I Can't Do It Alone!

IrmaC94 Posts: 39 Member
Hi All,

I'm looking for support and am willing to give some too. I am 37 years old trying to change my eating and exercise habits and it's hard! I'm giving it all I got for a lifestyle change and would love to have some help along the way. Starting at 220lbs with a goal of 175lbs. There are so many different things out there and each program contradicts the other one. I'm doing Zumba and Pilates and want to try weights, but I can't do it alone. Friend me so we can encourage each :laugh: other!



  • kat201415
    kat201415 Posts: 8
  • Creelarae4
    Creelarae4 Posts: 4
    Hello, I'll add you, I've been on and off the journey but it's so much easier and a bit fun when you have a gang of supporters with you.
  • lsamek
    lsamek Posts: 2
    I started using MFP this week and am really liking it. I have done Weight Watchers a million times and it just doesn't stick for me, but I like not going to meetings and find MFP's database has it all. I thought counting points was the way to go, but like the ease of counting calories. I am around the same weight as you and 5'7". I've always wanted to get to 158, but would be happy at 210 right now. :-)

    A friend emailed me on a down day and said to "Shine where you are" and that has been my Mantra. I've lost about 5 pounds so far and am just going to take it one day at a time and not beat myself up if I have an off day. I like to walk or do the rowing machine for exercise. I love walking with my sister outside in her hilly neighborhood, that's my exercise of choice, but I've got 5 and 7 year old boys so that doesn't always work out.

    Good luck and remember to shine where you are!
  • AHealthyMe1lbAtATime
    AHealthyMe1lbAtATime Posts: 188 Member
    Hey! Trying to lose another 25-30lbs... feel free to add me if you want! I'm looking for some new friends as well! :)
  • NorthwestPA
    NorthwestPA Posts: 63 Member
    Hello, I still have a long way to go so you can add me.
  • pkteen
    pkteen Posts: 121 Member
    Hey! I'd love to motivate you as much as I can (to be honest, I can use some myself).
  • dejareedubose
    dejareedubose Posts: 39 Member
    feel free to add me i am logged in everyday and i love to motivate ppl
  • CoachLadyK84
    I just started using MFP this week! I have been on my journey about 9 months! Feel free to add me! Love the idea of accountability and motivating one another!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Sure you can. Nobody can do it for you except you yourself.