I need to loose 100pounds! Please help motivate me!

I am currently on weight watchers but I am just not loosing. I need to loose 100pounds. Ive set small 25pound goals so that I dont focus on the huge mountain lying ahead. I need lots and lots of motivation. I am not very strong but I know I need to do this for me!


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    it's probably not even that huge a mountain. you probably only need to lose 50 lbs, not 100. ppl often think they are farther from a healthy / attractive goal weight than they are.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    You should not need anyone to motivate you to lose weight... this should be a personal goal.. that you give yourself to live healthier and happier...

    I would be happy to be put on your friend's list.. and I promise to read your comments and make comments as often as you write...
    because i think it is important to know that you are not the only one out there strugglying...

  • MismatchedAlmonds
    MismatchedAlmonds Posts: 90 Member
    I also need to lose 100! WW worked for me once when I was in high school and I have since turned against it, particularly with all the changes they keep making to the system. I find MFP to be WAY more helpful.

    If you want to friend me, be my guest! The little goals are really helpful to motivate me as well--thinking about big weight goals just makes me feel defeated.
  • amsparks0529
    I have a good 200+ pounds to lose, and I've just started this journey a little over a month ago. So "KISS!" :) One day at a time.

    I don't beat up on myself when I have a rough day. I just go right back to my meal plan -- and stick to it as best I can. If I am hard on myself, it is self-defeating. I am learning to love myself healthy. For me, I am learning a new way of life -- it's not a "diet/exercise program," but instead I have started an "activity/meal plan FOR LIFE!" I want to lose it and never gain it back.

    So, I've lost nearly 18# so far. My initial goal is to be able to weigh myself on my home scale without having to purchase a new one. It's getting VERY CLOSE... hence, I can't document my amount of weight lost until I can formally weigh myself on my home scale.

    I'm optimistic that I can do it, so I KNOW you can too! :)

    P.S.: The photo is my "exercise lady!" I thought she was cute, so I posted her as my photo.
  • xerothermic
    xerothermic Posts: 80
    It's hard. I'm right there with you. I still have about 100 to go. But I will echo what some have cautioned: "Motivate me" will not always work. It will give you the kick in the pants you need to really start; BUT, when your legs are tired and ice cream sounds good, the motivation has to come from you. So really the question is--are you motivated? If so, get your *kitten* off the computer and let's lose that weight!

    (Also, I totally just had ice cream--mint chocolate chip froyo bar. I finally learned that dieting can include ice cream. Heaven.)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Motivation comes from within. You can be inspired, coaxed, willed, encouraged, etc., but if YOU don't really want it, it ain't gonna happen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • maryseb63
    maryseb63 Posts: 98 Member
    It has to click inside to get you started. I know that it is the way it is for me. Just think of how you will feel, your health will be much better for it. It is not a race but a journey. Add me as a friend, I am here every day, logging my food and exercise, reading posts and commenting on friends posting. It's a community and it can help you out if you let them.
  • jwhackers84
    jwhackers84 Posts: 43 Member
    I started this journey with 100-110 pounds to lose. I'm jumping hurdles slowly, and I am pleased with my progress. Every pound down is a milestone! Just take it slow and steady. You can do it!
  • ladylalaland
    ladylalaland Posts: 53 Member
    I've just started back last week, after a measly 3 week streak last August. I've got over 100lbs to lose (137 to get into a healthy bmi), feel free to add me for some mutual support on our journeys.