The Lie I Told Myself

When I was around 195 lbs, I always told myself that I'm ONLY 15 pounds overweight and I can lose that weight easily, anytime I want.

Now that I'm down to 182 lbs., I can see that I still have quite a bit of fat on my arms, mid-section, legs, etc. and my 26.2 BMI is still in the overweight range. I still need to lose at least 10 or 15 pounds!!! :grumble:

I'm a bit irritated at myself for living with this "only 15 lbs" lie for about 15 or 20 years.

What lies have you told yourself and then discovered were completely wrong?


  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    ...the eco-dry cleaner shrank my pants! :laugh:

    ...wait how did the eco-dry cleaner shrink ALL of my pants - LOL! :embarassed:'s just water... :noway:'s just another 3 drinks.... :blushing:

    the biggest lie was equating 'being busy' with 'exercise'. not the same thing!! :huh:
  • peaches_tsu_guard
    "I only eat 1200 calories a day!!! How can I be gaining weight???"
    Biggest lie ever! Then one day I found MFP, counted my calories and was shocked. Now I'm eating healthy and tracking my exercise :) And can't wait to see what progress is made. :)
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I always told myself "I eat healthy I just need to watch my portions." LIE. Now that I look back I ate horribly. There are some things I ate back then that I would not eat now even if you paid me to.

    Another thing I told myself was "I carry my weight well." LIE. In all my fat pics I am more round than I am tall. 215 lbs on a 5'2 frame is not pretty!!

    Also "I have a lot of muscle that's why I'm so big." ha ha ha! LIE. I was almost 50% body fat when I started.

    I am so glad I don't have to be that person ever again. :happy:
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    i told myself I was ok as long as I was under 200. Then when I hit 200 I was ok under 220, when I hit that i was ok under 250. Finally at 255 I got really pissed off ans said that's it. I lost 20 lbs then put 1/2 of it back on. That's why I'm finally here. I have to portion control and exercise. I'm at 236.6 now and can't wait to be back under 200lbs.

    Good Luck to you!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I told myself that I'm just not built to be skinny since I've been on the heavier side most my life (and most of my extended family, women and men, are moderately to seriously overweight and my parents have both struggled a bit with weight). I also told myself that I wasn't *that* bad. Then I hit 230 (I'm about 5' 3.5") and realized that I WAS *that* bad. I saw a picture of me at that weight and my face looked bloated and very round, and I looked huge (it's the picture of me in the striped blue sweater in my profile pics).
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    i told myself I was ok as long as I was under 200. Then when I hit 200 I was ok under 220, when I hit that i was ok under 250. Finally at 255 I got really pissed off ans said that's it. I lost 20 lbs then put 1/2 of it back on. That's why I'm finally here. I have to portion control and exercise. I'm at 236.6 now and can't wait to be back under 200lbs.

    Good Luck to you!

    thats kinda what mine was.....If I ever get to this much, I;ll do something about it...or if I ever ge tto this much, I'll make a change.

    Was also when 3x clothes are too small, but that turned into when 4x clothes are too small, etc.....

    Damn the Lies!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    "I have a simple, ox-like psyche. I am not deep enough to get depressed".

    "If I ever did get depressed, I have enough self control to not binge-eat because of it".

    "If I binge-ate because of depression, I'd certainly never continue to do so after I began to feel better".

    Lies lies lies,,, tired of them I am. The next lie was "Now that I've been off MFP for 5 months, going back to that will be hell on earth"... Nope, not so bad, just getting used to it again. Not worrying or guilting about it is more satisfying than the full belly was.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    i told myself I was ok as long as I was under 200. Then when I hit 200 I was ok under 220, when I hit that i was ok under 250. Finally at 255 I got really pissed off ans said that's it. I lost 20 lbs then put 1/2 of it back on. That's why I'm finally here. I have to portion control and exercise. I'm at 236.6 now and can't wait to be back under 200lbs.

    Good Luck to you!

    thats kinda what mine was.....If I ever get to this much, I;ll do something about it...or if I ever ge tto this much, I'll make a change.

    Was also when 3x clothes are too small, but that turned into when 4x clothes are too small, etc.....

    Damn the Lies!!

    Me too. I always said I'll never be fat and look like.... When I hit 250 and my wife said to me getting into bed one night "if you get any fatter you'll have bigger boobs than I do." My first thought was we could share bras then... That was the beginning of the end for me and started my plan.
  • Beadibo
    Beadibo Posts: 13 Member
    Mine was simply 'I'm happy the way I am' So wrong!!!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    i told myself I was ok as long as I was under 200. Then when I hit 200 I was ok under 220, when I hit that i was ok under 250. Finally at 255 I got really pissed off ans said that's it. I lost 20 lbs then put 1/2 of it back on. That's why I'm finally here. I have to portion control and exercise. I'm at 236.6 now and can't wait to be back under 200lbs.

    Good Luck to you!

    thats kinda what mine was.....If I ever get to this much, I;ll do something about it...or if I ever ge tto this much, I'll make a change.

    Was also when 3x clothes are too small, but that turned into when 4x clothes are too small, etc.....

    Damn the Lies!!

    I was alot like this too. My family was heavy and I lied to myself a lot even as young as in high school. I told myself at 230-250 that it wasn't that bad and that lots of people were this heavy. When I hit 275 I actually remember thinking ya I'm a little over weight but 275 isn't that much more than 250 and that is Ok. When I got within 3lbs of 300 one morning I decided that that was enough and actually Im pretty sure I was over 300 at one point but I never stepped on a scale.
    That was when my lies stopped and I decided I would never look at 300lbs on a scale or for that matter 200lbs ( almost there)

    when I passed 240 on the way down I was sick with how heavy I still was and how I had told myself many years ago that 240 wasn't that fat.

    Its been a joyous trip down the scale but every small mini goal brings on a little sadness and memory of what Lie I told myself to make the weight I was at seem justifiable.
  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    Not worrying or guilting about it is more satisfying than the full belly was.

    So true. I couldn't have said it any better.
  • prestoncaleb
    prestoncaleb Posts: 28 Member
    I was always just 15lbs over too! but in reality it was more like 50!

    the last ten have been the hardest to get and keep off!
  • mr_ashley
    The biggest lie I had going was being perpetuated by my loved ones: "You aren't fat!"

    Of course, I'm not obese. I'm not even 30 lbs overweight, and I have about 16% bodyfat, which is waaaayyy too high. Now, I don't expect to get to 5% bodyfat, but closer to 10% is the goal. Under if possible.

    But my loved ones would just tell me, and still do, that I'm not fat. No, i tell them, I'm not FAT. But I'm overweight. And I'm high stress. And I don't look good in a speedo. And I'm in the minority of men and probably women too, who thinks a speedo can look good on a fit man. IN fact, it looks better than those stupid, rediculous swimsuits 99.9% of men wear. They are just shorts with a liner in them. America is too modest, and lies to itself all the time. We don't want to see a man in a speedo, but pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry in this country, and the two have NOTHING To do with each other except everyone says "gross" when they think of them.

    So, back to the point. Ask a doctor if you are overweight. If he/she is worth their salt, they will tell you the truth. Then, determine the weight you should be, and work to get there.
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    I was like that. Over half of my family is over weight with health problems etc. I told myself that I would never get like that. Then in Feb of 2010. I went to an ultrasound of my heart b/c they said that I had an irregular heart beat. Every thing turned out fine, but it was enough to scare me out of my mind, and I told myself that I WAS going to BE THERE for MY family, and to do everything I can. Then in March 2010 I stumbled across this website. It was a good send. Now you are on your way to a healthier you. Just remember this is not a diet this is a life style change. It's alright to indulge every now and then. Best of luck
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    The biggest lie I had going was being perpetuated by my loved ones: "You aren't fat!"

    Of course, I'm not obese. I'm not even 30 lbs overweight, and I have about 16% bodyfat, which is waaaayyy too high. Now, I don't expect to get to 5% bodyfat, but closer to 10% is the goal. Under if possible.

    But my loved ones would just tell me, and still do, that I'm not fat. No, i tell them, I'm not FAT. But I'm overweight. And I'm high stress. And I don't look good in a speedo. And I'm in the minority of men and probably women too, who thinks a speedo can look good on a fit man. IN fact, it looks better than those stupid, rediculous swimsuits 99.9% of men wear. They are just shorts with a liner in them. America is too modest, and lies to itself all the time. We don't want to see a man in a speedo, but pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry in this country, and the two have NOTHING To do with each other except everyone says "gross" when they think of them.

    So, back to the point. Ask a doctor if you are overweight. If he/she is worth their salt, they will tell you the truth. Then, determine the weight you should be, and work to get there.

    That's what I am going through now. People telling me that I need to stop losing weight. I know I need to lose about another 13lbs to be at a nice healthy weight. I am content where I am now...but not satisfied. I don't want to be good....I want to be great!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i was 210 and i believed id look alot skinnier at 200 now 10 pounds is alot if you hold it but it took losing almost 25 for me to even see results haha but now im excited to lose more :)
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    i was 210 and i believed id look alot skinnier at 200 now 10 pounds is alot if you hold it but it took losing almost 25 for me to even see results haha but now im excited to lose more :)

    You are doing great Lance. It took me losing about 25-30lbs before other people saw a difference. And then that was all the motivation I needed to keep going.
  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    I don't want to be good....I want to be great!

    "Good is the enemy of great." - Jim Collins

    You are awesome, Dani, and I admire your drive.
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, there's a couple of us back on who also had our weight down and somehow for various reasons let it come back on, I am one of them. I worked hard over a year ago and lost 10 lbs, was down to 140, but that wasnt good enough. I wanted 135, so i tried some crazy diets, got away from MFP and counting calories, stopped getting on the scale and started buying a bigger size jeans. Had a shock a couple of weeks ago when I weighed myself and had gained back every pound! So I'm back too, counting calories and trying to get out and exercise when the weather isnt too miserable. So, good luck with your new goals! We'll all be lighter by summer!
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    My lie was telling myself I didn't care...I didn't care how others thought of me....well, in fact those things matter a lot to me!