Getting fit/strong without a gym

LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
Hi again everyone! I've been on MFP for quite some time, but it's been a while since I posted on the forums. Anyway, I was hoping to hear from people who have reached their fitness goals through home workouts. My goal isn't just to lose weight (I've already done that, and while I've gained a little back, losing it won't be an issue). My goal is to get strong, have some visible muscle definition, etc.

So here's my dilemma. I've been going to the gym for about two years now, and heavy lifting has been my absolute favorite thing to do. I've loved seeing my muscles grow (I mean, they're still tiny compared to a lot of people's, but to me they're ginormous and lovely). I've loved making strength progress. BUT, I'm moving in a week, to a different part of the city where there's not a good gym nearby. I'm extremely busy and don't have time to travel back and forth to the gym every day (my gym right now is just around the block). My new apartment however, will be right next to Central Park (which I'm so excited about). What I'm thinking is that I can run in the park three days a week and do strength workouts the other days - which is pretty much what I'm doing now, I just have to run on the dreadmill because there's not a good running space nearby. Anyway, I'm thinking of dropping my gym membership because of this. I'm a BROKE student and saving that money every month would really help. Not to mention it feels wrong to pay a lot for a gym when I'm only going to go 2-3 days a week because the other days I'll be running outdoors.

SO, sorry for the long winded question, but all of this is to ask, have any of you had great strength/fitness results through home workouts without heavy lifting? I'm thinking I'll stick mostly to DVDs - I've done Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, the 30Ds, and Insanity and loved them all, so I'll probably do more stuff like that. If I do those things, especially ones more geared towards strength (possibly P90X?) do you think I can get the results I want without a gym?

Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for replies! Would love to see photo evidence as well :)


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    you're in the section of Manhattan where there are no decent gyms? Manhattan, New York? Like, the New York in America?

    Try convict conditioning, but if you're used to working with weights, it's gonna suck. Like, it's fun for a change of pace, but unless you're going to get hardcore into doing human flags and muscle ups on park equipment, it's just not that great
  • hipsterskinny180
    hipsterskinny180 Posts: 3 Member
    I too am skeptical that there are no gyms in that location. In any case, it might be time to learn body weight fitness. Check out Look at the Sidebar (right side of screen) for introductory ideas/faqs/etc, and you can also check out the active forum community.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I get that you want to save money.

    I keep seeing a link thrown around called You Are Your Own Gym or something. Also are you able to have enough free weights in your home to combine with specific exercises to approximate the kinds of lifting you've been doing? Or at least maintain what you have done so far?
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Bump, interested in more responses.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    you're in the section of Manhattan where there are no decent gyms? Manhattan, New York? Like, the New York in America?
    I too am skeptical that there are no gyms in that location.

    Haha, I said no "good" gyms. I absolutely love the gym I'm at now, but they don't have any locations near my new place. As for the other gyms that ARE near my new apartment, they're the same price as my current gym but with a lot more negative reviews. So not worth it to me.

    Thanks for the suggestions so far! I've looked into both Convict Conditioning and YAYOG and they're definitely an option, but still pose a couple of issues (I think they require that you use furniture to strengthen yourself for the first several stages, and I don't have any sturdy furniture - mine is all cheap haha. The joys of student living). I also think I would find DVDs more "fun" than a home bodyweight routine, so that's why I'm hoping for feedback from people who have done those kinds of workouts and have had success. But, I'm definitely open to all suggestions!
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    Check out DDP-YOGA
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Haha, I said no "good" gyms. I absolutely love the gym I'm at now, but they don't have any locations near my new place. As for the other gyms that ARE near my new apartment, they're the same price as my current gym but with a lot more negative reviews. So not worth it to me.

    as a younger me would have said to you right around last call at the bar, "perhaps it's time you lowered your standards a bit and entertained the options right here in front of you"

    they're gyms. go work out. sure, some are better than others, but all you really need are some benches,some bars, and some weights. the other stuff is cool to have fo sho, but if you want to get your workout on you'll make do with what you have.
  • aplhabetacheesecake
    aplhabetacheesecake Posts: 181 Member
    im down 27lbs without stepping into a gym
    i use apps on my phone and ipad a super small workout room, and workout clothes from walmart-anyone can get fit if they chose to think creatively.
    I use the strong lifts app-
    I have T25 loaded on my ipad
    I run outdoors year round
    I do a lot of bodyweight exercises, pushups burpees lunges, im learning to do a pull up
    fitstar and nike training club are good all over workouts you cna mix up- i have those as apps on my phone too
  • MildredBarhopper
    MildredBarhopper Posts: 99 Member
    This website has a lot of free bodyweight workout programs/schedules. I am doing the 3-month one, although since you sound more advanced, there are more difficult ones on there. I like it so far! I did Body By You and I saw some results, but was definitely getting sick of it by the end. I am liking my new routine so far but have only done it for a couple weeks. I can't see I am seeing any difference yet, but I must be getting stronger because my reps are going up each time I do the routine.

    good luck! hope you find something that works for you.
  • MWShep
    MWShep Posts: 45 Member
    Does your apartment have access to a garden (I think you call it a yard over there?) then I'd go for a homemade sandbag.

    If I was in your situation I'd go for a cheap backpack with custom-made weights and do chins/pull ups , rows, dips, handstand press up, press ups, squats, 1 leg squat.