier to balance. Depending on where my macros are, I can add other stuff to the shake.
    I'm not worried about being over in fat either.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    i pre-plan so that it doesnt happen.

    plan your meal round the protein element so you're getting enough.

    I also do this too. When planning a meal first thought is what is my protein, second is fat source. Then carbs if I need some.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Pre planning is good.
    I also sometimes add in an extra portion of chicken breast to get up my cals and protein without getting too much fat. Like say if I was going to have 150g, I might have 300g chicken breast for dinner with vegetables.

    I try to save some carbs for 'flil in's', like I won't eat a lot of fruit until I've had lunch or breakfast and know it won't make me go over for the day if I add some more carbs, because I usually have oats or bread or something earlier in the day.

    If it turns out I've still got plenty left after I've had breakfast and lunch and an idea how how many carbs/veggies I will have with my dinner (it helps to pre-log it beforehand) I will have fruit as a snack to get up to my carb macro. But I leave it out if it would make me go over :) I usually always have or make room for my fruit, though.

    Also, I use fat free sugar free greek yogurt as a bit of a filler for protein without the fat content. Also I have seen lower carb bread, and I have some Vetta low carb/high protein pasta spirals as well. I don't know if they have those where you live though.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Wow I could have written this. If I don't prelog and check the macros my carbs are usually too high and my fat can be really bad sometimes. I try to pre log what I will eat which gives me a chance to tweak amounts before its too late (in my stomach already).
  • mylifemychoice1985
    mylifemychoice1985 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone, I try to preplan my day and I do use protein powder but only on days I lift. I work second shift so its hard finding quick meals to take to work that are healthy.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Thanks everyone, I try to preplan my day and I do use protein powder but only on days I lift. I work second shift so its hard finding quick meals to take to work that are healthy.

    I am a shift worker as well. I always take protein powder to work. Cold cut up chicken is good to snack on. If I am lazy and don't make food, I stop and by a roasted chicken at the supermarket, then split it up. I throw a sweet potato in the microwave to eat with it. They also have microwavable rice packets I take. Or throw it on top of one of their premade salads. Cans of tuna are also portable and easy. They make snack packs that some with crackers that i love too.
    My go to lazy meal is cooked ground meat - chicken turkey or lean beef, some hot sauce, mix in some cooked chopped onions, peppers and mushrooms and serve over rice or sweet potato.
    Another favourite protein meal is boiled chicken (or leftover roasted chicken) shredded and mix with either a taco seasoning or mayo/pecans/cranberries and serve it on a bed of lettuce. Or you can make a sandwich with it. It takes no time to boil chicken, and you can make a bunch at a time.
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    You're not alone. I've been really struggling with my macros. First I wasn't getting enough protein. I've added way more protein to my diet. But now I'm getting way too many carbs as I've upped my fruit intake. It's frustrating. Lol. Definitely need to work on pre planning my day!