Help!?! Weight loss NOT happening despite serious effort!

I am a 37 year old female and have been up and down in my weight all my life. I was finally able to stabilize around 130 lbs (I am 5'1") and maintain for a few years. Over the past 3 years, however, I have gained 40 lbs and now weigh 170! I am desperate to get it off but NOTHING seems to be working. I've been to a nutritionist, who put me on a 1,000 calorie a day diet where my daily intake is 100 g of protein and no more than 90 g. of carbs. Because I'm not a huge meat/fish/poultry eater, I've been doing low-cal protein shakes (Jay Robb's Whey Isolate and Nature's Way Metabolic Reset, which is also a whey protein). I have a fitbit and walk a minimum of 5 miles daily (10,000 steps) in addition to jogging with the C25K app and going to the gym a few nights a week. I am still NOT losing weight. I do have a small nodule on my thyroid, but all blood tests (TSH, lipids, cholesterol, etc.) have come back as "normal" and "within range". I seriously feel like something is wrong with how my body metabolizes food, but the Dr. won't do any further testing, because, again, I am within range on the foundational tests. I eat healthy and organic most of the time- NEVER do I ever eat fast food, drink soda, or any of that stuff. Needless to say, I am extremely frustrated and am hoping someone, anyone, could offer some advice that might actually work for me.


  • prettysenshi
    prettysenshi Posts: 36 Member
    What is your thyroid level? Mine is at 4.22 and the doctor stated it was "normal" even though the ranges have been revised for it. I knew something was wrong when I began to gain weight without changing anything.

    Have all of your vitamin levels been tested?
  • JillKristenO
    JillKristenO Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I haven't seen the actual numbers yet- they called me last week just to say that everything was "fine". I have a Dr. appt this Wednesday for a follow-up and I will ask her for a copy of my results. I do know that my Vitamin D level was low, as they told me to take a supplement. What are you doing to combat your thyroid issue?
  • prettysenshi
    prettysenshi Posts: 36 Member
    The doctor and I are still trying to get my thyroid under control. My previous doctor wasn't treating it correctly (I believe), so I went out and found a new doctor. My levels keep fluctuating between normal low, normal high and high, so all of my symptoms (being tired all the time, no energy, no sex drive, issues losing weight) are still present despite being on thyroid medication (levothyroxine), which tells me that the medication is not the correct one for me.

    If you feel fine other than not being able to lose weight, it may not be your thyroid. Have they tested your cortisol levels? When you meet with your doctor go over a game plan of what other options there are to test for/rule out. Honestly, there are a lot of chemical's and tests that can be ran that affect metabolism. Honestly there are a lot of different things in our bodies that affect our metabolism's.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Scroll to the bottom of this page and set your diary to public in the event that it's not a medical issue. I would continue exploring that, though. Good luck

  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Get a second opinion on the thyroid stuff and have them check out that nodule if the last doctor didn't look much at it.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Hi! I haven't seen the actual numbers yet- they called me last week just to say that everything was "fine". I have a Dr. appt this Wednesday for a follow-up and I will ask her for a copy of my results. I do know that my Vitamin D level was low, as they told me to take a supplement. What are you doing to combat your thyroid issue?

    Get a second opinion- also is this your GP or a Endocrinologist?

    My Dr said my numbers were "Normal" and "within range" and that I was just depressed. I finally got in to see a Endocrinologist and they said while my numbers were in a normal range- it was the low end of normal and perhaps my body needed to be at the higher end. (I'm Hypo-thyroid). They started me on a low dose and we eventually adjusted up several times before it was right for my body and things evened out.

    Your Dr (whether a GP or Specialist) works for YOU. If they are not testing when you request them to, or minimizing your concerns: GO GET A NEW DR! You hold no loyalty to them. You pay their bills, do NOT put up with any bullshnit.

    Now that I'm done with the Dr rant: You need to be exercising and weighing your food and being honest with your food logs. Thyroid problems do make it harder, but they don't make it impossible. Also focus on measurements and take photos. The scale doesn't always show the progress you've made.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Dumb question, but do you weigh your food? If not, it could be your problem - totally underestimating how much you've actually been eating, which would explain why nothing works.