Pink Method



  • I have started PINK today. Day 1 of a 14 day reset!
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I have started the pink method again as of today, I have had success with this program in the past but was never able to completely finish it. Is there anyone out there that is using this method and would want to go through it together?


    Why were you not able to complete it last time? May be worth thinking about as it may prevent you finishing this time?!

    Personally I prefer the old fashioned 'exercise and deficit' method, it's much more sustainable. I know it's been a month since the original post - how are you getting on??
  • gingbean
    gingbean Posts: 18 Member
    I did it before, didn't finish it because I became pregnant, but am back on it now!
    Good luck to you! Did you ever find someone to do it with you?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I know this is an old thread, but since it's already been bumped up ...

    I checked out their website and did a bit of online looking and found this review of the PINK diet:

    It's a fairly decent site, and the review seems to be unbiased. I will say that I am not for the 1000 calorie a day "reset" (how does one "jump start" metabolism on that low a calorie plan) or the low calorie and intense workout plan. It sets maintenance at 1400-1800, which may or may not be appropriate. However, the $60 price tag is not attractive at all to me. I must say this isn't the worst diet program I've ever seen, but since MFP is free and much more customizable, I'd rather stick with this.

    And I have to ask why this program is only for women, with no equivalent for men (although a BLUE diet sounds kind of depressing). We're not *that* different.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Hmmmmm... three posters who tell us they've been using this diet for as long as four months ... three tickers indicating "0 pounds lost" ... if that's the desired outcome, I got similar results on the scale over that same time period using the "hit stuff, pick stuff up, and eat stuff I like" maintenance program.

    Good luck, ladies :flowerforyou: but there are easier ways to lose weight and keep it off.