Black Girls ROCK! Challenge

Black females lead in 43% of health issues. That is why I named this challenge Black Girls ROCK! & why I asked for specifics when it came to main details. Studies show that when black females between the ages 19-26 maintain a healthy lifestyle they are only 1% at risk. So let attack the situation at hand!

Main Details:
1. 5-6 black girls between the age of 19-26
2. Weigh in once a week
3. Fun weekly goals
4. Last for 90 days
5. Young black girls sharing personal experiences on how we are overcoming the challenges that black females face with health issues
6. Encourage each other to make a transformation to a healthy lifestyle

*NOTE: I have received personal messages from 5 girls that are going to participate in this challenge so as of right now there is only one spot left. :smile:

After approval for entry:
1. Share the name you would like to be called
2. Starting weight
3. Goal weight in 90 days
4. Share one strength, one weakness, and something random
5. What is your motivation for your transformation
*suggest what day of the week group should have weigh in

Here is my first entry:

1. Amber
2. 195, and I where it beautifully, but being…
3. 165 in 90 days would be LOVELY!
4. Strength: I can exercise until my legs fall of once I put my mind to it
Weakness: I LOVE food! Although it may not taste like my mother’s, I am a pretty good cook and I cook pretty often. It just so happens to be the wrong types of food.
Random: I never had my own personal TV in my room until I went to college!
5. Motivation: Spring break 2011; trip with friends :smile:


  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.
  • cjusticeg
    cjusticeg Posts: 90 Member
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    quite touchy there. I don't believe she is being racist at all in the fact that she does have a point that a lot african american/canadians do have more health problems than us white folk. I believe she is doing a wonderful thing by trying to help those in her culture to regain their health, and in the end help to to achieve a longer lifespan.

    I will leave the racism thing out of this, because I really think it is unnecessary.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not, if you search in the forums for "Private Forum" you would see that I tried to avoid this problem. So if you were offended, but I feel like I am educating, as well as, helping my community.

    If you feel like you would like to make a challenge for white women & you were doing it for the right reasons I would not be offended.

    MyFitnessPal is here to help and encourage people not to judge and discriminate so neither of those are my intension.

    Again I am sorry, and good luck with your weight loss.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Hmmm, well I do applaud your efforts but just the a " Calling all white girls"... you would probably get kicked off the site.
  • ttmuzzy13
    ttmuzzy13 Posts: 13 Member
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    quite touchy there. I don't believe she is being racist at all in the fact that she does have a point that a lot african american/canadians do have more health problems than us white folk. I believe she is doing a wonderful thing by trying to help those in her culture to regain their health, and in the end help to to achieve a longer lifespan.

    I will leave the racism thing out of this, because I really think it is unnecessary.

    I agree that AA/C have more health issues but it's the point that if a white person were to start a "white" group we would never hear the end of it and our account would be reported if not deleted all together.

    I think it's a great idea to group together a single nationality that has health issues... but i also think the door should be open to ALL races if they are sharing the same health issue.

    I personally could care less, but I just hate hearing the repercussions when a "white" person tries to do something that singles out other ethnic groups.

    Regardless of your race... good luck to everyone trying to lose weight.. It is in fact an up hill battle but we can all do it if we put our minds to it!
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    BGR! Challenge is officially closed! Those who have recieved a response from me please make your first entry.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I truly wish your thread success!!!!
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for your understanding.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    I believe that it is going to be a success, and thank you.
  • UrbanLegend
    UrbanLegend Posts: 9 Member
    I think its all about perception. Yeah there will be those who possibly misunderstand the concept. But I think these days everyone is way too sensitive. That being said, I think what your doing kicks *kitten* and you're doing it for the right reasons so "black, white, purple or green" tear it up girls...

    Much Love,
    A random white guy..
  • nubreeze33
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    While I can appreciate you sharing your feelings here, and you have every right to do so, I don't believe in spirit for one second this is a racist issue. I think whenever someone is excluded, the one excluded feels a special kind of way. I mean I could be upset about the fact that the age goes to 26 and i'm's just life. But I do understand. It's our world and how something intended for good can be looked upon as something bad. It's a spirit that hates any type of unity. Imagine if this thread would have just been allowed to be what it was, without one person questioning it......Imagine if you did the same. Because I know for a fact that if you did the same (i'm assuming you are a white female) someone would get their feelings personally hurt as well. In EVERY situation there's always going to be the possibility of good and bad, I will that here on this site the energy is always for good. Black girls rock is an awesome awards show created by black entertainment television to highlight some AWESOME women of color for not just entertainment but for making amazing differences in the world around us and I smiled when I saw the title of this thread but at the same time my spirit knew there would be someone feeling excluded. I hate you feel that way and I just wanted to share my thoughts. Not that you asked lol. Anyways Great idea ladies and best of luck to the challenge. GOD BLESS US ALL GUYS. (OFF TOPIC) omg@just learning that birds are just dropping out of the sky eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek time to pray i'm out. BE GOOD TO YOURSELVES GUYS. RELAX AND BLESSINGS BE!
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    I think its all about perception. Yeah there will be those who possibly misunderstand the concept. But I think these days everyone is way too sensitive. That being said, I think what your doing kicks *kitten* and you're doing it for the right reasons so "black, white, purple or green" tear it up girls...

    Much Love,
    A random white guy..

    LOL, thanks for you comment and your support!
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    1. Mystique
    2. MFP SW: 240, SW for challenge: 213
    3. Goal weight: 190
    4. Share one strength: I love to listen and get others fired up. I love to sweat! lol
    One weakness: I have a comfy couch.
    Something random: When people ask me where I'm from I have no idea what to tell them:
    "I was born in Zimbabwe, but my family is in Australia. Oh, I am an American resident, and my husband is Nigerian..." LOL
    5. Motivation: I can not remember ever being a normal weight. I would love to know how it feels...

    *suggest what day of the week group should have weigh in* I do mine Saturdays :)
  • Lillyofthevally
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    quite touchy there. I don't believe she is being racist at all in the fact that she does have a point that a lot african american/canadians do have more health problems than us white folk. I believe she is doing a wonderful thing by trying to help those in her culture to regain their health, and in the end help to to achieve a longer lifespan.

    I will leave the racism thing out of this, because I really think it is unnecessary.

    I agree that AA/C have more health issues but it's the point that if a white person were to start a "white" group we would never hear the end of it and our account would be reported if not deleted all together.

    I think it's a great idea to group together a single nationality that has health issues... but i also think the door should be open to ALL races if they are sharing the same health issue.

    I personally could care less, but I just hate hearing the repercussions when a "white" person tries to do something that singles out other ethnic groups.

    Regardless of your race... good luck to everyone trying to lose weight.. It is in fact an up hill battle but we can all do it if we put our minds to it!

    My thoughts exactly; Blacks can be racist and discriminating, (or profoundly sound like it) while white folks would be sued. This concept needs to change.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    While I can appreciate you sharing your feelings here, and you have every right to do so, I don't believe in spirit for one second this is a racist issue. I think whenever someone is excluded, the one excluded feels a special kind of way. I mean I could be upset about the fact that the age goes to 26 and i'm's just life. But I do understand. It's our world and how something intended for good can be looked upon as something bad. It's a spirit that hates any type of unity. Imagine if this thread would have just been allowed to be what it was, without one person questioning it......Imagine if you did the same. Because I know for a fact that if you did the same (i'm assuming you are a white female) someone would get their feelings personally hurt as well. In EVERY situation there's always going to be the possibility of good and bad, I will that here on this site the energy is always for good. Black girls rock is an awesome awards show created by black entertainment television to highlight some AWESOME women of color for not just entertainment but for making amazing differences in the world around us and I smiled when I saw the title of this thread but at the same time my spirit knew there would be someone feeling excluded. I hate you feel that way and I just wanted to share my thoughts. Not that you asked lol. Anyways Great idea ladies and best of luck to the challenge. GOD BLESS US ALL GUYS. (OFF TOPIC) omg@just learning that birds are just dropping out of the sky eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek time to pray i'm out. BE GOOD TO YOURSELVES GUYS. RELAX AND BLESSINGS BE!

    Thanks for you understanding, and you're thoughts, lol. Someone did care :smile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I think its all about perception. Yeah there will be those who possibly misunderstand the concept. But I think these days everyone is way too sensitive. That being said, I think what your doing kicks *kitten* and you're doing it for the right reasons so "black, white, purple or green" tear it up girls...

    Much Love,
    A random white guy..
    Boy you said it right!!!!
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    Whoa I was too busy typing a response I missed the other posts.
    Its amazing to me how quickly people get offended nowadays, smh.
    MFP is for healthier US (us as in u + me = us): white, black, yellow, whatever...I dont think
    specifying a challenge for a specific group does anyone any harm.
    I dont see any difference from starting a challenge for moms, or older women, or tall women...

    Let's just live and let live :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    1. Mystique
    2. MFP SW: 240, SW for challenge: 213
    3. Goal weight: 190
    4. Share one strength: I love to listen and get others fired up. I love to sweat! lol
    One weakness: I have a comfy couch.
    Something random: When people ask me where I'm from I have no idea what to tell them:
    "I was born in Zimbabwe, but my family is in Australia. Oh, I am an American resident, and my husband is Nigerian..." LOL
    5. Motivation: I can not remember ever being a normal weight. I would love to know how it feels...

    *suggest what day of the week group should have weigh in* I do mine Saturdays :)

    Thanks for not letting all the negativty get to you! Once all the girls have logged in I will post the first challenge!
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    While I can appreciate you sharing your feelings here, and you have every right to do so, I don't believe in spirit for one second this is a racist issue. I think whenever someone is excluded, the one excluded feels a special kind of way. I mean I could be upset about the fact that the age goes to 26 and i'm's just life. But I do understand. It's our world and how something intended for good can be looked upon as something bad. It's a spirit that hates any type of unity. Imagine if this thread would have just been allowed to be what it was, without one person questioning it......Imagine if you did the same. Because I know for a fact that if you did the same (i'm assuming you are a white female) someone would get their feelings personally hurt as well. In EVERY situation there's always going to be the possibility of good and bad, I will that here on this site the energy is always for good. Black girls rock is an awesome awards show created by black entertainment television to highlight some AWESOME women of color for not just entertainment but for making amazing differences in the world around us and I smiled when I saw the title of this thread but at the same time my spirit knew there would be someone feeling excluded. I hate you feel that way and I just wanted to share my thoughts. Not that you asked lol. Anyways Great idea ladies and best of luck to the challenge. GOD BLESS US ALL GUYS. (OFF TOPIC) omg@just learning that birds are just dropping out of the sky eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek time to pray i'm out. BE GOOD TO YOURSELVES GUYS. RELAX AND BLESSINGS BE!
    Very well said. I don't care and I don't feel left out I just hate that my race isn't allowed to do this ya know?
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    quite touchy there. I don't believe she is being racist at all in the fact that she does have a point that a lot african american/canadians do have more health problems than us white folk. I believe she is doing a wonderful thing by trying to help those in her culture to regain their health, and in the end help to to achieve a longer lifespan.

    I will leave the racism thing out of this, because I really think it is unnecessary.

    I agree that AA/C have more health issues but it's the point that if a white person were to start a "white" group we would never hear the end of it and our account would be reported if not deleted all together.

    I think it's a great idea to group together a single nationality that has health issues... but i also think the door should be open to ALL races if they are sharing the same health issue.

    I personally could care less, but I just hate hearing the repercussions when a "white" person tries to do something that singles out other ethnic groups.

    Regardless of your race... good luck to everyone trying to lose weight.. It is in fact an up hill battle but we can all do it if we put our minds to it!

    My thoughts exactly; Blacks can be racist and discriminating, (or profoundly sound like it) while white folks would be sued. This concept needs to change.

    I'm not going to change my concept because I feel as if I doing a good deed for my community and I have no guilty conscience about it some I'm going with my gut feeling. As I said before sorry if you are offended, but you can't speak for all black, whites, hispanics, asians, and every other race out there. People are still individuals.