Vacation Cheating?

Where do you stand on cheating on your diet while on vacation? My best friends and I go on a week-long vacation together every year. this year is FL. Two of us are road tripping down there. Thoughts?


  • albloomfield60
    I've been wondering the same thing. I plan on going to Vegas in June for my best friends wedding. I plan on trying to stick to my diet as close as possible, but I do plan on drinking which more than likely will put me over.

    Also, I'd imagine as a group we will go out to eat, and I'd like to be able to get what I want. I'm going to just try and do the best I can under the circumstances, and when I get back make sure I get back on the diet.
  • motormama123
    motormama123 Posts: 2 Member
    Cheating a little is one thing just dont blow yourself out of the water. Enjoy yourself but dont come home with a suitcaseful of regrets.
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    I think that it isn't a horrible thing as long as you don't feel horrible about yourself at the end of the vacation. Personally, I would still mostly stick to the diet plan, but look at what maintain calories would be for your body right now and make that your calorie goal that week. That way you don't have 5 additional pounds to lose when you get back home, you just took a little hiatus and stayed the same. :)
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I'm going on holiday in the summer. I'm planning on enjoying it. I won't go into mass overindulgence like I used to, but I'll enjoy a variety of food and drinks. I'll do a good bit of walking while I'm away, so that will help. I may come back with a few extra pounds, but when I return home and get back on program, they'll be gone in a few weeks.
  • DayByDayGetStronger
    DayByDayGetStronger Posts: 108 Member
    My opinion, as a Registered Dietitian? I ask you, Are you on a DIET or are you on a LIFESTYLE CHANGE? If it's a diet, then of course you'll eat gluttonously and drink lots of calorie-laden beverages in the hot Florida sunshine. You'll gain weight, feel like crap when you get home, and beat yourself up that all your hard work pre-vacation was wasted.

    However, if you've decided that you're on a lifestyle overhaul and not at your goal weight yet, you'll eat sensibly at meals (sharing entrees, skipping the bread and tortilla chips appetizers, have healthy snacks while you lie on the beach or sight-see. And drink lots of water to hydrate your amazing body.

    There will always be an "excuse" or a "reason" to go back to your old way of eating, trust me. And there's always a holiday or graduation or wedding or party or funeral in which you will be tempted to stuff yourself. The brain will talk you into it every time. It's not worth it. Enjoy your time with your friends b/c that's the REAL reason to go on a vacation, and be a role model in your dedication to be healthy. Plan activities that raise your heart rate (dancing, biking at the beach, walking instead of taking a cab or renting a car, swimming at the hotel pool. Ask your friends to support you in your efforts and try to keep your trigger foods FAR AWAY from you as possible.

    My husband and I go camping and of course it's unAmerican to go camping without chips and snacks and fatty foods. I ask my husband (Mr. junkfood junkie) to choose chips that I absolutely hate if he really MUST have them with us. We plan our meals to be healthy and nourishing and don't bring boxes of cookies or crackers, etc. I like sweets and I'll buy a 3-pak of cookies at 7-11 and eat one per day over the weekend instead of bringing a whole package of Oreos or something. We hike or bike when we camp so there's no workout that's missed.

    You can eat healthy while on takes a little planning and dedication.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    You only cheat yourself. I have been out of the country for 2 weeks on vacation and came back 2 lbs heavier, which is nothing. I still ate great and got a ton of exercise. But vacation for me doesn't mean going on a bender for 2 weeks. Do what works for you.
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    I went on several vacations while losing my 90+ pounds (kids all grown so lots of little getaways!! ) . I still logged and counted, but allowed myself maintenance calories, plus a few here and there (mostly didn't count all the margaritas, but did count the cheesecake)... Kept up the exercise, making sure to walk as much as possible, hit the gym, etc. Then was extra careful when I got home, and any extra pounds quickly disappeared and the weight continued to drop. The key for me was allowing the extra for the special times, but staying focused , committed and aware of all the calories. It kept me from going totally overboard. But I still got to have my cake and eat it too. Back at home I was ready to get back to the routine. It worked for me :) Good luck!
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I think as long as you (a) eat slowly and (b) eat small portions you should be fine. I wouldn't worry too much about sweets because it's a vacation and it's only once a year. I'm sure you're going to work out a lot before the vacation, and then once you get back you have about a year to get ready for the next one.

    It takes a certain amount of time for your brain to register that you're full, so eating too quickly often leads to overeating. Eat a little bit and then wait to see if you're still hungry before eating more. Don't eat the big portion all at once because you might not need it.

    As for alcohol, just have a drink or two and leave it at that. Alcohol is generally empty calories. Enjoy your vacation, but don't overdo it. I went on a cruise several years ago and I remember a lot of people walking around drunk at night. That was pointless (they are going to wake up tomorrow and not even remember what happened... why pay all that money for something you won't even remember?) and a big setback for any of them who were trying to lose weight (think of how many drinks it takes to get drunk, and then multiply that by how many calories are in a drink...)
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    As long as you're not going absolutely nuts, don't sweat it too much. When I was in Mexico for 5 days, I didn't log my food or exercise other than a few long walks on the beach. I definitely ate over maintenance (there were nights we were going back to the buffet for 'second dinner') but when I got home, I only gained about 1-2 lbs. I went back to logging my eating and exercising once I got back home, and the weight dropped in about a week or so.
    Same thing happened over Easter - went to visit my family for 5 days, didn't log, pigged out, but this time I did exercise. I'm down about 3 lbs since then.
    Be mindful of what you're eating, but at the same time enjoy yourself - you're on vacation. You'd be having to eat a butt-load in order to cause serious damage in a week.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I don't pay any attention at all to my eating when I'm on vacation-- just eat whatever I want, when it's available. Having said that, I have pretty busy vacations, getting in and out of the water all the time, hauling gear, diving, etc. I always come back about 5 lbs. lighter.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I don't want to undo all the hard work I just put in to lose those pounds to be for nothing, so I don't believe in cheat days. I do allow myself some treats on occasion, but try to work it into my plan for the day. That may mean adding extra exercise time to walk off that cookie I wanted.

    I try to select healthier options for the majority of the day, then maybe 1 treat item if I can make it work into my goals somehow.