Oh my sore eye opener

nhendri Posts: 236 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So I havent been very activate for several months!! I decided to start out slow so yesterday I did fifteen minute of the biggest loser on the kinect. I felt great was a little sore yesterday, I walked for 10 minutes and stretched before bed. Today I am sooooooo sore!!! I dont remember ever feeling this sore I can barely walk or sit down. I have been standing at my desk with a heater pointed at my backside trying to get some releif. This is a huge eye opener for how I have let myself go!!!! I just wish I could get into a hot bath!!!! So now I am not sure what to do I did not do the biggest loser this morning and only walked for 10 min today cuz I am so sore. Do I start out with just walking and incorporating a small amount of lundges and squatts till I am a little stronger, Or do I push past it and do the video. Normaly I would push past it but with the amount of PAIN I am in I kinda think I might have done something wrong and hurt myself. I definately will not give up and want the results just trying to do it all with a good pace so I dont overwhelm or hurt myself. What ya think?


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I would walk as I could stretch and take pain reliever. :) Keep at it and it'll get better. It's hard but you know what they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was a killer body. :)
  • Bethy25
    Bethy25 Posts: 73
    push through the soreness it will make you get better faster... and drink TONS of water. That might be the reason why you are so sore!
  • Ibuprofen is my new friend.
  • move till you are uncomfortable it should be more of a burning sensation. A tugging or throbbing is not so good.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Just do something lighter today, a walk or go for a swim if you can. When I have started an intensive new program I usually only do it every 2nd day until the soreness subsides a bit, or if there is a lot of strength training I will only do that every 2nd day to get the day of rest in between.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    The second day is when your most sore. Take a hot bath or shower and stretch. Drink lots of water. If the soreness is still bugging you go get a massage... it will make the acid in your muscles move and you can flush it out by drinking water. Also, a lil protien during or imediatly after your workout can help you not to be as sore. Hope this helps, good luck :)
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    Give your self a break a day or two, your body is telling you something!!!! Listen to it or u will hurt yourself even tho it is very minimal what u r doing!

    My brother is a trainer and says u work out 1 day a certain area of the body then the next day the other, your muscles need at least 24hr rest period after being worked out...Keep up the good work it means your muscles are still there and are working properly...Keep up the good work but take it easy!
  • hollywoodfrodo
    hollywoodfrodo Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there - remember Consistency over Quantity! Yes, down the line maybe you can do a ton and go all out, but 30-45 minutes of walking every day is way better than 1 day of going crazy with the Kinect followed by 5 days of not doing anything because you're too sore.

    Especially if you haven't done anything for a long while, your muscles will be sore. Sore isn't bad - it means your muscles got a good workout. But you need to learn the difference between sore and hurt. Both can be "painful" but sore muscles are a sign that they have been pushed and are now recouping. But if you hurt yourself and have pain, then that's your bodies way of saying "whoa! slow down".

    I'd say take some time to work up to a more intense work out. We all want the results right away and we want to work really hard and magically have our dream body in a week. The problem with that is often the faster people lose it, the faster they gain it back because they haven't had time to really establish the permanent lifestyle change needed to sustain healthy eating/exercising for a lifetime and keep the weight off. So don't get down on yourself for having to take it down a notch.

    Doing anything is always better than doing nothing! Start slower and work up. I don't have a Kinect but if there are different levels, maybe there's an easier level you can start with. If not, then just start walking, then maybe walking at a faster pace, then maybe walking really fast, then maybe the kinect.

    Consistency is key! And remember exercise is only about 25-30% of the formula - the other 70-75% is food!

    God bless!
  • I would take a break today. It sounds like you overdid it a little yesterday. Remember fitness and weight loss is a journey, not a destination. Folks like us are always going to have to work at it, and we're always going to have to watch what we eat and keep up the exercise.

    If it hurts, stop doing it or slow down. Exercise shouldn't be painful. If you're doing cardio, try talking to your friend or the person next to you. If you can't do it without losing your breath, you're going too fast.

    If you "push through the pain" as some have suggested, you are leaving yourself more vulnerable to injury, and if you're injured you can't work out.

    Something my Father (who has run over 30 marathons and has been running for 30 years) says, a little of something is better than a lot of nothing. If it means you walk or jog more slowly, that's fine. 3 to 4 slow jogs are a lot better than 1 fast jog that gets you injured.

    Wait for the soreness to die down, then maybe try the video, but do half of the reps they suggest, then go for a brisk walk or jog. you'll get stronger, and then you'll be able to do everything they can, but it may take a month or two to get there. Take your time, be persistent, but TAKE YOUR TIME. You'll get there.

    Slow and steady may never win the race, but it'll get you where you want to go.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Ibuprofen and a hot water bottle hun x
  • kickchick
    kickchick Posts: 19 Member
    Your muscles need recovery time as well. If you "overdid" it a little, then they could need up to 2-3 days for full recovery. I would tone it down a bit until you are only feel a bit sore. Pushing yourself is good but the body knows its limits. Monitor and adjust by doing something that will still burn calories but that is not over-exerting your muscles.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    there are some nights I take an Ibuprofin / icy hot cream cocktail to bed with me! :drinker: My husband thinks its pretty sexy!! :wink:
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    :wink: lol oooooh I wish I had a husband lol maybe he'd massage it on for me and think is was sexy lol

    Thanks for all the advice!!!
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