Homemade granola bars!!!

I open the cabinets today trying to figure out what kind of snack I wanted to make myself. The first thing that looks yummy is homemade brownies but I stop and thing no that's not a healthy choice. I get to looking and I come up with all the stuff I need to make homemade granola bars! Granola cereal w/ almonds, chopped walnuts, coconut, honey, crunchy peanut butter and some left over Easter chocolate for a drizzle on top!! Yummy!!


  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Sounds great! I've got homemade granola on my list of items for the weekend, time to restock my supply.

    As for brownies, did you know you can purree a can of black beans to use in place of the wet ingredients? It makes a dense brownie with a fudge flavor and absolutely amazing with PB chips, nuts or both mixed in.
  • TwoCRoll
    TwoCRoll Posts: 3 Member
    OK, I'm intrigued. Tell me more about these black beans. Do you drain them? Wash them? So, you basically only have the mix and the beans? Or do you consider the eggs not "wet"....and the beans only replace the oil and water?

    And the real question -- seriously? It tastes like a brownie?
  • kaileekason
    kaileekason Posts: 19 Member