

  • ambeecakes
    ambeecakes Posts: 8
    thank you! lots of good info, ill try the exercises at my desk, the balance ball, and weighing out food servings! question, does using the balance ball really help burn calories, i use one for stretching and yoga, but can i really ounce away calories? i feel like the ball would be doing most of the work, what muscles does it work to bounce?!?
  • cmoncmonshake
    cmoncmonshake Posts: 24 Member
    I would say treadmill desk or workout ball over anything. You can move and still do work those ways. I tend to do some work from home and I have an iPad holder affixed to my stationery bicycle, so that I can watch/read/email if I happen to be super short on time for exercise.

    If you truly are VERY sedentary, and you are not losing weight, lower your calories. If you're not losing weight, than you are not creating the correct deficit. As healthy as you may eat, you may still be consuming too many calories.

    But, for your health, try to find a spare five minutes or so each hour when you get up and walk away from the computer. I know computer work can be tough and all-consuming (I work at a computer 9-6 every day, likely more), but you will end up having a LOT of body aches (back pains, etc) if you don't have any time whatsoever to get up and move. Work is temporary, but your health is something you have to live with your whole life!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    HI, Im Amber and my job sucks! I work form home, and take emails for a cable company.. basically im glued to my desk from 7am-11 pm no joke, im aware that my job sucks, but i don't have the luxury of finding a new one. working from home gives me the benefit of eating right, i have balanced meals, fresh fruit and veggies, i do low carb bread when i do bread at all. and i drink plenty of water, but my weight keeps going up! i work 6 days a week, and my only day off i just want rest, please tell me what i can do to help get my weight under control, my goal weight is 130, i am hoping to be 50 pounds lighter by christmas of this year, but i keep getting farther away from it. what can i do to lose weight without the time for exercise? i know that exercise will be required to get to my goal weight but at this time id would settle for any weight loss, what can i do?

    Work out at 6:00am
    Take 5 minutes breaks every hour and move
    Tell your company that everyone deserves breaks...especially employees working 16 hours a day?
    Stand while you work
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Using the balance ball would burn more calories than using a regular chair. How much, I don't know - but I'm of the belief that more is better than less. :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    thank you! lots of good info, ill try the exercises at my desk, the balance ball, and weighing out food servings! question, does using the balance ball really help burn calories, i use one for stretching and yoga, but can i really ounce away calories? i feel like the ball would be doing most of the work, what muscles does it work to bounce?!?

    Sitting on a stability ball burns a pathetically small number of calories.....hardly worth the effort. It mostly uses small stabilizer core muscles to keep your balance.

    Can you lift dumbbells, do chair leg lifts, chair tricep dips?

    How about an under desk bike? desk cycle bike&sprefix=under+desk+cycle,aps,154
  • mcspiffy88
    mcspiffy88 Posts: 90 Member
    wow you know i just found 20 free minutes.. if i had 20 free minutes then trust me i have 1000 active things id love to do. my problem is that I DO NOT HAVE FREE TIME,

    You found time to post on an internet forum so you clearly have some free time. If you are so buried by work that you have no time for your health then your work itself has become your excuse.


    Trust me even obama could find 20 mins if he wanted to. Heck, set your alarm clock 30 mins earlier and do some exercise.

    Theres no need to get on the offensive we are all trying to help here. :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    You didn't ask for help on the job issue, so I won't comment on that portion. If you are stuck with the job and hours you have, get a standing desk if you can't afford a treadmill desk or bike. I agree with the person who commented that this is more about health than weight. If you are sitting that many hours a day, you will have full body health issues eventually, even things like constipation and hemorroids. (Can never spell that.)
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I've done your job, and while there are some positive points, there are a lot of points about that [all capital letters] SUCK!

    Here's the thing about your day off, your job is stressful, people are awful, you're stuck inside all day. GO OUTSIDE. Seriously, you need it for more than losing weight. You need to see smiling people and sunshine and kids playing and dogs barking.

    As far as the workweek, invest in a stand up desk. At least then you can walk in place and still type. You can claim it as an office expense on your taxes.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Seconding the stand up desk - or even better a treadmill desk!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I guess talk is cheap...I try not to judge...

    Here is what I do. I get up really early, and exericse for 45 minutes before getting ready to work. This includes weekend as it has become my daily routine. I hope you can find some slot that might work for you and develop a habit eventually. Good luck~
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    7am til 11pm? Is that even legal?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I work from home as well. My workout time is important to me I wake up at 3:30 am and get it done and move on with the rest of my day. I also make sure I get up and move around during the day whenever possible even if it means marching in place while I'm working.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    You own a dog so you must be getting at least two walks a day. Can you add weights or a heavy rucksack to increase the work?
  • csy108
    csy108 Posts: 58 Member
    wow you know i just found 20 free minutes.. if i had 20 free minutes then trust me i have 1000 active things id love to do. my problem is that I DO NOT HAVE FREE TIME,

    You found time to post on an internet forum so you clearly have some free time. If you are so buried by work that you have no time for your health then your work itself has become your excuse.


    Trust me even obama could find 20 mins if he wanted to. Heck, set your alarm clock 30 mins earlier and do some exercise.

    Theres no need to get on the offensive we are all trying to help here. :)

    Nope. Some people have responsibilities that require them to be on call and respond immediately. I don't mean after they get back from 20 minute jogs. I mean immediately. And they can face consequences if they don't respond within 5 minutes. This is especially true with people who have the privilege of teleworking/working from home. That doesn't mean OP can't probably do some type of cardio at the desk when there's some free time. But OP may not be able to jog around the neighborhood for 20 minutes on any work day.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    Eat less
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    You work 84 hours a week? Well ****... you must get INSANE overtime pay. If so, you might want to decide if the extra hour a day is worth the health sacrifices you make. Work 1 hour less per day and spend that hour working out, your body will thank you.

    If you don't get overtime pay/if the extra hours over 60per-wk are not voluntary, you need to consider getting a new job - that's no kind of life.

    If you get a long lunchtime - spend some of this time getting exercise (even just going for a walk will help at this point).

    Workout on your day off... exercise is a great way to decompress (again, even if it is a long walk or a bike ride with family or friends).
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    wow you know i just found 20 free minutes.. if i had 20 free minutes then trust me i have 1000 active things id love to do. my problem is that I DO NOT HAVE FREE TIME, if you are going to be an *kitten* and tell me about my life and say that i have all kinds of free time then do yourself a favor and dont comment, i am looking for helpful tips. for the record i work 15-16 hour shifts a day 6 days a week, no lunch, no break. i work from home so we are not required to take them. this schedule is not permanent, only until june. i am looking for a jump start for my weight loss until i can get out and be active again.
    Well, I guess you didn't like the answer you received. :wink: Nope, nobody needs to stay out of the discussion. It's up to you to take what you like and leave the rest.

    The only thing required to lose weight is a calorie deficit, and if you are gaining weight or not losing then you are not in a calorie deficit. Do you weigh your food? Log everything you eat? Have MFP set up for a certain calorie range each week, or perhaps you use the TDEE method? It really doesn't matter what method you do to lose weight, just that you know your calorie goal for the amount of weight per week you want to lose and that you stick to those calories.

    As for exercise-I work full time plus much overtime, barely find time for anything else, but I get up each weekday morning and go to the gym for weight lifting M,W,F. running T,tH and usually one weekend day. I have forced myself to make time because it benefits me.

    I also want to encourage you to make the time to exercise if that is what you want to do. Perhaps before work at home? There are some great workout videos on You Tube that you might enjoy. If for some reason I know I'm not going to get to the gym, I look up a Tae Bo 45 minute video and just do it.

    The best of luck to you.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    wow you know i just found 20 free minutes.. if i had 20 free minutes then trust me i have 1000 active things id love to do. my problem is that I DO NOT HAVE FREE TIME, if you are going to be an *kitten* and tell me about my life and say that i have all kinds of free time then do yourself a favor and dont comment, i am looking for helpful tips. for the record i work 15-16 hour shifts a day 6 days a week, no lunch, no break. i work from home so we are not required to take them. this schedule is not permanent, only until june. i am looking for a jump start for my weight loss until i can get out and be active again.
    Well, I guess you didn't like the answer you received. :wink: Nope, nobody needs to stay out of the discussion. It's up to you to take what you like and leave the rest.

    The only thing required to lose weight is a calorie deficit, and if you are gaining weight or not losing then you are not in a calorie deficit. Do you weigh your food? Log everything you eat? Have MFP set up for a certain calorie range each week, or perhaps you use the TDEE method? It really doesn't matter what method you do to lose weight, just that you know your calorie goal for the amount of weight per week you want to lose and that you stick to those calories.

    As for exercise-I work full time plus much overtime, barely find time for anything else, but I get up each weekday morning and go to the gym for weight lifting M,W,F. running T,tH and usually one weekend day. I have forced myself to make time because it benefits me.

    I also want to encourage you to make the time to exercise if that is what you want to do. Perhaps before work at home? There are some great workout videos on You Tube that you might enjoy. If for some reason I know I'm not going to get to the gym, I look up a Tae Bo 45 minute video and just do it.

    The best of luck to you.


    I do freelance web design and development from home (handle business and contract concerns for my husbands construction company and have 2 daughters and 2 dogs...I know what busy looks like) I have had project deadlines that have me working 20 of the days 24 hrs. Finding time to move is needed, not for losing weight but for your body and for sanity. The fact is if you get up to stretch your legs and get a bite to eat, which you say you eat, do some quick calisthenics... Squats, pushups, calf raises or run up the stairs a few times. For weight loss calories in vs calories out is all that matters, weigh all food and drinks and eat at a deficient... You will lose weight,
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    Besides the weighing of food suggestions, maybe an underdesk elliptical or bike. I have one at work- it isn't my main form of exercising but it keeps me moving at my desk job. Figure it is better than nothing. The one I have you can stand with, but my desk is too low so I don't know how easy it would be to work while standing and doing it.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Fit it in ! Lunges in the shower, squats while doing the dishes, jumping jacks while waiting for the water to warm up, bicep curls while using the bathroom, etc

    They REALLY add up !