Should I just work on Strength now?

Hi Guys,
I have a question, I haven't worked out in almost a month except for random strength training. Bad, I know. When I stepped on the scale, I expected to have gained quite a bit of weight but in fact, I lost like 3 lbs (and it is still off, so it wasn't a false weight loss). We eat very clean with "off days" like a few times a month. No processed foods, etc. My BFP did go up 2 percentages (I was at a 15% and now at a 17%). I LOVE the number on the scale (114.2). I am now under goal weight. My question is, I want to tone up a lot more now, so should I just concentrate on strength training and not so much cardio. I am somewhat active during the day (taking my boys to the park and zoo and such). I don't necessarily want to loose more weight (though I would totally be okay if I did! lol), but I do want tighter thighs and butt. My stomach is where I want it to be as well. So I guess my question is, is it safe to just mainly work on strength now with random cardio to keep things in check. Also, I exclusively breastfeed and eat under calorie most of the time (obviously not enough to affect milk production, but enough to still help with weight loss). What would your thoughts be? Thanks for any tips!


  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Anyone have any ideas?
  • StriversNYC
    StriversNYC Posts: 14 Member
    Strength train with some cardio at the end of your workout would work great. In order to lose more fat just cut your calories more per week. Good luck!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Try eating at maintenance and lifting regularly for 6 months. Take before and after photos. Weigh yourself. Measure your thighs, tum, arms etc with a tape measure. Compare figures in 6 months (not next week).
  • rodduz
    rodduz Posts: 251 Member
    If you're just looking to tone I'd pick a kettlebell routine or similar. Maybe some bodyweight circuits. You'll not need much weight and you'll not put on any considerable muscle eating under maintenance calorie levels anyway unless your'e new to lifting. KBs will tone you up nicely as well as being a nice calorie burner and a bit of an overall fitness boost.

    That's what I would do anyway...

    Actually I wouldn't, I'd eat slightly above maintenance, I'd lift heavy-*kitten* weights and grow some muscle, then slim down again, but that's juts me :-)
  • curlyslim
    curlyslim Posts: 64 Member
    I would probably do something like this too!

    Actually I wouldn't, I'd eat slightly above maintenance, I'd lift heavy-*kitten* weights and grow some muscle, then slim down again, but that's juts me :-)

    Definitely start lifting properly, that would really help with tightening the body up. As for eating, seeing you're still breastfeeding, I probably would have a very low calorie deficit, 10% or less.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Is it true that muscle burns fat? So the more muscle I build, the more fat I will burn? Again, I don't care to loose any more weight (I am cool if I do, but I don't care about that just want to be more muscular).
  • theJTfitness
    theJTfitness Posts: 142 Member
    If you're happy with your body fat levels now then I'd definitely start some kind of progressive overload strength routine. (Even if you aren't happy with your bodyfat levels, I'd still start one) I'm a big fan of Stronglifts. Check it out.
  • rodduz
    rodduz Posts: 251 Member
    Is it true that muscle burns fat? So the more muscle I build, the more fat I will burn? Again, I don't care to loose any more weight (I am cool if I do, but I don't care about that just want to be more muscular).

    Yes it is true. But don't worry about that.

    And not saying you are, but a lot of people confuse this with thinking that if they build muscle on their abs, it reduces fat at that location. It doesn't.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Yeah I want to lower my BFP a bit. I had it in the 15% and wouldn't mind getting it back there or a bit lower. We use this thing to measure it:

    I love strength training but abhor cardio! lol If I had a gym membership and was able to do a zumba class then it is fun, but I have to do everything the old fashion way which is totally fine. Just can't afford to take a zumba class, so I like the idea of doing more strength than cardio, but don't want to start gaining weight again which is why I wanted to ask all of you experts. :)
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Okay another question, what types of strength training should I be doing? Just the normal stuff like squats, lunges, bicep and tricep curls, abs, etc. or should I be doing stuff that is a lot harder? I only have dumbbells, so anything I do has to use my own body or the dumbbells (unfortunately I don't own kettle balls, but my husband and I have been wanting to get some). So, what are some ideas? Right now, like I said, my stomach is where I want it to be. I can see my abs which is fantastic and thrills me since I had my baby 5 months ago, but I am not happy with my thighs and butt at all, so tips for those areas would be great. Those are really my only problem areas. My arms are quite strong as well from doing a pushup challenge and from carrying a toddler and an infant seat around all day. lol Thanks again guys, I really appreciate the help!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Yeah I want to lower my BFP a bit. I had it in the 15% and wouldn't mind getting it back there or a bit lower. We use this thing to measure it:

    I love strength training but abhor cardio! lol If I had a gym membership and was able to do a zumba class then it is fun, but I have to do everything the old fashion way which is totally fine. Just can't afford to take a zumba class, so I like the idea of doing more strength than cardio, but don't want to start gaining weight again which is why I wanted to ask all of you experts. :)

    Strength training isn't going to make you start gaining weight (outside of some water, and POTENTIAL noob muscle gains).

    When your body is in a caloric deficit you lose fat, water, AND muscle. Lifting in that deficit helps you retain muscle mass so you lose mainly fat and water. The reason the scale doesn't move much early on, or goes up, is mostly due to water retention to repair muscles post training, but your body is still losing fat. When you retain LBM through lifting and lose mostly fat instead, even though the scale isn't moving much, you're lowering your BF%. A scale isn't a very good indication of progress when you're closer to a goal weight and lifting, the tape measure is however.
    Okay another question, what types of strength training should I be doing? Just the normal stuff like squats, lunges, bicep and tricep curls, abs, etc. or should I be doing stuff that is a lot harder? I only have dumbbells, so anything I do has to use my own body or the dumbbells (unfortunately I don't own kettle balls, but my husband and I have been wanting to get some). So, what are some ideas? Right now, like I said, my stomach is where I want it to be. I can see my abs which is fantastic and thrills me since I had my baby 5 months ago, but I am not happy with my thighs and butt at all, so tips for those areas would be great. Those are really my only problem areas. My arms are quite strong as well from doing a pushup challenge and from carrying a toddler and an infant seat around all day. lol Thanks again guys, I really appreciate the help!

    Programs recommended would be, New Rules For Lifting, 5x5, etc... Since you're a workout at home person, looking into some progressive body weight routines could be beneficial (Convict Conditioning, You are Your Own Gym, etc...).
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Okay another question, what types of strength training should I be doing? Just the normal stuff like squats, lunges, bicep and tricep curls, abs, etc. or should I be doing stuff that is a lot harder? I only have dumbbells, so anything I do has to use my own body or the dumbbells (unfortunately I don't own kettle balls, but my husband and I have been wanting to get some). So, what are some ideas? Right now, like I said, my stomach is where I want it to be. I can see my abs which is fantastic and thrills me since I had my baby 5 months ago, but I am not happy with my thighs and butt at all, so tips for those areas would be great. Those are really my only problem areas. My arms are quite strong as well from doing a pushup challenge and from carrying a toddler and an infant seat around all day. lol Thanks again guys, I really appreciate the help!

    Body weight is more than adequate. Keep doing the push up, and if they become easy there are a million ways to make them harder. Do you have a pull up bar for working your back? You can also do body weight rows if u can't do pull ups. If squats get easy start doing single leg versions like skaters and pistols.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Okay awesome, thanks for the tips. Yeah I don't have a pull up bar, but while I was at the park I did 3 sets of 4 (that is all I could accomplish right now without a break). And squats are easy (so are lunges...any way to make inner thigh workouts extra hard...that is the area I really want to work on), so I will do those things now and add weights as well. Thanks guys!! :) Excited to finish up today!