5 days into T25...

And I must admit, Shaun T is kicking my butt. I guess that's what you get when you go inactive for 6-8 months and put back on 8-10 lbs. It's good though. Double workout Friday is intense the first week though. My legs are so dead from the other 4 days, plus I put a 6 mile bike ride in there because it was so nice outside, that even in some modified movements I was struggling, lol. Tania is my new best friend in those moments.

They give you a calendar and on each day there are two boxes for the workouts... one says "Nailed it" the other, "Barely made it". Guess which one I checked all 5 days this week? Maybe by the end of the cycle I can make use of that other box :)


  • MMLzzz
    MMLzzz Posts: 3
    Keep it up! It DOES get easier, which must mean you are getting healthier. When I started a couple months ago, I never thought I'd be able to move up to the Beta program, but I started it last week and, while it is a tough workout and I occasionally have to give myself 5 seconds to grab some water, I'm "nailing it." You will, too! :happy:
  • Talleifer
    Talleifer Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks. I must admit I have pretty high standards for hitting that box too lol. My ideal workout would be no modified versions and no rests and keeping up with them for me to check the "Nailed it" box. Once the soreness wears off, I'll be able to go on more bike rides too... well after my butt gets used to the bicycle seat...