How to remove lower abdomen fat?



  • Vigilance88
    Vigilance88 Posts: 95 Member
    Cut out all sugar, including fruits, all dairy expect a small amount of shredded mozzarella cheese on salads... small amount and NO BREAD for about 14 days.


    Full moon tonight?
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I've lost almost 10lbs and am not seeing any difference to my belly. It's the biggest part of my body. It's just below my naval where all the fat is. It's like a tyre around my waist. My top two packs are showing and I would like the rest of them to show. I know spot reduction can't be done but is there anything I can do?

    You're not alone. Many people have this issue, and believe it or not, I've had this issue myself, even though I never really needed to lose weight (only gain weight). The problem is you're retaining water. It's not really fat. If you're consuming foods with lots of sodium, that's the effect it will have. There are many ways you can reduce that. Keep doing crunches, keep drinking lots of water, sweat (and I mean SWEAT), flex your abs (trust me, it works), and reduce your sodium intake.

  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I will tell you what I have experienced and what is documented.... may be hard to do but you can do it if you are determined. Cut out all sugar, including fruits, all dairy expect a small amount of shredded mozzarella cheese on salads... small amount and NO BREAD for about 14 days. You will see abdominal FAT go away. Unless you have no fat and it's just untoned muscle. Then re-introduce bread back into your diet at a VERY slow and minimal rate. VERY slow.... and you will maintain your weight loss.... do some walking to get your heart rate up too... it helps.... water of course. Good luck!

    Documented where? Any why mozzarella, why not Wisconsin Sharp? Or can I use any one type of cheese? And for the bread re-entry, VERY is sort of vague....and minimal is what exactly? And if I do some walking, and drink water.....I am just confused. Maybe we can start with the documentation, it would be helpful. Can you provide a link?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It is so NOT true that cutting out certain foods or eating a certain way will reduce belly fat. The reason people lose weight when doing these things is because they have created a calorie deficit, not because of the type of food.

    No amount of crunches or other exercises will spot reduce our belly.

    Also,, this is not true either:
    The problem is you're retaining water. It's not really fat. If you're consuming foods with lots of sodium, that's the effect it will have. There are many ways you can reduce that. Keep doing crunches, keep drinking lots of water, sweat (and I mean SWEAT), flex your abs (trust me, it works), and reduce your sodium intake.

    or this:
    Cut out all sugar, including fruits, all dairy expect a small amount of shredded mozzarella cheese on salads... small amount and NO BREAD for about 14 days. You will see abdominal FAT go away. Unless you have no fat and it's just untoned muscle. Then re-introduce bread back into your diet at a VERY slow and minimal rate. VERY slow.... and you will maintain your weight loss.... do some walking to get your heart rate up too... it helps.... water of course.

    Eat at a calorie deficit of the types of food you want and you will lose weight, which should include your belly fat. However, we cannot choose where we lose weight from.

    The type of food you eat has to do with energy levels, not with the actual weight loss. Mileage for energy levels based on food varies by mileage--in other words, certain types of food are preference only.
  • david2133
    david2133 Posts: 58
    Also, I'd like to say, what is your real waist size? I mean I look skinny just standing normally but when I breath out, my waist seems to greatly expand? I don't know why but it frustrates me
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    So basically what you just said is: I know I can't spot reduce but how can I spot reduce?

    Looks like you answered your own question.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    true HIIT...more specifically proper sprint interval training....will help you burn visceral fat, which is the stubborn fat you are trying to get rid of. Here's a proper description of sprint interval training.

    1. Go outside. Do NOT attempt this on a treadmill because you can't do it correctly on a treadmill. Stretch your hamstrings, quads, hips, calves and Achilles...well. Your goal with the sprint is to go all out for approximately 100 yards. You go all out by pushing from your butt and engaging the entire back of the leg. You will understand what it means to push from your butt once you do it. You should be breathing hard and essentially gassed after the 100 yards (you know, like Olympic sprinters). Your HR will be near max. If you're not breathing hard and essentially gassed after the 100 yards, you didn't push properly on the sprint.

    2. (Optional). Do a bodyweight exercise AMRAP (as may reps as possible) immediately after the sprint. Since you will be nearly gassed, you won't get too many reps. I do compound exercises and change them for each interval. So, different types of push-ups, burpees, bodyweight squats, step ups, etc.

    3. This step is important and its usually effed up by folks. REST until your HR drops below 120. If you don't do the proper rest, you won't be able to go all out when you start the next sprint and it won't be as effective as it could be. The rest period will easily be the longest part of each interval...and that's fine.

    Do 6-12 intervals exactly like this and stretch afterwards. That's the entire workout. Do not feel like you have to get fancy and do additional exercise. Your body will need a chance to recover IF you do these intervals correctly. Do not do sprint intervals on consecutive days. Give it at least 2 weeks and I bet you notice a difference by then if you're doing sprint intervals 2 or 3x per week.
  • david2133
    david2133 Posts: 58
    Also, I'd like to say, what is your real waist size? I mean I look skinny just standing normally but when I breath out, my waist seems to greatly expand? I don't know why but it frustrates me
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    South beach diet. Dr. Arthur Agaston. Lose belly fat first. I said it was documented and it worked for me.
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    South beach diet. Dr. Agaston. Lose belly fat first. It worked for me and millions of others.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    South beach diet. Dr. Arthur Agaston. Lose belly fat first. I said it was documented and it worked for me.

    Documented where?