Does Herbalife Really Work?



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Any "diet plan" that is very low calorie will work to lose weight, as your at a large deficit....but as soon as you stop this plan, what do you think will happen????
    I think herbalife is just another pyramid scheme and you could lose weight by eating healthy at a responsible deficit and don't need herbalife.

    I had a girl on my friend list, she constantly cried and whined about not losing weight.she wouldn't work out, said it made her more hungry and many other excuses.she said she would constantly go over on calories cuz of"female.monthly issues" and every other excuse, she's a herbalife coach now! She went from crying about not losing one day, and the very same week became a coach and is "helping" others lose weight now! Lmao!!! So I feel badly for those she's coaching, as she can't even figure out her own weight loss, but is now supposed to be helping others?! I deleted her cuz I wanted nothing to do with it at all, but it definitely says something about herbalife! Lol!!
  • 294Rich
    294Rich Posts: 171 Member
    What FoxyGoesFast says.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    If you're happy eating what they put in it then yes it probably works, however I think a better question is 'is it sustainable', I don't think it's sustainable and when you stop doing it you won't have sufficiently changed your habits to maintain the weight loss.

    It's a good thing about weight watchers (or similar) it's about changing you lifestyle and habits, nothing is not allowed but the portions need to be looked at so when you reach your goal weight on these ones you're much more likely to keep the weight off as you habits have been changing with your 'points'
  • sinrh
    sinrh Posts: 11 Member
    I'm off and on with Herbalife. I lost 18 lbs in a couple months last year, but then I stopped counting my calories and gained it back. I was told to replace 2 meals a day with the shakes then eat one normal meal. Snacks are allowed too. You're supposed to eat 6 times a day between meals and snacks, but I'm never that hungry and just eat 3xs a day. it's supposed to have all of the vitamins and minerals you need. they also sell vitamins, protein powder, and various other extras. I just use the shake mix, protein powder, and aloe concentrate. They encourage you to mix fruit with the shakes too. You're also counting calories. It works, but personally I get tired of the shakes.

    In summary, all the shakes really do is replace 2 of your meals. You can accomplish the same results by eating healthy and counting calories. You'll save money too.
  • bethompson91
    bethompson91 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on it, and love it :) But the idea is that its a nutrition company, so after you've lost your weight you still have your sups and morning shake. Ideally, you learn how to snack correctly and eat at appropriate times, so once you go to one shake a day you have a healthy lunch... It's amazing when you stick to it - as long as your having lactose free milk!
  • quezmatic
    you have to know what you are doing and getting advice from ppl who doesn't know they're talking about won't help you. These ppl with negative feed back must not read the product they're taking. I've been on the products for awhile now and have gotten great results what ppl don't realize you can also gain weight using these products and its more than just weight lose or weight management. What worked for me might not work for you so I'd say do your research but my whole family has been using the products for years and have not put back on any weight... It works but its not a quick fix
  • quezmatic
    as is the same for Herbalife or any weight program that works
  • VanessaAnahi28
    VanessaAnahi28 Posts: 3 Member
    Well i just started herbalife. In my opinion, if you stick to it, you will see results! At first i lost 6 pounds in two weeks along with some zumba, but thats because i replaced two meals with the shakes.
    i gained it back when i decided to eat junk food again:(
    I recently started again. Doing two milk shakes a day. I have lost 2 pounds so far! I hope i can keep myself motivated. I have stopped eating greasy and fattening foods. I drink lots of water now. And i also do zumba. Like 30min daily.
    Its not so much about herbalife its about yourself. If your comitted to it. Herbalife just helps a whole bunch by choosing two meals for you. All you have to do is pick a healthy meal once a day(:
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    MLM beware!
  • lilandy76
    i like Herbalife. I was on it in 2010 lost 80lbs that year. Im a big girl and like to eat. I had my shake for breakfast then between breakfast and lunch id eat snack on some almond and walnuts, then have my lunch which was the shake again. Now until now (today) i didnt know you are suppose to add a scoop of protein powder to your shake to keep from getting hunger. So at lunch time with my shake id eat a can of tuna(no mayo) and an egg or a small salad with no dressing just lettuce with a can of tuna on top for flavor and a few tablespoons of cottage cheese. Then for dinner, id have a healthy dinner. Id take the supplements everyday 3x a day like it says.I would make either friday or saturday a cheat day to eat out. Was not working out with the product, since im in the medical field and standing on my feet for 12-14 hours a day and to tired to work out. Since 2010 and the lost of 80lbs ive only recently gained 30lbs back, and that was do to a weekend job were your driving around oklahoma, so basically eating, sitting and driving. I just ordered my HERBALIFE to start back on it this week to start shedding lbs again, but adding work outs this time. I personally like this product, i know everyone has there own opinion and like every other diet, diet pill im a sucker for like every other PHAT gurl, but if your determined to do it (herbalife) and stick with it, it will work. After a month of the product being built up in your system youll start feeling better, natural energy. Anyways if you have any questions about it let me know. Like i said im starting back on it and see what these results say!!!
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    , but if your determined to do it (herbalife) and stick with it, it will work.

    Any diet will work if you stick with it. And ones that are a lot cheaper too.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    pyramid scheme is pyramid.
  • crystal912
    Im new to the herbalife, I know its not gunna happen overnight I just wanna know if I'm doing it right. I have 2 shakes one for breakfast and one of lunch mixed with 1 cup of milk wit a snack in between, with my one meal for dinner. I not sure if you can have fruit after u have a shake ( I dont mix them) because I know you have to wait 3 hours in between each shake or meal.. im just simply looking for some pointers
  • SincerelyChrissy
    I have been using herbalife for the past 4 months on and off but I have lost a total of 58lbs within 4 months . DO NOT GET FOOLED I worked my *kitten* Off 5 times a week, 1 to 2 hours at the gym doing cardio AND weight training. I eat super healthy and sometimes I spoil myself to indulge in my favourite desserts and food , I live my life like any other person I just make healthier choices. Unlike other people who have criticized his product , I have ALOT of energy since I do workout everyday, I'm a little ball of energy!! I snack 3 times a day and have 2 shakes a day or sometimes 1 now , and I eat a balanced healthy meal such as chicken with grain rice and salad , or salmon and quinoa and salad , etc.

    The product itself isn't a miracle worker , I spent 10 years of my life obese , looking for a quick fix because I was so lazy I didn't want to workout but I'm sorry to break it to you all.... It's no secret , workout regularly , eat clean and be positive that is how you will achieve your goals :)

    I started my journey at 250 lbs, 5'4
    Now I am 190 lbs and my ideal weight would be 140

    Live your life to the fullest by being strong and healthy not weak and lazy <3

    One love xox
  • felicia2005
    felicia2005 Posts: 35 Member
    I have done hl and still do a shake for breakfast sometimes. I had really good results. The meal you eat need to b healthy.when I stick to program I lost 10lbs in a month.the only draw back is love to chew food!lol I had good energy and felt overall good. I say its worth trying. I lost and maintain after I stopped the program.that was about two years ago.
  • felicia2005
    felicia2005 Posts: 35 Member
    I would add my fruit to the shake
  • felicia2005
    felicia2005 Posts: 35 Member
    Forgot to say that I did exercise 3 to 5xs a week.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    i used the herbalife protein shake... because my wife bought it.... and was not using it... so i figured... why not... however, when it is done.... I will buy something with higher protein content...

    10grams is just not cutting it for me... ^^
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    No, and your friend needs to cut his losses with his new 'income'.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    A friend of mine told me when she was young, niave and just newly married she was suckered into Herbalife and lost $7,000!!!! Keep away from MLM.