dykevader Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Here is my dilenma. I've been using Myfitnesspal since the beginning of Nov. I track what I eat and log it in my diary. My excersise consists of 30 min. brisk walks with my dog at 3.5 mph. I either work out with Jillian Micheals Last chance workout, which is a circuit training workout,or P90x cardio workout or Biggest losers cardio max 35 min. I'm always under my calorie allowance. My down fall is I don't drink alot of water. Accrording to this website I should be 7lbs lighter. I've only lost 3lbs. What am I doing wrong?


  • muscle gain?
  • If you are having too big of a calorie deficit for an extended period of time it will cause you to not lose weight as fast. I've found in previous calorie counting diets that sticking right at the calories allowance for the day yields best results. Try to stay within 100 calories of it on either side. Some days you may go over, some days under. I don't drink a *lot* of water either, although I drink plenty of diet sodas which still gets me liquid intake. Just stick with it and try to stay right around your goals. Don't work out too hard or feed yourself too little.
  • Thanks Bigsal that totally makes sense my thinking was i could 10 calories and burn 100 and lose weight. Apparently that is not the case. I'll keep with it and see what happens!
  • qmcipriani
    qmcipriani Posts: 1 Member
    Eat your calorie amount. when i eat less than my amount i dont lose because my body goes into starvation mood but when i eat my amount of calories i do good....
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