
  • ok so this is what i have gathered from MFP -

    BMR -2,279 to maintain weight
    Nutritional goals Target
    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,850 Calories / Day
    Carbs / Day 231.0 g
    Fat / Day 62.0 g
    Protein / Day 93.0 g

    Now i know what to eat and what not to eat.( greens, meats, whole grains, ect)

    The remaining issue is when to eat?

    ex. I work from 6pm -6am .. so when i get home do i eat breakfast and go to bed at 8am. then wake up at Noon and eat lunch then go back to sleep untill 4pm wake up and work out for 1hr get ready for work at 5pm to be at work by 6pm. Then eat dinner at work by 7pm and eat nothing else througout the night? this is what i don't understand. isn't it bad to eat and go to sleep right after? so if that is the case then when should I eat?
  • ^
  • From what I have been reading on the forums... I doesn't matter what time you eat as long as you dont go over your calories for the day... Interesting indeed... Does anyone Disagree?
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I agree with JRose, don't aim for perfection from day 1. Try a couple of weeks at your current plan, hitting your calorie goal and then later worry about how many calories should come from protein, carbs etc.
  • jambo1001
    jambo1001 Posts: 16 Member
    Don't worry about the 7 pm thing, doesn't matter, what matters is keeping within your calorie goals. I try to plan and pre log as much as possible, for example while I am cooking, I will log everything, I know what I can eat and how many calories I have left for the day. Also I eat leftovers for lunch, I pre log those for the next day, that way, I çan adjust and leave room for snacks, also pre-logged and part of my daily goals
    Don't stress!! Stay under your goals, adjust your eating and exercise until you find what works for you!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    Sorry didn't read other comments but we are similar heights and age im 29 5ft 5 and I have a very variable routine as I do school runs and stay at home yet everyday I have something to do, I would focus firstly on eating at deficit so if you put all stats into MFP it will tell you how much you need to eat depending on how much you want to lose per week , I aim for 0.5lbs a week as I don't have a lot to lose , I find preparation is my saviour I make easy to grab snacks that are low cal I eat chocolate and everything else but I try and keep snacks to minimum calories where possible and a good protein breakfast as this keeps me full til lunch feel free to add me if you want
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    eat when your hungry and maintain a deficit

    there is no need for you to be getting yourself up to eat lunch at a "normal" time after you've worked a night shift.

    space your food out for the hours that you are awake whenever those hours happen to be
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    From what I have been reading on the forums... I doesn't matter what time you eat as long as you dont go over your calories for the day... Interesting indeed... Does anyone Disagree?

    Not at all. You seem really sharp. I know you can do this :smile:

    I agree with the previous poster. Continue if it works for you, but I found it odd that you would wake up to eat just four hours after going to sleep. My personal preference would be to sleep like a log or watch tv :laugh: Would you consider packing a "lunch" for work? Like fatdoob said this is really coming down to preference and how you want to shape your nutrition, provided you're staying within your calories you will lose weight no problem :)
  • I know right lol this has helped alot I feel like i have more knowledge and control over my options now. Ill just spread out my meals throught out a 24hr period. Just as long as i dont go over my Calories. Thank you.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    I'm not an expert, however, eating big leafy salads such as the Organic Spring Mix from your local grocer is phenomenal. All of your vitamins and nutrients are there. Eat it without dressing or squeeze a lemon or lime over it. Quick and simple. The citrus helps boost metabolism and aides in digestion...the salad will also help you feel full.

    Drink lots of water. Before any meal, drink an entire glass of water.

    Do not eat after 7 pm. Fill your plate half full of veggies (cooked at home either without butter or eat simply raw) and fist sized portion of fish or chicken.

    Cut out dairy, white junk (white rice, white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, muffins, etc.), soda, alcohol, fast food and all sweets.

    My aunt lost 70 pounds rather quickly by simply eating lean cuisine and drinking only water. She is your size and has the same lifestyle. Walk. Wherever you go, park far and walk. Take the stairs. Stand at your desk when you can - it burns more calories.

    Do not eat at your desk!

    Look for and make the opportunity for movement each day, throughout the day!

    Much of this is really bad advice.
  • you need to eat at a caloric deficit, drink lots of water before each meal, after you finish your desk job you must do 20 minutes of high intensity interval training

    mountain climbers
    jumping lunges
    jumping jacks
    high knees

    chain those 30 seconds each until you hit 20 minute mark, when you get to 10 minute mark drink lots of water and keep going until 20 minutes is up

    if you do this everyday and ADJUST YOUR DIET

    I promise you, you will see results in 3 weeks and sooner if you crank the intensity up

    good luck
  • ever heard of shaun T's insanity? buy his package

    you will get a MMA / cross fit speed ladder, a high quality jump rope

    and get started on Max Intensity Interval Training

    I did 45 minutes of it and I am generating a big puddle of my own sweat on the floor

    do 45 minutes you burn 1000 calories immediatly and generate an after burn of 200 calories / hour with a diminishing return value

    and then you burn more during quality sleep, highly recommend it

    do this for 60 days, you'll shred the fat and you might even see 6 pack abs

    good luck
  • Like. What?
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Please just listen to earlier sane advice given. Do NOT repond or listen to posts from unclehofitnes above. He just had two threads locked within 10 minutes of each other.
  • justjambo
    justjambo Posts: 20 Member
    I have seen many say on here to eat when you are hungry (so not all the time), eat when you find it suits your lifestyle best too. The main thing is to try to keep as closely as possible to the calories you are allowed each day, remember that when you list down any exercise that you do, you will be given more calorie to eat too.

    The chart you have where you list your foods, shows how much of each nutrient you should aim for, it is hard at times, or at least I find it difficult, but if you try to get as much protein etc as it suggests you will be doing great.

    You've overcome the hardest part, which is making the decision to start this journey. Now you need to get into a routine, come on daily and log everything. Ideally measure your food in grams rather than in cups - that way you can be positive / sure about the amount you are eating.

    One thing I found most helpful to me, was to read the success thread. Look at the before /after photos. I do this at least three times a week, it is a GREAT motivator, makes you think wow it really can be done by normal people like me. Once when I was at my calorie limit for the day I wanted to eat something, I decided to look at the before / after thread *first* thinking that if I STILL wanted something after looking at that, then I would. I didn't. It totally encouraged me to stick to my guns and keep within my limits.

    Good luck. You might well find you enjoy this journey. I know I am, I've not lost a huge amount - yet - but I feel good about actually doing something.

  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    ok so this is what i have gathered from MFP -

    BMR -2,279 to maintain weight
    Nutritional goals Target
    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,850 Calories / Day
    Carbs / Day 231.0 g
    Fat / Day 62.0 g
    Protein / Day 93.0 g

    Now i know what to eat and what not to eat.( greens, meats, whole grains, ect)

    The remaining issue is when to eat?

    ex. I work from 6pm -6am .. so when i get home do i eat breakfast and go to bed at 8am. then wake up at Noon and eat lunch then go back to sleep untill 4pm wake up and work out for 1hr get ready for work at 5pm to be at work by 6pm. Then eat dinner at work by 7pm and eat nothing else througout the night? this is what i don't understand. isn't it bad to eat and go to sleep right after? so if that is the case then when should I eat?

    When I worked nights, I adjusted my eating schedule to the night. Like my whole eating routine rotated. So you can have one meal when you get home from work, but don't wake up in the middle of the day to get lunch. You need your sleep. Eat your next meal before you go to work, and a third meal during your "lunch" break.

    Another thing I haven't seen you mention is whether or not you're married or have kids. It's easier if you're single. This is how I started cooking:
    - I stock up on freezer goods: meat and vegetables, mostly. I break the meat into 1-3 serving packages as soon as I get home from the grocery store.
    - Each night I move a package of meat to the fridge to thaw out.
    - Each meal, I cook a serving of meat, and a serving of vegetables. I don't put much thought into the combinations, it's just what I have in stock and feel like eating. The portion size is more important. A lot of people will warn you about the importance of variety. I think that's really a personal preference. If you get sick of eating something, find something new. I work well with routine, so having more-or-less the same food all the time keeps me on track.
    - I also kept fruit and nuts handy for snacks.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    ok so this is what i have gathered from MFP -

    BMR -2,279 to maintain weight
    Nutritional goals Target
    Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,850 Calories / Day
    Carbs / Day 231.0 g
    Fat / Day 62.0 g
    Protein / Day 93.0 g

    Just so you know - BMR is NOT, NOT, the calories you eat to sustain weight - unless you sleep all day 24 hrs.

    You burn much more than that, though BMR is your single biggest burning thing going on all day. More than your daily movements cause, more than your exercise would likely cause (unless you enjoy long strong workouts).

    Double the default protein grams by lowering the % of carbs until it's about 180 grams of protein. Leave fat where it's at.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Avoid all caps for starts, makes it hard to read.

    No matter your schedule you can definitely lose weight and make smarter choices.

    #1 Get a kitchen scale for home and also leave one at work and use measuring cups for liquids. Measure / weigh everything, guessing is a sure fire way to under or overestimate portion sizes.

    #2 Always record everything. This is something I had to learn the hardway, but record everything you eat when you eat it when possible. If you're at work, leave fitness pal up in the background that way there's no excuses.

    #3 Make smarter choices. You can eat anything you want on this diet, and I mean anything. The catch is you need to stay as close to your daily allowance as possible. So if you are allowed 2,000 calories per day, use them wisely.

    You'd be surprised how easy it is to keep your diet just by practicing proper portioning and holding yourself accountable for calories you go over.
  • Thanks to everyone that has posted on my topic.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    From what I have been reading on the forums... I doesn't matter what time you eat as long as you dont go over your calories for the day... Interesting indeed... Does anyone Disagree?

    Correct. Your body doesn't know what time it is.

    To lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. What/when you eat doesn't matter one bit unless you have underlying health issues of some kind.