Help! No weight loss again :-(



  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Really struggling here too, I have weighed almost the same since Jan/feb and I do cardio almost everyday and eat more sensible than I ever have in my life, my job depends on it, at this rate im gonna get fired, why isnt the weight coming off, seriously considering a surgical option here.

    How much do you need to lose? and how long have you been tracking?

    Need to lose 12lbs in four weeks to keep my job and 10stone around 140lbs to save my depressed here, been on yoyo diets all my life and just getting heavier as I get older, been monitoring since start of the year but MFP only last 4-5 weeks....

    Ah, if you are 140 lbs overweight, then you are either severely underestimating your calories, or you have a serious thyroid or other metabolic disorder. Have you been to a doctor about this?
  • Onedayslimmfp
    Onedayslimmfp Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks all, I'll just have to be patient,

    I tried on a skirt that I bought last summer and even though it zips, it's a bit too snug to go out in, that's how I know I need to lose those dreaded 7lbs.

    Going to try and eat more too as I always seem to be hungry but anxious about that as I certainly don't want to gain anymore :sad:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Try detoxing. The lymphatic system causes you to retain water when there is a buildup of toxins in your system. This is a major cause of the " pot belly". Here's some tips for detoxing

    for the love of no…this has nothing to do with weight loss..

    your body naturally detoxes itself..

    OP - if you want to try and lose some water weight just drink a bunch of water and make sure you are peeing ALOT…
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    water fluctuations, you are not a unique snowflake, your body is not immune to the the laws of thermodynamics just like everyone else


    I am so sick of seeing people post this. It is rude, and certainly not helpful to anyone.

    why? It is the truth ….eventually OP will start losing again ..assuming she is in a calorie deficit...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - how long have you been "dieting" for and eating a low number of calories? Do you just do cardio? Have you considered a heavy lifting program?
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    >>Need to lose 12lbs in four weeks to keep my job<<

    Off topic, but what kind of job will you lose over 12 pounds???
  • saunca
    saunca Posts: 10 Member
    "Why do you not eat back at least part of your exercise calories? You need to fuel the workouts, not to mention making sure you are meeting you macros/micros for optimal health. "

    Yes! What they said.

    If you've increased your workout load, but are not eating some of the earned calories back, your body may end up in starvation mode. This can definitely cause a weight loss stall or, even a gain. I noticed that one of your days only had a calorie net of about 1050. Did a message pop up when you tried to enter your food diary to MFP? Sometimes an alert message from MFP lets you know if you aren't eating enough in relationship to your workouts.
  • nasaksc
    nasaksc Posts: 16
    Yes clothes do feel significantly looser especially the trousers, infact they feel & look quite baggy wheras before they fit quite neat, upper body looks and feels no diff looking at photos taken from jan to may, i agree the mfp calories burned appears extreme compared to the gym machjnes, what do you believe?, And yes I will get fired as its a health & safety requirement for me to use ladders, at present i am 5kg under the max weight limit for usage but my employer wants me to be at least 12lbs lighter before usage.
  • Onedayslimmfp
    Onedayslimmfp Posts: 23 Member
    OP - how long have you been "dieting" for and eating a low number of calories? Do you just do cardio? Have you considered a heavy lifting program?

    I've been "dieting" since February and lost 12lbs and then it just stopped, fluctuating slightly up & down since then. I have considered a heavy lifting programme which I may give a shot at in 2 weeks time when I know I have the gym to myself at work but currently I only do cardio.

    I'm 5' 7" & currently weigh 153lbs as of this morning :-(

    My diary is open if you want to check it out.....
  • Onedayslimmfp
    Onedayslimmfp Posts: 23 Member
    Anyone else got anymore ideas?
  • itsadogslife
    itsadogslife Posts: 209
    Really struggling here too, I have weighed almost the same since Jan/feb and I do cardio almost everyday and eat more sensible than I ever have in my life, my job depends on it, at this rate im gonna get fired, why isnt the weight coming off, seriously considering a surgical option here.

    I creeped your diary. While your calories are low, your nutrition isn't there. You're drinking your calories with beer, and my guess is you aren't hitting your macros for the day.. macros are carbs, fat and protein. There are numerous ways to calculate your specific needs for your height/weight/activity level/goal, but you need to seriously focus on meeting them. I would definitely get informed on those things if you are serious about needing to lose weight to keep your job. From the peek I had at your diary, it won't happen unless this changes.
  • darkhunters1983
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred .. it will change your life =)
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Eat more protein - your brekkies you could add in an egg white omlette or cottage cheese with the fruit
    Try and get the brekkie and lunches to around the 300 calorie mark
    Snacks - lots of sugars, try getting in some more protein snacks, apples, almond butter, protein powder...

    More water :)
  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    The frustration of it all. I know how it feels. I was up 2 pounds after a trip away. I was over estimated every calorie I ate and thought I was going to be ok. You know how eating out can be a guessing game. I stayed the same even though I was in calorie deficient for 2 weeks. Then on the third week a pound was gone and same with the fourth. I earned those two pounds and it was a hard journey. Then this week thinking I would be down a pound (because I was naughty and had a few things I normally woulnt') and I was all of a sudden down almost 3. SURPRISE! Don't give up.
    I read a blog about breaking up with your scale the other day (see link below). Maybe its time you focus on everything else except the scale. Because it sounds like you are going at it right.
    I wish you luck!!
  • Onedayslimmfp
    Onedayslimmfp Posts: 23 Member
    The frustration of it all. I know how it feels. I was up 2 pounds after a trip away. I was over estimated every calorie I ate and thought I was going to be ok. You know how eating out can be a guessing game. I stayed the same even though I was in calorie deficient for 2 weeks. Then on the third week a pound was gone and same with the fourth. I earned those two pounds and it was a hard journey. Then this week thinking I would be down a pound (because I was naughty and had a few things I normally woulnt') and I was all of a sudden down almost 3. SURPRISE! Don't give up.
    I read a blog about breaking up with your scale the other day (see link below). Maybe its time you focus on everything else except the scale. Because it sounds like you are going at it right.
    I wish you luck!!

    Do you know, I think you're right, I'm obsessed with weighing myself. I weigh twice each morning & night more at weekends :-(

    I know I'm not exceeding my intake & I'm eating at a deficit but wow it's seriously sooooo frustrating grrrrrrrr!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    It's said that the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose.

    How does your body know they're the last 10 lbs.?

    Well, because your body is this great machine which combined with your brain has the ability to prevent you from eating less, working out harder, and losing weight(ugh...the last 10 pounds). But folks keep eating at too steep a deficit, workout harder, and.....and.....get frustrated and gain the weight back. So, maybe for sharts and goggles, OP you may want to slowly increase your caloric intake....what the what? Maybe you'll want to read about the triathlete who gained 15 pounds eating a restrictive diet(calorically at least) and knocked their metabolism all ka-ffooeeyy(highly technical term and easier to write then metabolic damage/repair) And last, a little thought about metabolism...think of it like a fire, needs constant fuel....constant.....constant.......I believe the metabolic repair took 5 weeks. Best of luck OP.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    and the link:

    Well, best of luck again. Read, eat, fuel the fire. Repeat. :bigsmile:
  • belleamore1234
    belleamore1234 Posts: 105 Member
    Really struggling here too, I have weighed almost the same since Jan/feb and I do cardio almost everyday and eat more sensible than I ever have in my life, my job depends on it, at this rate im gonna get fired, why isnt the weight coming off, seriously considering a surgical option here.

    How much do you need to lose? and how long have you been tracking?

    Need to lose 12lbs in four weeks to keep my job and 10stone around 140lbs to save my depressed here, been on yoyo diets all my life and just getting heavier as I get older, been monitoring since start of the year but MFP only last 4-5 weeks....

    I have just looked at your diary and your diet isn't great! Your eating an awful lot of sugar, why are you drinking squash instead of water? Beer is loaded with sugar and calories I can see almost no green veg in your diet and your still snacking on bicuits and eating sugary fruit regardless of your calorie intake sugar makes you fat its that simple! Your eating white carbs and no wholegrains, no nuts seeds or pulses, and I cant see any healthy snacks?
  • Vigilance88
    Vigilance88 Posts: 95 Member
    I have just looked at your diary and your diet isn't great! Your eating an awful lot of sugar, why are you drinking squash instead of water? Beer is loaded with sugar and calories I can see almost no green veg in your diet and your still snacking on bicuits and eating sugary fruit regardless of your calorie intake sugar makes you fat its that simple! Your eating white carbs and no wholegrains, no nuts seeds or pulses, and I cant see any healthy snacks?

    << imagine awesome nope gif >>

    And this is why we have to be 'mean' :(
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I have just looked at your diary and your diet isn't great! Your eating an awful lot of sugar, why are you drinking squash instead of water? Beer is loaded with sugar and calories I can see almost no green veg in your diet and your still snacking on bicuits and eating sugary fruit regardless of your calorie intake sugar makes you fat its that simple! Your eating white carbs and no wholegrains, no nuts seeds or pulses, and I cant see any healthy snacks?


    And this is why we have to be 'mean' :(

    There ya go.