Can I lose weight while eating yummy foods?

I have started watching how much of things I eat and I have completely cut pop out of my diet and drink mostly water now but I still eat pizza and a little bit of McDonalds just in small quantities. Will I still lose weight since these are under all my limits on my goal sheet or will these kill it?


  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Yes you can still lose long as it fits into the alotted calories you have per day. Obviously it is better to have healthy foods, but I too eat Mcdonalds once and awhile.... I will have 4 nuggets and half of a small frie with a diet coke 350 calories total....or cheeseburger with bacon and half a frie and of course diet coke.....500 calories...

    It is all about choices....
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    As long as you're under or right on your calories and doing your exercise and it's in LIMITED and SMALL quantities, you should be fine. If you deny yourself the things you like, that's when you're going to be far more likely to go way overboard.

    Personally I'd wean McDonald's out of the diet as much as possible because there are SOOOOOO many preservatives in their stuff ~ see if you can find a healthier burger alternative near you. Pizza - especially if it's made in a legit pizzeria and not like Dominos or Papa Johns - is generally going to be a slightly better option.

    But it's all about moderation! :)
  • nevergoingback2011
    Cool. Thanks for the insight, I am pretty new to the whole dieting thing.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Absolutely! Moderation is key. While I don't eat McDonalds or fast foods for that matter, I will allot my calories accordingly so I can enjoy a beer or glass of wine :)

  • JulieBoBoo
    When you make those choices you might have to drink more water to counter-act the sodium (which causes you to retain water). Other than that you should be fine.
  • nevergoingback2011
    I am planning on mostly cutting out McDonalds, hard to do because I work there and we get free meals, but I totally cut out pop. Diet and Regular. I drink water all day except for some milk in the morning, and juice and a Crystal Light packet mixed in with my water in the evenings.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Definitely try to cut out the fast food. It can lead to all sorts of health problems, even when eaten in moderation. And once you give it up you'll find you don't want it anymore. Or, if you do go back and have something, you'll see that it doesn't taste nearly as good as you thought. I recently watched Supersize Me and vowed to never eat fast food again. I've had it once or twice since then and it was not worth it. It was honestly just too gross.

    But, you can definitely eat pizza, cookies, pretty much whatever you want as long as you have the calories. I like to get take and bake pizza from Papa Murphy's. It has way less fat and fewer calories than places like Papa John's. It tastes a whole lot better too! I like their DeLite thin crust pizzas. I can have a couple slices without eating a ton of calories!

    My philosophy is that since this is such a long term goal (for me) and because I'm going to be eating cookies, pizza and whatever else in moderation once I've lost the weight, I should be able to eat it while I'm losing. There's no sense in making myself miserable giving up all these foods that I'm going to be eating later, right?
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    The biggest diet blunder for me is to say I can't have something. I eventually feel deprived and quit the diet. My goal is to eat healthy unprocessed foods everyday but if I really want something I give myself permission to have it. Then I fit it into my calories for the day.

    But, the less junk food and unhealthy foods I have, the less I crave them. The biggest surprise is that they don't taste as good as they used to. So in the end I am eating very healthy.
  • nevergoingback2011
    Thats cool. Like I said giving up fast food is very hard for me because I work there lol. Its easier to pass a McDonalds everyday and say no thanks then to be inches away from it like 3 days a week for 8 hours straight. Then have them offer it to you for free lol.
  • kklittle
    kklittle Posts: 14 Member
    I think it also has to do with what you choose when you go to Mcdonalds; if you can avoid the super-size double bacon cheese burger with a half a cup of mayo and choose a kids meal or small nuggets or something, then it can work. I have a hard time controlling myself so I try to stay away from temptation as much as possible :smile:
  • nevergoingback2011
    yea. haha... about that.. I don't big out, and I RARELY have a desire for the fries but I get a double cheeseburger everytime I work, right now 2-3 times a week. my theory is though that I am only getting that, and normally I cannot have lunch or dinner when I work. So its like substituting 440 calories for a whole meal.. lol
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Look into the slightly healthier options like the salads or the wraps. Not the cheapest by any means, but possibly (I don't know since I don't eat there at all if I can help it) healthier.

    You really shouldn't be skipping meals either. You need to eat on a fairly regular schedule to keep the metabolism active.

    Oh...and on the fries... I can cure you of that REAL quick. Eat one (trust me, that's all it will take) from the first non-throw-away batch after they change out the lard. NASTY!!! Cured me of wanting their fries FORVEVER!!!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    My philosophy is that since this is such a long term goal (for me) and because I'm going to be eating cookies, pizza and whatever else in moderation once I've lost the weight, I should be able to eat it while I'm losing. There's no sense in making myself miserable giving up all these foods that I'm going to be eating later, right?

    I agree!!! I still eat the foods I love in moderation and I've been able to lose and keep off the weight I've lost. It has been at a slightly slower pace than if I cut the foods out entirely, but now I know once I am 100% at maintenance I am way less likely to gain all my weight back as 'normal' foods are added back into my diet because I eat them daily :) Like others have said, when I deny myself things entirely is when I end up binging and worse off than I would've been if I just had a small amount of what I wanted in the first place :)
  • nevergoingback2011
    Look into the slightly healthier options like the salads or the wraps. Not the cheapest by any means, but possibly (I don't know since I don't eat there at all if I can help it) healthier.

    You really shouldn't be skipping meals either. You need to eat on a fairly regular schedule to keep the metabolism active.

    Oh...and on the fries... I can cure you of that REAL quick. Eat one (trust me, that's all it will take) from the first non-throw-away batch after they change out the lard. NASTY!!! Cured me of wanting their fries FORVEVER!!!!
    haha ive had any kind of fries, and its kinda gross to most people but i like the old ones better.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Look into the slightly healthier options like the salads or the wraps. Not the cheapest by any means, but possibly (I don't know since I don't eat there at all if I can help it) healthier.

    You really shouldn't be skipping meals either. You need to eat on a fairly regular schedule to keep the metabolism active.

    Oh...and on the fries... I can cure you of that REAL quick. Eat one (trust me, that's all it will take) from the first non-throw-away batch after they change out the lard. NASTY!!! Cured me of wanting their fries FORVEVER!!!!
    haha ive had any kind of fries, and its kinda gross to most people but i like the old ones better.

    Oh the older the better definitely. I was saying the ones that are made right when they put fresh stuff in are DISGUSTING!!!! Most stores will do some throw-away batches, but they're still gross until a day or so in.
  • nevergoingback2011
    oic. yea my McD's doesn't do a throw away batch. idk if we are supposed to or not lol, if we are pretend you never read this :P
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    I'm glad you made this post. Cause I was feeling really bad about eating that little debbie honey bun. Those things are evil. Like 300 calories a pop
  • nevergoingback2011
    I'm glad you made this post. Cause I was feeling really bad about eating that little debbie honey bun. Those things are evil. Like 300 calories a pop
    ouch. lol ive never had one... i am kinda lucky there.. i am a really picky eater, hence why i only eat one thing at McDonalds, so i never ventured out to try a lot of bad for you things that you can get hooked on. like most little debbies, any kind of pie other then pumpkin, ive never had ranch lol
  • ilovethemayhem
    I'm glad I found this thread! I've been craving Dr. Pepper and chips so I saved up some extra calories and I'm gonna use them up on 12 oz of Dr. Pepper and 1 oz of Cheetos.

    I was worried that it would ruin my diet but I'm happy to see that people can still have the good stuff every now and then.