Should I switch to this new routine? Please help!!

Hi all,

I've been on this journey for nearly 4 months now. I'm a 5"1 female and started at a weight of 135 lbs, now at 128 lbs. A very slow loss, I know, but I'm happy as long as it is coming off.

For the past few weeks I've been doing the 30DS/Ripped in 30 videos in mid-morning for around 5-6x a week, and also running outdoors for 30 mins, 3x a week. But I'm starting to feel that this workout regimen is taking up too much time and I'm falling behind on my work (I mostly work from home).

So my question is: I'm wondering whether I should switch to something like No More Trouble Zones (as strength training) 3x a week, and running for 30 mins (cardio) 3x a week, each on alternative days. That would mean I'd be working out only once per day and won't have to shower twice, etc.

Do you think that sounds like a good program (good balance of strength and cardio?)? I really need to burn more fat (my BF% is SKYHIGH) so I'm worried that switching to NMTZ will mean less fat burn as it doesn't incorporate cardio as 30DS/RI30 do.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!


  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member

    What are you eating as it sounds like you are exercising enough but after all that time you haven't lost that much?

  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I don't feel personally like I get enough with only 30 minutes per day. Do you ever watch TV? If yes, then you have time.

    Why don't you just schedule your cardio and your JM dvd's together so you don't have to shower twice? Also if you work from home, why don't you just put your hair up and use a dry shampoo/rinse one of the times on days when you feel like you have to freshen up twice?

    I think what your are currently doing is good if you don't want to do heavier strength training. Maybe do 30 DS 1-2x per week, NMTZ 2-3x per week and still do your runs?

    I lift heavy and I don't do a ton of cardio, and I lose about 1 % BF each month even though my weight on the scale doesn't move too much. Don't be afraid of strength training.
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for your replies and suggestions!

    I'm eating 1200-1400 a day (I counted cals religiously for a month until I had a grasp of what to eat to stay within that limit. My diet hasn't changed much since then) and also my exercise calories (sometimes).

    I actually don't have time to watch TV, unless you count the 15 mins of watching the news while shoving down lunch :D

    Losing 1% BF a month sounds awesome! So would you say NMTZ is good strength training? And how much cardio do you do on a weekly basis?
