Staying motivated when injured or sick

Any advice on staying motivated while sick or injured?

Unfortunately, I just got sick after coming off a knee injury which has drained a little of my motivation. Sometimes I end up falling back to old bad habits after setbacks like this, so I wanted to see if anyone had advice on staying motivated and on track!


  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Do the best you can with what you have and don't beat yourself up. Work around injuries to the extent that you can, and rest when you're sick.
  • felicia2005
    felicia2005 Posts: 35 Member
    I have an illness that acts up more than normal sometimes and it throws me off too. I would say do what you can and try to stick with eating healthy. I know it's easier said than done b/c when I'm not feeling well, eating healthy is the last thing on my mind. Having that you have had surgery, you will need to take it easy with exercise. So try to pay more attention to what your and eating and just do what you can.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    My mantra is "feel better, then get back to it." No motivation required.
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    I agree. Focus on getting better. Do the best you can and don't beat yourself up because its not as much as you could do in a healthy state. Once you're better get back into it, even if its slowly. Everyone has there moments. Its not about going consistently in the right directions. Its about getting to the destination, with turns and bumps in the road on the way!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    It's so hard sometimes. I had chronic pain for a year. I lost weight purely by eating at a calorie deficit and just exercised as I could without a specific plan. So at least once a week, I worked with therapy bands or I ran or walked or did squats and lunges or even dead lifted for a few months during that time. My rotator was impinged and what I could or couldn't do depended on the week or the day. I did very well, met my goal weight, did lose upper body muscle , but maintained my lower body. I had shoulder surgery last August, then rehabilitation, adhesive capsulation, and I started dancing and started lifting again in February. I'm afraid my other shoulder is now exhibiting the same symptoms and I may have to go through the two year saga again. I actually don't feel confident that I will be as patient this time around, but at the same time I know I will get through it . I'm pretty sure now that I won't gain weight, and I will continue to exercise as I can. It isn't easy op!!
  • oldwesterns
    Zombie Walks! Anyway, that's what I call my exercise routine when I'm tired or not feeling my best.

    Instead of a more vigorous exercise routine, I tell myself that I'm going on a Zombie Walk around the neighborhood. It's a slow walk with my dogs, and it's not pretty. I look like the walking dead.

    The purpose of the walk is too keep up my exercise routine. Usually, I feel more energized the next day for a run or strength training. If not, then it's a Zombie Walk again. Sometimes I just do these walks all week until I can make it to the weekend, when I have more time to rest up.

    In short, find a light exercise that you can do on the days you are tired and exhausted. The purpose is to keep up the routine. And try to find a way to get more sleep. If you're truly sick, then you may need to rest and take a break. And then ease back into the workout with a light exercise once you're feeling better.

    For an injury, it depends on what is injured. I injured my shoulder recently during an overly vigorous workout with weights. Now I'm back to jogging, and I've had to cut out the strength training. Once my shoulder is recovered, I plan on picking up the strength training again. It's a setback, but the exercise routine is still moving forward.
  • Binarysolace
    Binarysolace Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for the support and guidance! It has really helped me keep things in perspective. I will try not to stress out about my lack of progress and just focus on getting better, but in the meantime I will definitely give the zombie walk a try with my dogs!