Looking for new friends for motivation

Hi I have been on MFP for over two years. I have a few friends and maybe only one that is really motivating me. I am looking for someone with the same type of goals as me and serious about them and ways to accomplish them. I have lost over 50 Ibs so far and want lose about 50 more. My weight loss has stalled and I think making new friends will help motivate me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks everyone. :-)


  • dirtroadrunner3
    dirtroadrunner3 Posts: 31 Member
    I need some too! I only have about 2 that log in everyday. The rest are every couple months lol! I've lost 30# but reset my weight at the first of the year. Down 10 so far. About 30 more to go!
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    I am not sure how to lonk toit but you may wnat to find this thread.

    Official "Get Friends" Thread.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    Both of you are welcome to add me. I have a very supportive and motivational group of friends who support and challenge each other
  • AntnNicsMom
    AntnNicsMom Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not always great with logging what I eat on the weekends and towards the end of the day BUT I do log most food, water, and workouts every day. I lost 130lbs and gained some back so I have about 30ish more to go. And I eat as "clean" as possible.

    Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    Feel free to add me, I log every day, I like to give and receive help and encouragement.
    Although it am so close to my goal weight, I've only lost 2 lbs this year!! I think I'll be here forever!!
  • ImAJH
    ImAJH Posts: 392 Member

    Feel free to add me, I'm a new user but I'll be logging everyday and I'm an active user.