When should I register for my first 5K?

Hey again, everyone! Back with more running questions. I completed C25K about two weeks ago and have since then been timing my 5Ks. I can now run 3 miles in 33 minutes and am looking into signing up for an actual event, but I'm not sure if it's too soon? There is an event on my birthday, which is about 15 days away, but I'm wondering if I should wait until the events in June, to give myself more time to train?

Also, how long in advance should you register for runs? I didn't find out about the one on my birthday until last night, but with just two weeks left until, I'm not sure if it's enough time to get signed up.


  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    Why wait? Sign up now! If you go on the race website they should have the date when registration closes. Sometimes they will even have registration on the day of the race.

    There's absolutely no reason why you can't do a race right now. Besides that you always run your first and race your second.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    when you find one of interest sign up!

    I signed up for the Color run which is more of a fun run then a competitive run last year (doing it again this year)

    normally its good to book in advance to have the best rate, the closer to a race the more expensive the ticket/room for participants

    a more difficult 5k would be the one I am doing in 12 days...the Spartan Sprint...that's a 5k + obstacles....oh boy i am going to get hurt
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Whenever you want. I help coach a Learn to Run program (same as C25K) and we have a goal race at the end of the program. There are a couple of local 5k races during the program and we encourage them to take part and do whatever they can (walk 1, run 3 or whatever). Many complete their first 5k race before they have even completed C25k.
    You are already running 5k. Go for it. It will give you a baseline race time.

    When to register - as a race director my answer is always - the sooner the better!
    When to register really depends on a lot of factors. There are different types of races, fun runs, local runs, big running events. It may depend on the type of timing system. Some races will not have day of registration, smaller races likely will. Some races sell out so you want to do it early. Others you won't really worry. If you are getting a tshirt, early registration will often guarantee you your size. If you wait until the day of or the day before, you may not get a shirt or one in your size.
  • Marlitharn
    Marlitharn Posts: 36 Member
    I did my first 5k a couple of weeks ago and I can't even run a mile yet. My goal was to finish in under an hour, while pushing myself to run as many intervals as possible. And I did it. And I felt marvelous! I'm doing another one on the 31st. You sound like you're more than ready and will do fabulously!

    As far as registration deadlines, I think most 5ks will let you register right up to the morning of the race, but they may run out of t-shirts. (I'm all about the t-shirts.)The flyer advertising the race should have more details or a contact email for someone in charge so you can check into it.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    you are already running 5K. I would register for a 10K in June, and pick up on a 10K training plan. Then don't run further than 5.5 miles prior to your event. Make the event the day you do the distance of 6.24

    I think it's a shame to waste the glory of achievement in a "training run."

    that's my .02
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member

    Really, why wait?
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    If you want to run the 5k is 15 days and there is room, go for it! You can run the distance! Have fun, get your baseline, then train for one in the summer to do even better at!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Pick a day and sign up. Even if you just walk the 5K just getting out there will be amazing for you. I'm 250 lbs and I ran my first about a year go and completed it in about 42 minutes. Plenty of people cross the finish line before me but it felt good doing it at 42 minutes which beat even my best time on the tredmil. My goal now is 40 minutes or less, then downward from there.

    Got to start somewhere, have fun you'll love it.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Also if you are a Doctor who fan, there is a online 5k race available.

    search Doctor who 5k on google, first results.

    it is a honor system "race'' to earn a shiny tardis medal, all proceeds go to charity. you can complete your 5k in one go or break it up, doesn't matter...this race is done on your own time schedule
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    No need to wait! I was doing c25k, hadnt finished it and still did a 5k!
    Just did another one yesterday!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    You're already doing the distance ... now learn how to deal with the race experience. There's a difference in running alone and being out there with thousands (sometimes tens of thousands) of other people .... dealing with water points (or skipping them) ... chip timing ... cheering at the finish ... etc.

    If you choose to run multiple 5k's in the future it is usually less expensive if you sign up early.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    About 4 weeks ago.

    In all seriousness. You're running 5K now, I like the sign up for a 10K in June idea.

    I'm recovering from a knee injury and just back to running 5K over the weekend, I promptly signed up for a 10K for which I'm not totally sure I can be ready for.

    You'll be fine either way. Running races are not as serious as you think they are. Well, most of them aren't.
  • EmmaGutteridge83
    You have already trained to run a 5K, so go and run a 5K race!
    Good luck!!
  • nsimon24
    nsimon24 Posts: 115 Member
    I agree with the others - why wait? I signed up for my first one in January, and I had not even STARTED running yet, I used it as a way to get motivated and get off the couch!

    It comes up in two weeks :)
  • mtneerjk81
    mtneerjk81 Posts: 65 Member
    Whatever day you sign up for the race is the perfect day! There's no reason to wait!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm with everyone - why wait?!

    I signed up for my race in June 28th (ROC Race) and I find signing up motivates me to move my *kitten*.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Hey again, everyone! Back with more running questions. I completed C25K about two weeks ago and have since then been timing my 5Ks. I can now run 3 miles in 33 minutes and am looking into signing up for an actual event, but I'm not sure if it's too soon? There is an event on my birthday, which is about 15 days away, but I'm wondering if I should wait until the events in June, to give myself more time to train?

    Also, how long in advance should you register for runs? I didn't find out about the one on my birthday until last night, but with just two weeks left until, I'm not sure if it's enough time to get signed up.

    Congratulations! You can sign up for nearly every 5k on the actual race day -- just show up with your money (bring cash or check). The only exceptions are huge events where the logistics preclude race-day registration. I like the idea of a birthday 5k!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Find one now and register for it! Don't wait! Doing your first run gives you your starting point and then you can work on improving. Just go...now...do it!!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I'm with Dave, running your first 5K on your birthday would be a great way to celebrate!

    For your first race your only goal is to cross the finish line with a smile on your face (if you're already running 3 miles in 33 minutes you're off to a great start). Go for it, sign up today!