Flu-like aches/weakness all over after intense training?

I have no idea what's going on, and I think I've ruled out actually having the flu because I have no fever, no chills or hotflashes, and no headache. This has been going on for about 2 days since I did a new, very intense strengthening workout. I feel incredibly sore in all the muscles I worked--like can't laugh for the pain in my abs. But the aches and weakness are different and I have been trying to research my symptoms with no success... Help?


  • marialynn2014
    marialynn2014 Posts: 89 Member
    Do you take any protein after your workout? I've started doing a supplement and it's made a big difference for me!
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    I think you'll just have to tough it out with the pain; I remember days when I couldn't get out of bed without taking a pain pill.
    Also you might not be eating in a way that compliments your training routine, hence the fatigue. I suggest carbs after the workout for a quick energy boost, and even a light carbohydrate-rich snack an hour or two before. I also suggest post-workout protein. Seems to help me with the DOMS somehow.
    Give it a week or two. If there is no improvement at all, maybe try changing you routine to a more sustainable one.
    Hope you feel better soon. :smile:
  • gangsterfurious
    I had this happen when I wasn't getting enough protein. What I had went way beyond muscle aches and pains, I felt like I was sick and achy all over. Get a bit more protein, try an after-workout shake or something.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    im with the other posters, used to get doms all the time, then i started eating supper before about 1.5 hours before, then drinking a dymatize protein shake after. it helps good luck
  • biffmon
    biffmon Posts: 12 Member
    I have no idea what's going on, and I think I've ruled out actually having the flu because I have no fever, no chills or hotflashes, and no headache. This has been going on for about 2 days since I did a new, very intense strengthening workout. I feel incredibly sore in all the muscles I worked--like can't laugh for the pain in my abs. But the aches and weakness are different and I have been trying to research my symptoms with no success... Help?

    During my first week of working out with intensity my body was incredibly sore. The muscles in my legs for instance ached so bad that I couldn't sleep at night. I was so sore I literally thought I was injured and needed to go to the hospital. On top of that I also suffered from searing headaches during my workouts that would cause me to become dizzy.

    As time went by the muscle soreness eased and I discovered that dehydration during workouts can cause the headaches I was getting (if it wasn't that I was told I could be having a brain aneurysm!). When I started drinking more water during my training sessions they went away.

    All that to say... I was really out of shape and my body was screaming for me to stop.

    Perhaps this is true of you (?).

    Keep on pushing on. You'll make it!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I think that's just called DOMS, lol. Ride it out and do light stretching/epsom salt soaks. Shouldn't last more than a week.
  • haleyc717
    haleyc717 Posts: 20 Member
    I had this happen when I wasn't getting enough protein. What I had went way beyond muscle aches and pains, I felt like I was sick and achy all over. Get a bit more protein, try an after-workout shake or something.

    This is the most accurate description. I appreciate everyone's advice, but this isn't standard DOMS. I've been a dancer, and been extremely active my whole life so I'm no stranger to muscle soreness. I legitimately feel like I have the flu--whole body aches and severe weakness, like I get winded and a little light headed just standing up. But I don't have the flu. I will definitely try the extra protein, but if anyone else has experienced this please let me know what you did and what caused it.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Sounds like a moderate case of rhabdomyolysis. Here's a decent article on it.


    Do you have darker urine than usual?
  • pez1234
    pez1234 Posts: 20 Member
    Sounds like general fatigue, a little protein around work out time and an isotonic sports drink will probably help, if you're exercising hard you might have to add some calories. If you are consistently coming in below your net calorie goal you're probably going to continue to feel like this (especially if you have set it too low in the first instance.

    Rhabdo ? It's pretty hard to get you're body to this point, not impossible, but you really have to push yourself , it's well beyond the mental threshold of most people, in the absence of relatively high humidity and heat.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Rhabdo ? It's pretty hard to get you're body to this point, not impossible, but you really have to push yourself , it's well beyond the mental threshold of most people, in the absence of relatively high humidity and heat.

    Some can get it from any increase in exercise. See the case studies in the article i posted.
  • walking_the_labyrinth
    I've had this happen when I suddenly and drastically increased the intensity of my workout...the fatigue and all over achiness were kind of unreal (nothing like DOMS that had me going ow ow ow on the stairs, etc).

    I don't know what caused it exactly, but what I did was take extra sleep and backed off on the intensity for a few days. I am a lot more careful about getting my protein/water/sleep/eating back my exercise calories, and try to be a bit more gradual when changing exercise routines.
  • flawwd
    flawwd Posts: 32 Member
    I agree it could possibly be rhabo... it would help if you went to a doctor or ER and got some blood work done. Better to be safe than sorry.