bad knees, any suggestions

cntrysnflwr Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi, I have bad knees, arthritis in both of them. I had surgery on my left knee to remove torn cartridge 3 yrs ago and it's only made thing worse. I am determined to succeed and get into shape, any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Everyone have a WONDERFUL~BLESSED day! :)


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,545 Member
    I don't have great knees so run little but the elliptical doesn't hurt me at all (although it does hurt some folks) and I spin and that is great (again, those with poor form or incorrect setup do have issues). Even just walking (if you are able to do that) is good.
  • lindastanley82
    lindastanley82 Posts: 17 Member
    I have bad knees too and use the elliptical machine and the recombinant bike for exercise. No running. Even long distance walking bothered my knees.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Water exercises, anything using a yoga ball should be okay, weight machines to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee joint - 0 impact. Just avoid bending & jumping (ie: high impact aerobics). Zumba might work for you and just skip any minor jumps that occur in the routines - but I'd suggest starting slow to see how it feels. And walking is definitely a good idea; I'd avoid the running though.

    I too have knee probs btw - and I *cannot* bicycle when they're acting up. The bending and flexing motion hurts like crazy. In fact, if it's bad enough, I can't walk without severe pain. Personally, I'd avoid bicycling until you can depend on your other muscles to pick up the slack - but that's me and my knees. Obviously, it works for other people.

    Good luck!
  • Jewels1296
    Jewels1296 Posts: 17 Member
    Great post, I too was wondering the same thing. I just had surgery in November (my 2nd on my left knee). I finally got cleared to start working out and stuck to the stationary bike and elliptical. Few days later my knee is swollen again. I probably over did it just a tad but I look forward to the suggestions as well :-)
  • KenMontville
    KenMontville Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a candidate for arthroscopic surgery because of a torn meniscus in my left knee. My physician says it'll be 8-10 weeks after surgery to get back to the gym. He tells me upper body work is the way to go. Not a very satisfying answer.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying- the bike is your best friend because it doesn't put as much pressure on your knees. Some places also have those crank machines that you move with your upperbody while keeping your lower body still. I know this is a great way to get your heart rate up which is what helps you burn calories.

    Another suggestion is to do lower body weights to help strengthen the quads and hamstring muscles so that the muscles that support your knee are even stronger. Good luck!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I find as a Trainer that most people have bad knees in one way or the other some worse then others. Find what works for you to get your HR up. Remember getting the muscles strong in the legs and around the knee will help give them more support. I have bad knees and the more I learned to train properly the less problems I have. I do have problems here and there but much better. I also take a supplemt to help joints. Gloucosmine,chondroine and MSM combo pill everyday and that helps as well. I also eat helathy and eat alot of foods that help fight INFLAMATION. Which can cause more pain. Keep all that in mind
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I have a nordic trak ski machine. You slide your feet so there is no impact on the knees. Bikes for any exercise type intensity or eliptical or running is out for me, especially stepping and stair climbing for any length of time! The ski machine got me up to speed so that I can do the DVD's, and I still use it inbetween. Watch out on the squat and lunge movements, but with some slow build up I can do these, now (not sure if you can). After 6 months of exercising I got Wii Zumba and it's really toning and burning mega-calories! It hasn't hurt my knees or hips, or shoulders.

    The Ski Machine is my standard, though. Also swimming is good to me, if you leave out strokes like the frog-kicking breast strokes and substitute a straight kicking motion, or use a kick board you can get some good aerobics in and build endurance. Water aerobics should support your weight, yet give you a good option as well.
  • redgrandma
    redgrandma Posts: 15 Member
    I also have arthritic knees and toe joints. I take glucosamine plus chondriotin MSM supplement and Devils claw also Martlet Honeygar Cider Vinegar with honey. I think it helps as I certainly get worse if I stop for any length of time.

    I only do gentle exercise like walking and swimming but every little helps.

    Happy New year to everyone.
  • Tonix3
    Tonix3 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My doctor said that the best thing to do is swim. I don't have access to a pool, so he said walking is the best thing. I also have a stationary bike, which he seemed kind of iffy about, but didn't outright veto it. I hope that helps! Good luck!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I also have arthritic knees and toe joints. I take glucosamine plus chondriotin MSM supplement and

    Oh gosh, I have tried not using this, and by the end of the week you can hear me popping and clicking all over the place! I really believe this helps!!! It takes several days to a week if I have stopped for improvement again, but it definately shows when I don't keep it up. I have to think it must be helping with future damage if there is less grinding by my creaky joints!
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    I was very active in gymnastics, skating and dancing as a young girl. I've sprained, broken and fractured pretty much everything from the waist down..knees, ankles, feet, toes (as well as elbows, wrist and fingers. ouch). All doctors told me that any high impact exercise is off limits..I can't run, jump..can't even do lunges (which is fine with me. haha) but in all cases I was told either walking, elliptical, biking or swimming. At the gym I usually do the elliptical or treadmill and on the weekends (weather permitting) i may ride my bike, walk or swim. It took a lot of healing of the knees before I could ride a bike and there was some pain at first. Over the years I've built up enough strength to try some high impact stuff, but I know my limits and if there is something I can't or shouldnt do then I dont push it. It's probably best to check with your doctor.
  • Thanks so much everybody...I'm gonna do this!!!!!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I went to my doc and asked for some PT so I could learn exercises specific for my knees. I can use the treadmill but not the elliptical, can't use the stair stepper often either as that aggravates my knees to to end, but I walk and do weights and use my bike. Water aerobics is great for bad knees. Good luck, it is a challenge.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Unfortunately I am in the same boat! I posted a question about help for arthritic knees and received a lot of really good advise. Look for the post. I do not want my knee ( mostly my left) to dictate my life. So I avoid lunges at all costs, even adapted ones! Jumping is out of the question (I also want to preserve my dignity- it ain't pretty!). I do strength training to improve muscle condition that supports the joints, lots of stretching.
    I also use a magic bag (moist heat) to relieve soreness and stffness.
    Good luck. And find the post as it has a lot of information on it. I just bought soe of the supplements that people suggested; Turmeric capsules, Hyaluronic Acid, knox gelatin. I 'll let you know how it goes...
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I have bad joints knees used to be the worst until I started taking glucosamine. I love that stuff! I get horse pills from Costco but I know there are brands with regular sized pills now.

    I cannot do the bike, it hurts way too much. I can do the treadmill for quite awhile, as long as I keep it at .5-1% incline. Flat hurts my knees but a slight incline takes care of that for me. I like the elliptical but I can't push either speed or resistance too much or my one knee will buckle.

    Strength training is key. I would have sworn to you a year ago that I would never be able to do a lunge, but now I can and hardly have any pain at all.
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