Advice from The Biggest Loser trainer is bad?



  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    Lot's of great advice here. I wanted to add something about the water before meals. If you drink a glass of water right before you eat, your tummy is more full when you DO sit down to eat, you can eat less. I have tried it, and it's working well.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    And now...IF you haven't guessed it yet, I really show you my newbie status by asking, "What are these macros and micros I should balance?"

    I'm really 'getting it'. This is great help and I appreciate it.


    Macros is short for macronutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates). Micros is short for micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.). For now, just work on properly logging your food (get used to measuring things) and try to keep your calories at or near your daily goal. Work on trying to balance macros and micros later after you've gotten used to logging properly.

    One step at a time!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    To clarify, the advice I listed is not verbatim and some of it was gathered from other areas - a full glass before meals as well as not eating after 7 was, however.

    Not eating "white junk" including diary are things I've read and heard from many when it comes to clean eating for optimum and organic health.

    There is no such thing as clean eating. All food is clean.

    Truth. Tell all of Asia that white rice is bad for you/makes you fat/impedes weight loss. Dairy and 'white' carbohydrates are just like any other food. If you eat too many calories of them, you won't have room for other foods in your diet.

    Also- why can't I eat at my desk? I walk around the office throughout the day to get water, bathroom breaks, print, go to meetings, etc. It's way better to eat my perfectly portioned lunch then walk to the deli and go over my calories for the day.

    I have been steadily losing 1-1.75 lbs a week since I started using MFP in earnest.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    And now...IF you haven't guessed it yet, I really show you my newbie status by asking, "What are these macros and micros I should balance?"

    I'm really 'getting it'. This is great help and I appreciate it.



    Will be the other vitamins and nutrients found in your foods
  • AnotherXFitGuy
    AnotherXFitGuy Posts: 58 Member
    I repeated advice I found online from Bob Harper, trainer from The Biggest Loser, on a thread here and many commented that it was bad advice. I've followed it myself and found it to be helpful, however, I would like to educate myself further and perhaps more properly if I'm damaging my body (and giving poor advice to others on how to live a healthy life).

    Here is the advice I had given that I found and have been utilizing from an online search of "8 Skinny Rules 'Biggest Losers' Never Break":

    "I'm not an expert, however, eating big leafy salads such as the Organic Spring Mix from your local grocer is phenomenal. All of your vitamins and nutrients are there. Eat it without dressing or squeeze a lemon or lime over it. Quick and simple. The citrus helps boost metabolism and aides in digestion...the salad will also help you feel full.

    I have lost 6 lbs. in 2 weeks and feel better. I'm somewhat limited in exercise as I have a chronic pain condition (around my core/abdomen).

    Advice, suggestions, clarification and a general 'steering in the right direction' is appreciated! It seems I need a proper education on my health and perhaps I'm following a fad unaware lol!

    You'll find that almost everyone on these boards are confused that these "recommendations", not rules, do work. Of course, you'll find a lot of experts here and what does Bob Harper know? He wasn't doing this, successfully, before The Biggest Loser? Just because you learn to lose weight from caloric deficit, doesn't mean these statements are wrong.

    - Drink lots of water. Before any meal, drink an entire glass of water.

    Not a myth.

    - Do not eat after 7 pm. Fill your plate half full of veggies (cooked at home either without butter or eat simply raw) and fist sized portion of fish or chicken.

    Not a myth for those needing a plan to deal with obesity. This is not so much about you cannot eat it about learning to control your eating.

    - Cut out dairy, white junk (white rice, white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, muffins, etc.), soda, alcohol, fast food and all sweets.

    Not a myth. Yes, you can lose weight while eating all of this but you can also lose weight without them and be "Healthier" in the process. Again, pure weight loss versus wanting to be healthier and lose weight. (I won't cut out dairy though)

    - Do not eat at your desk!

    Not a myth. Eating at your desk does not make you gain weight but it is an easy way to snack and increase your calorie intake. Again, it's not about calories, it's about bad habits.

    - Look for and make the opportunity for movement each day, throughout the day!"

    Good advice.

    I'm ready for the hammering. I know all of the experts here are ready tear this apart. But before you do please remember, some people want to lose weight and become healthier. To do so, the "experts" have found "habits" that dramatically improve the chances of success long-term.

    And BTW, I do Crossfit!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
  • joycelyn35
    joycelyn35 Posts: 20
    iTodd1049 - This is true. Invasive marketing tactics.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    - Do not eat after 7 pm. Fill your plate half full of veggies (cooked at home either without butter or eat simply raw) and fist sized portion of fish or chicken.

    Not a myth for those needing a plan to deal with obesity. This is not so much about you cannot eat it about learning to control your eating.

    - Cut out dairy, white junk (white rice, white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, muffins, etc.), soda, alcohol, fast food and all sweets.

    Not a myth. Yes, you can lose weight while eating all of this but you can also lose weight without them and be "Healthier" in the process. Again, pure weight loss versus wanting to be healthier and lose weight. (I won't cut out dairy though)

    - Do not eat at your desk!

    Not a myth. Eating at your desk does not make you gain weight but it is an easy way to snack and increase your calorie intake. Again, it's not about calories, it's about bad habits.

    I eat rice up until 8pm at night.....

    I also eat at my desk when I am hungry....

    I LOVE MILK.....and white rice, and sweet potatoes.....nom nom nom
  • nikkiworld2
    nikkiworld2 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for clarification thus far.

    Not eating after 7 is somehow controversial and I'm gathering that is simply due to the fact that it is not a realistic long term goal for sustainability.

    Here is what Mr. Harper said regarding the thought process on that:

    "Go to Bed Hungry
    If you skip that midnight snack, your body will “burn fat like crazy,” Harper writes. After five hours without food, you’ll start burning your own fat and sugar."

    I had just seen Dr. Oz's episode that mentioned the same scenario - eating small and frequent meals does not allow your body to turn to your fat stores for energy since you're replenishing fuel frequently with the meals or snacks.

    Does anyone have thoughts on that as it seemed clear to me?

    If before you started your diet, say you were consuming 2000 cal's./day, so to create a deficit to lose 1lb./wk, you are now consuming 1500 cal's./day - 1500 cal's. is 1500 cal's no matter what time of day you consume it. You could go all day long & not eat anything & then at 8:00 at night decide to eat, & if you don't consume more than the 1500 cal's, you will lose weight. Time of day of consumption is meaningless.
  • AnotherXFitGuy
    AnotherXFitGuy Posts: 58 Member

    - Do not eat after 7 pm. Fill your plate half full of veggies (cooked at home either without butter or eat simply raw) and fist sized portion of fish or chicken.

    Not a myth for those needing a plan to deal with obesity. This is not so much about you cannot eat it about learning to control your eating.

    - Cut out dairy, white junk (white rice, white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, muffins, etc.), soda, alcohol, fast food and all sweets.

    Not a myth. Yes, you can lose weight while eating all of this but you can also lose weight without them and be "Healthier" in the process. Again, pure weight loss versus wanting to be healthier and lose weight. (I won't cut out dairy though)

    - Do not eat at your desk!

    Not a myth. Eating at your desk does not make you gain weight but it is an easy way to snack and increase your calorie intake. Again, it's not about calories, it's about bad habits.

    I eat rice up until 8pm at night.....

    I also eat at my desk when I am hungry....

    I LOVE MILK.....and white rice, and sweet potatoes.....nom nom nom

    Oh, I do too. But, I'm just saying it doesn't mean these guys are all wrong. And to get where I am now, I had to change some bad eating habits. Did it years ago and without MFP.

    I refuse to cut out dairy!!!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    - Do not eat after 7 pm. Fill your plate half full of veggies (cooked at home either without butter or eat simply raw) and fist sized portion of fish or chicken.

    Not a myth for those needing a plan to deal with obesity. This is not so much about you cannot eat it about learning to control your eating.

    - Cut out dairy, white junk (white rice, white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, muffins, etc.), soda, alcohol, fast food and all sweets.

    Not a myth. Yes, you can lose weight while eating all of this but you can also lose weight without them and be "Healthier" in the process. Again, pure weight loss versus wanting to be healthier and lose weight. (I won't cut out dairy though)

    - Do not eat at your desk!

    Not a myth. Eating at your desk does not make you gain weight but it is an easy way to snack and increase your calorie intake. Again, it's not about calories, it's about bad habits.

    I eat rice up until 8pm at night.....

    I also eat at my desk when I am hungry....

    I LOVE MILK.....and white rice, and sweet potatoes.....nom nom nom

    Oh, I do too. But, I'm just saying it doesn't mean these guys are all wrong. And to get where I am now, I had to change some bad eating habits. Did it years ago and without MFP.

    I refuse to cut out dairy!!!

    But you can eat anything you want, right up til you go to bed.....
    As long as your are below your goals (if weight loss is your goal).....

    So Bob Harper is fine and all, but I think people would be better served knowing that fact.....
    vs. thinking that there is some magic to not eating after 7 pm......
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I burn 1600 calories sitting on my butt?! I can do that all day! JK!

    Yup basically. There are a couple of numbers you are going to eventually want to know.

    BMR, or basal metabolic rate, is the amount of calories your body requires for its basic functions like maintaining your bodytemperature, your brain function, your organ function and your heartbeat. This is dependent on your size. I don't know your size but just to guess at a number you can expect something probably around 1400 calories a day. This is what your body would burn in coma.

    NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This is your BMR plus any calories you burn from just normal daily activity, like sitting at a desk and typing or walking to the fridge or just standing or sitting. This usually slaps on an extra couple hundred calories even for sedentary but can add a lot of burn if you are very active in your job. I was guessing 1600 for your NEAT as an example but its a total guess I don't know your size or activity level.

    TDEE, or total daily energy expenditure. This is the total amount of calories your body needs for the day to maintain its weight. It is your NEAT + any burn from performing exercise like going for a run or lifting weights. This is the number of calories that if you ate your weight would not change. The trick to weight loss is to know your TDEE and to eat a lower number of calories than it while not eating too little (below your BMR generally). 20% reduction in your TDEE is considered to be a pretty aggressive weight loss strategy while 10% less is maybe more really depends on how much weight you have to lose.

    As a personal example I am a 6' tall man weighing about 180 pounds. My BMR is about 1800. I have a sedentary activity level in terms of my daily activity with my job although I do some walking so my NEAT is something like 2200. I exercise fairly regularly about 6 days a week so my TDEE is something around 2600. I have been eating around 1800 calories NET (after eating back exercise calories). That means I typically eat about 2100 calories. I have been losing a little over a pound a week.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Do not eat after 7 pm. Fill your plate half full of veggies (cooked at home either without butter or eat simply raw) and fist sized portion of fish or chicken.
    Do not eat at your desk!

    These are both related to the same thing. When we create a good meal (have vegetables, small amounts of protein), we eat consciously and intelligently. Whether you eat dinner at 6 PM, 7 PM, or 8 PM really depends on your schedule.

    HOWEVER, most "late night eating" is dumb eating in front of the TV, or carb-heavy snacking to keep yourself going. There is nothing wrong with smaller meals throughout the day, but if you are going to eat after dinner, it needs to be a healthy small meal, NOT "snacking."

    A pint of ice cream @ 10 PM, awful. A bowl of berries with a dollop of yogurt on top (my late night snack of choice), okay.

    If you prefer to eat dinner later, that's okay, but if you eat ice cream, chips, or other "in front of TV" snacks, you'll be in trouble.

    So you mean for the past year or so I've been doing it all wrong.. I bring my dessert ice cream, gelato or whatever it might be to bed so I can enjoy it while watching TV. Guess I'm in trouble .. 109 lbs all coming back on tonight
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I hate, hate, hate the "don't eat after 7pm" BS I see so often. For one thing, I work until 6pm and have an hour commute home. So I suppose I should never have dinner? Even having some air popped popcorn can jeaopordize my weight loss efforts? Uh oh!

    Secondly, what time do people make dinner reservations for? Usually it's 7, 8 or 9pm. I guess I should never go out with my friends. Bummer.

    This kind of rule makes it highly likely that my weight loss efforts be for naught. If I have to live like a hermit in a cave then I will fail. If I get to live the life I want while being aware of what goes down the gullet, I'll be a success.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member

    So you mean for the past year or so I've been doing it all wrong.. I bring my dessert ice cream, gelato or whatever it might be to bed so I can enjoy it while watching TV. Guess I'm in trouble .. 109 lbs all coming back on tonight

    You are also eating in your profile picture which is a big dietary no-no, guaranteed that you will put that weight back on now sorry.
  • nikkiworld2
    nikkiworld2 Posts: 75 Member
    Do not eat after 7 pm. Fill your plate half full of veggies (cooked at home either without butter or eat simply raw) and fist sized portion of fish or chicken.
    Do not eat at your desk!

    These are both related to the same thing. When we create a good meal (have vegetables, small amounts of protein), we eat consciously and intelligently. Whether you eat dinner at 6 PM, 7 PM, or 8 PM really depends on your schedule.

    HOWEVER, most "late night eating" is dumb eating in front of the TV, or carb-heavy snacking to keep yourself going. There is nothing wrong with smaller meals throughout the day, but if you are going to eat after dinner, it needs to be a healthy small meal, NOT "snacking."

    A pint of ice cream @ 10 PM, awful. A bowl of berries with a dollop of yogurt on top (my late night snack of choice), okay.

    If you prefer to eat dinner later, that's okay, but if you eat ice cream, chips, or other "in front of TV" snacks, you'll be in trouble.


    If you eat under what you burn, you lose weight, whether that's from ice cream at 11pm before bed or from apples at 3pm for a snack.

    Quite true. It's all about a calorie deficit. You can just eat desserts or junk food for every meal, if you only consume whatever amount of calories you've determined to help you lose weight, you will lose. Now, of course such a diet is not healthy, just making a point & piggy-backing off of poster above me.
  • joycelyn35
    joycelyn35 Posts: 20
    I'm half Korean so, believe me, cutting out white rice?! That's dedication on a-whole-new level! JK.

    I'm understanding the macros and micros, thanks so much! I'm assuming that balancing them just has to do with sufficient nutrition with the added benefit of gauging caloric intake (and the coveted deficit).
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Well I can try to break this down on the basis of my own personal research and understanding of diet and nutrition:
    "I'm not an expert, however, eating big leafy salads such as the Organic Spring Mix from your local grocer is phenomenal. All of your vitamins and nutrients are there. Eat it without dressing or squeeze a lemon or lime over it. Quick and simple. The citrus helps boost metabolism and aides in digestion...the salad will also help you feel full.
    Eating things high in fiber will help you feel more full on less calories that much is true, although there are things higher in fiber than lettuce. If you like salad nothing wrong with eating salad but salad is not some magic food for weightloss.
    Drink lots of water. Before any meal, drink an entire glass of water.

    Agree that staying hydrated is important. The timing doesn't actually matter although I can see a point to spacing it out not trying to drink all your water in one sitting. Coupling it to meal timings might make sense to just keep yourself regular in your intake but not necessary.

    Do not eat after 7 pm.

    This part is pointless, there is no benefit to not eating after 7pm.
    Fill your plate half full of veggies (cooked at home either without butter or eat simply raw) and fist sized portion of fish or chicken.

    This is just teaching you portion control and suggesting foods that are low calorie for the amount they will satiate you (lean protein and fiber rich carbs). Nothing wrong with this advice.
    Cut out dairy, white junk (white rice, white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, muffins, etc.), soda, alcohol, fast food and all sweets.

    This is being suggested because these foods tend to be high calorie relative to how satiating they are. That said there is nothing wrong with them and if you can exercise some basic portion control no reason to cut them completely.
    My aunt lost 70 pounds rather quickly by simply eating lean cuisine and drinking only water. She is your size and has the same lifestyle. Walk. Wherever you go, park far and walk. Take the stairs. Stand at your desk when you can - it burns more calories.

    I'd agree that getting in some exercise whenever you can even if brief is better than nothing which seems to be all he is saying here.
    Do not eat at your desk!

    Really where you eat doesn't matter obviously, I'm eating at my desk as I type this. That said I think the idea here is if you eat at your desk you may eat mindlessly and not get the feeling of satiation from an intentional sit-down meal if you just snack. I don't really agree with this though.
    Look for and make the opportunity for movement each day, throughout the day!"

    Yeah, good advice. Go for a walk now and again. If you have a desk job get up when you can and stroll around the building.

    Honestly there is nothing in his advice that will cause you harm if you follow it. I think with the exception of the "don't eat after 7pm" things all these suggestions can help you with a diet even if the reasoning given for them is flawed. The 7pm thing is total B.S. though so ignore that. I'd also ignore the idea that you have to cut out ALL of those "bad" foods he listed, all things in moderation.

    Eating after a certain time definitely doesn't matter in terms of weight loss or control but I have heard it can cause problems trying to fall asleep, which I can see making some sense because food=fuel. I usually eat my last meal about 3 1/2 hours before bed so I can't really comment from a personal POV but I hope he isn't talking about it as a weight loss "stopper" because that certainly is wrong.