Who wants to join the 'Lose weight by April' group?



  • I want to loose 14 lbs by the end of January, I know that's a high goal to set, but I think I can do it. I hope to be down about 30 lbs by April! I will fit into a size 12 jean by June!
  • Kandy3
    Kandy3 Posts: 24 Member
    Ok then all, what energy and support there is and people continue to pour in to join us! How amazing it is to know that not only are we not doing this alone but with the support of many.

    So as I've been asked to post a subject for discussion each day, January 5ths subject is;
    Tell us your favourite lunch and the calories
    Ok, over to all you guys and give ourselves a pat on our back!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Not sure how this week is going to go, I really am hoping that I am going to lose at least a pound but it will be tough going as I'm really suffering at the minute, symptoms suggest that I've got a case of Swine Flu on my hands :sick: I've been ill since last Monday and am only starting to feel a tiny bit better now. Have slept all day and have been woken up on a few occasions by my lovely husband to feed me - it was a sausage roll for breakfast and bacon sandwiches for dinner. Probably not the healthiest but it tasted good and I wasn't really in a position to argue :blushing:
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I listed my breakfast this morning before I ate it...lol! Instead of oatmeal I ended up having two egg white with a slice of homemade whole wheat bread with butter.
  • mercka
    mercka Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in too. My goal is to lose 20 lbs by April 1st.:happy:
  • Momma5366
    Momma5366 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been trying to plan breakfasts and lunches the night before. I plug them into my log and can see how many calories that will take. Then I ONLY pack what I plan to eat, so that I don't end up overeatting. Instead of bringing the whole bag of pretzels and grabbing a handful I grab a handful at home, put it in a sac, and only bring that! By already programming my meals I feel accountable to only eat those items and find myself not snacking more.

    I also have been eating at least every three hours. Breakfast at 730, snack at 10, lunch at 1, snack at 4, and dinner by 6. Last night I had enough calories leftover I had a piece of apple pie for dessert - and was still under 1200 calories!! I find snacking really does keep me full and so I don't get that urge to binge because I'm suddenly starving.

    What other tips do people have to promote staying under the daily recommended calories?
  • I'm pretty new and need all of the encouragement I can get. Sign me up, definitely!
  • marshellamae
    marshellamae Posts: 15 Member
    im in add me
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm in too! Pls people add me :)
  • jillian_alexis
    jillian_alexis Posts: 2 Member
    I will.....I need to lose weight so bad. I actually joined this site last year and didn't even try. This is MY year!!! My first goal is 15lb in 5 weeks. It will be hard, but I can do it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm in I would love to be down 30 pounds by then or even 20 but this weight has gotta come off and I need any help i can get to keep me on track
  • For a really tasty and quick lunch I love some Ryvita Crackerbreads with Philadelphia light cheese with chives spread. Each cracker works out to just over 40 calories so I can munch away on a few without guilt and I love the flavour of the cheese and the Crackerbread satisfies my need to *crunch* :bigsmile:
  • I'm in, I'm already doing a competition to lose the most by April 2nd! so this can be more motivation! :) and my bday is April 4th :)
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I'm in! I want to lose 6 kgs by April :drinker: I need someone to give me a kick up the backside haha :blushing:
  • im in
  • Elaine_2011
    Elaine_2011 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning everyone! I started this week and I've done pretty good so far and stayed under my calorie thing lol! Need to get more exercise today!
  • Hi everyone I would love to join in with this please.

    Thanks and good luck everyone :smile:
  • Been feeling ill for over a week and Doctor confirmed today - I have swine flu. I'm really annoyed and worried how this will affect my weight loss plans. I'm not even able to do my physiotherapy right now.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    My first weigh-in since I joined and I'm down two pounds since a week ago when I restarted my running schedule. WOOHOO!!:bigsmile:
  • cbouchard03
    cbouchard03 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself! If your sick, you don't need to be worrying about your diet. That's too much! Concentrate on getting well, and then get back on track!:smile:
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