Feeling deflated

Over the last two months things haven't gone well on the diet side. I had all the motivation when I started, was taking regular exercise, eating well and felt good!

I started with a cold which lasted for about a week and half, no biggy, just a cold but this through me off track a little. This cold then turned into Siunitis (sp?) which lasted for almost 3 weeks, this really threw me off and I forgot all about dieting as I felt so ill. As my Siunitis disappeared I got an infected wisdom tooth, this threw me off course even more. A week later this was srted out and now, for the last 5 days, I've had some sort of bug which has given me a mild stomach ache and lots of indegestion (i've had something similar before).

I have not followed the plan but not really changed my eating habits but over the last couple of months I've continued to weigh and my weight has gone up and down like a yo-yo! I'm not sure if it's the illnesses or my electronic scales that will tell me a different weight depending on where I place them on the floor, I can have a 4lb difference in weight just by moving them from the kitchen to the living room, both hard floors.

Seeing the weight move around so much has destroyed my motivation completely and I feel like I can't stick to anything. I am at the point where I hate the weekends as everything I have is too tight or looks awful. During the week I work so it's work trousers which are fine.

I feel like I don't know where to go from here. I know what I need to do, kick myself in the backside, get back on the diet, exercise and build my health back up after it's series of knocks this last few months but I just feel like I can't do it any more.

I know this is a depressing post but I needed to get it out and no-one around me understands, I just get 'don't be daft' or those rolling eyes.

It looks like I'm going to have to get used to having a fat summer wearing jumpers to cover everything up :(.

Thanks and my apologies for the depressing post!


  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Sorry you're having such a rough time. I don't think many people could stick with any program during that, and when you're sick all you should really focus on is getting well anyway. You needed to rest and eat. And it sounds like you're still fighting the stomach issue, so why not rest a few more days and ignore the scale until you know you're back to normal, then start working out again? The best part of exercise is improving health.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Stop weighing yourself in different places at different times of the day. Stick to one place and at the same time of day or you'll never be able to see which way your weight is trending.

    Use a weight tracking app such as Libra or Happy Scale if you weigh daily as it will monitor natural fluctuations and give an estimation of your 'true' weight.

    If you are unwell, concentrate no getting back to health by setting your calorie goal to maintenance. Once you feel ready to start losing weight then set your goal to lose just 0.5 or 1 lb per week.

    Weigh measure and log everything you eat. Exercise for fitness.
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    I agree with Karen. She had some great advice though I would say that while yes, exercise is for fitness but (for me) it's also a way to have that wee bit of chocolate or treat without going over my cals for the day :)

    I totally get where you are at. I've been there. Set yourself some small goals that are easily achievable and not necessarily weightloss related to get your motivation going in the right direction.

  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Stop weighing yourself in different places at different times of the day. Stick to one place and at the same time of day or you'll never be able to see which way your weight is trending. .........

    Weigh measure and log everything you eat. Exercise for fitness.
    It's important for reasons of sanity to put your scales in one spot and use them only in that place, and at the same time of day.
    If you are getting stressed about the usual daily fluctuations it may be a good idea to just weigh once a week - after all, most of us are into this to improve the way we feel and how are clothes fit and look - what the scales say is in many ways irrelevant. Focus on eating healthily and at a sensible deficit (no quick fixes here) and being active. Use the scales only as yet another indication that you are getting trimmer - they are by no means the only indicator or even the most reliable.
    You can do this - perhaps you just need to tread water until you are feeling fitter and can find that positive frame of mind. :flowerforyou:

    Hope your ailments are all soon history
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I agree with the person who said to weigh yourself in the same spot at the same time of day - I will add wearing your birthday suit so there is not excuses for 'heavy' knickers.

    You say 'your diet' and 'your plan'...did you try and follow a particular eating philosophy? Exercises etc? Was it too much too soon and too hard to maintain? What calories were you set at? What weight loss rate did you set (1/2 lb, 1lb, 2lbs?)...all of these things can affect the success of your weight loss.

    One thing I will say about MFP is that it isn't about dieting as such, it is counting calories. How and what way you choose to get your calories are up to you, and how fast you choose to lose is your choice BUT for it to be successful then you need to be realistic when you start.

    Educating yourself on how much of your favourite foods is a good portion size is a great way to start. Looking at a slightly slower rate of weight loss will give you more calories to eat and may help you stay on track without chewing your arms off. Start eating patterns and foods that you are comfortable continuing with forever and ever amen.

    Eating plans that aim at 30 days bam! do nothing to help you know what and how to eat in maintenance - because let me tell you a secret - maintenance is still calorie counting but with a bigger calorie budget. How you eat now should be how you continue to eat once your weight is gone, with a few more frills. You won't be able to skip off happily back to your old ways because that is what got you here in the first place.

    Read around the site...have a look at things....fiddle about with the recipe builder and start storing your favourite recipes and work out how many serves they should be to fit you.

    Hope you get back on the treadie soon x
  • naz1234
    naz1234 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh dear, so sorry its so difficult right now. Try being kind to yourself, it sounds as if you are completely physically and mentally exhausted. You need to recover first before you can mend.

    Perhaps get rid of your scales, leave with a friend maybe. They are not the tools you need right now. Focus on overcoming your stomach issues. If you are able, start some really gentle exercise, for example stretching or indoor walking.

    Write a journal, the rolling eyes cant help write now. But you may fnd it helps to pour out the pain,frustration and sadness you feel. Through this you may then fee able to use your journal to build up your recovery. Plan where you are going to go with your eating and exercise plan.

    Small steps, above all things be kind to yourself and support yourself as you would a friend in need. Being kind is not wallowing, its getting well constructively.
  • tracya04
    tracya04 Posts: 15
    Thank you to all for your replies.

    I don't think I threw myself into too much exercise as such. I went on the exercise bike 2-3 times a week for just 20 minutes, the rest was walking the dog (she does get walked but the OH usually takes her so I started joining him). I burnt just enough calories to stop me from going over.

    I wasn't weighing daily, that would have really got me down! Every Saturday morning before getting dressed and I do tend to keep the scales on the same floor tile, but even if I leave it 15 minutes and weigh again it says different, I'm sure they've got it in for me!

    I've had a very lazy day today and done a lot of thinking. Sitting here moaning is not going to get me where I want to be but I wasn't going to put myself back on track half way through today.

    My stomach appears to be getting better so I'm going to start taking some multivitamins to boost my immune system back up. I enjoy walking so tomorrow I will start that back up (even with the rain) and start logging again without worrying too much if I go a little over.

    I over eat when I'm bored or feeling fed up especially after a stressful day at work. I need to find something else to do.

    So tomorrow is it, my new beginning. I would like to have a few more friends on here, it's clear I can't do this alone.

    Thank you again for your support :).
  • naz1234
    naz1234 Posts: 18 Member
    No problem at all! Wishing you a speedy recovery and that you continue your journey with every success!