Am I on the right path to losing my belly fat?? Need advice!



  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Lanky "naturally skinny" chicks don't bulk without roids or an intense 4 hr-a-day training schedule. It's not likely you'll ever bulk and get all crazy muscley.

    I started lifting fairly recently. I can deadlift 90lbs, bench press 75, and squat 75. It's not heavy but not light either. I have absolutely no signs of bulking AT ALL. I do intense cardio (kick boxing competitively) three times a week. I lift as heavy as I can, with good form, twice a week. I rest the other 2 days. I maintain my weight at 145 to maintain my weight class in k.boxing.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Someone being worried about getting super bulky and muscular from casual lifting over a period of a month to a year is like a sumo wrestler being afraid that eating some broccoli will cause them to lose 300 pounds of fat.

    Both are huge underestimates of the time and discipline commitment that muscle building or fat loss takes. Honestly it is much harder to put on muscle than to lose weight fat and no one does it by accident especially women.

    Lifting heavy, especially deadlifts, is how you get that fit flat toned stomach look. Dieting can only take you so far.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    OP, you do really need to check the ladies that lift will be amazed on the bodies these women have. Also like most said muscle is very hard to put on but for a woman large muscles are near impossible, we do not have anywhere near enough testosterone. Lifting will give you a butt (squats, dead lifts) and make it so parts that shouldn't jiggled don't. You can retain a soft look by making sure to not drop your body fat % too low (not an easy feat getting it very low).
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You do not need to restrict calories, or you are on your path to anorexia based on how you look now. If you want a more toned belly, add some strength training in your exercise routine and do not change what you eat. There is barely any fat there. And do not expect to build a 6 pack in a few weeks, it does not work this way.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Ok, I'm BACK to defend my hula hoop exercise. I was just trying to make a long story short, but here it is.
    I was 44 kg, and I needed to gain weight, my goal was 50 something, not more. I began to eat dairy (ORGANIC ONLY!), although I rarely had it before and don't like it, because I read a lot of amazing things about it, like how it is high in calcium and protein. I don't have scales at home, since I never had a weight issue, so one day I went to the swimming pool, where they had scales and nearly fainted as I saw number 63 kg. Ok, I overdid it, so I continued to consume dairy (yoghurt mainly) but started to restrict calories to 2000. A month later I was still 63, it's like time stopped. I continued to eat dairy and restricted to 1500, finally 2 month later I was down to 61. But then, something else came up - a rather large LUMP in my BREAST!!!!!!! In panic, I rushed to my doc, and he told me to stop eating dairy. As I stopped eating it, the lump began to decrease in size, and a year later it went away, and with it the extra weight. I was 52 kg at last. THIS IS WHY I now recommend a dairy free lifestyle by default. Sorry, if you don't agree with me. But now you understand what caused such hatred towards dairy in me.
    Then I discovered coconuts... Yes, binging on them was not the best idea - I was eating 2 whole coconuts a day, plus other stuff, and went slowly up to 59 kg. Slowly.
    OK, but back to when I was eating dairy on a daily basis. That's when I for the first time was properly introduced to this disgusting thing called belly fat!!!!!!!! I did not invent the HULA HOOP exercise - I saw it on youtube in several videos made by fitness coaches. I would sometimes change my daily routine, when I noticed that without the hula hoop exercise for a week, my tummy and the entire waist in general, would grow belly fat again. So, I have looked, but was unable to discover exercises that have a similar slimming effect on buttocks and arms, but hula hoop exercise stayed in my routine. And now, I am too lazy for any exercise, but one - the hula hoop exercise. If I don't do it, I get belly fat after one week. And it only takes 5 mins a day, but you gotta squeeze your belly and side muscles really hard, and you can even bend down as you draw a circle with your hips. I do them fast, cuz naturally i want to get on with life. But the slower you do them, the better the result will be. JUST TRY them, and if you don't see improvement after 1 week, then just tell everyone you gained belly fat on purpose to learn to belly dance :)
    Calorie restricting def doesn't work. Like when i log all my food, I can see that I am not even eating as much as I am used to, so it turned out I usually eat at least 2200 a day, e.g. yesterday and the week before. But then, again, my diet consists of almost only vegetables, and fruit - but I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, I am just a vegetarian who doesn't like grains (let alone lentils, yuck). Next time I go to the swimming pool, I will weigh myself and update, because I can tell I am already losing grams again, and I am def not 59 right now.
    You are gorgeous! Keep up the good work! And good luck with losing your belly fat!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:

    I am new to this, cuz I am now obsessed with trying to understand food after watching scary documentaries like Food Inc. I swear to you that I do NOT have a calorie deficit. I eat more than 2000 a day. In fact, I eat about 2200 calories a day. How can you explain that? I never even counted calories until now, when I started logging all my food, I was shocked at how many calories I consume (e.g. more than 3000 today), and my carbs are always in red font and at least three times above the daily recommended amount. My fat is usually the exact allowed amount, but my protein is often kinda low, cuz i am a vegetarian. And by the way, I often eat all evening long and if my bladder wakes me up I always grab some fruit on my way to bed. I truly believe it is the type of food that you eat that makes you gain or lose. Cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense, at least not to me. E.g., high in calories flaxseed gives me diarrhoea, and it cleanses me like a laxative would. Low-fat, low-cal, rather low-carb lactose-free yoghurt gives me terrible constipation, as if I had swallowed concrete.
    If it's not a secret, how many calories a day do you eat? And how much do you weigh?

    Anyhow, I will stick to doing what works for me -my hula hoop exercise. And in case you think I don't know a thing about sports and muscles - I used to train as a professional boxer a long time ago. Almost every day I had horrible workouts - so bad that at times I could hear my heartbeat despite the loud music. All I got was muscle, and of course what I wanted out of it in the first place - self-defence techniques. I first noticed extra muscle on the front part of my upper legs after only 1 month, then the calves grew larger in another month, at the same time my arm muscles grew, after 6 months I noticed my *kitten* became somewhat muscular and male-like. To avoid getting a six pack, I started to cheat during classes. Maybe to a body-builder this would not seem like too much of a change, to me it was very noticeable. All those workouts and weight lifting kinda ruined my good "body" looks. But I continued for another year, cuz i liked it too much. Gradually, I learnt that most workouts really don't make you slimmer. The slow "tension" exercises do.
    btw, the lump was quite serious. they wanted to perform a biopsy, but i freaked out and did not let them. it was painful and quite large. so, if you're a guy, maybe you can keep eating dairy. but girls need to think twice.
  • darkhunters1983
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred will get rid of that
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:

    I am new to this, cuz I am now obsessed with trying to understand food after watching scary documentaries like Food Inc. I swear to you that I do NOT have a calorie deficit. I eat more than 2000 a day. In fact, I eat about 2200 calories a day. How can you explain that? I never even counted calories until now, when I started logging all my food, I was shocked at how many calories I consume (e.g. more than 3000 today), and my carbs are always in red font and at least three times above the daily recommended amount. My fat is usually the exact allowed amount, but my protein is often kinda low, cuz i am a vegetarian. And by the way, I often eat all evening long and if my bladder wakes me up I always grab some fruit on my way to bed. I truly believe it is the type of food that you eat that makes you gain or lose. Cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense, at least not to me. E.g., high in calories flaxseed gives me diarrhoea, and it cleanses me like a laxative would. Low-fat, low-cal, rather low-carb lactose-free yoghurt gives me terrible constipation, as if I had swallowed concrete.
    If it's not a secret, how many calories a day do you eat? And how much do you weigh?

    Anyhow, I will stick to doing what works for me -my hula hoop exercise. And in case you think I don't know a thing about sports and muscles - I used to train as a professional boxer a long time ago. Almost every day I had horrible workouts - so bad that at times I could hear my heartbeat despite the loud music. All I got was muscle, and of course what I wanted out of it in the first place - self-defence techniques. I first noticed extra muscle on the front part of my upper legs after only 1 month, then the calves grew larger in another month, at the same time my arm muscles grew, after 6 months I noticed my *kitten* became somewhat muscular and male-like. To avoid getting a six pack, I started to cheat during classes. Maybe to a body-builder this would not seem like too much of a change, to me it was very noticeable. All those workouts and weight lifting kinda ruined my good "body" looks. But I continued for another year, cuz i liked it too much. Gradually, I learnt that most workouts really don't make you slimmer. The slow "tension" exercises do.
    btw, the lump was quite serious. they wanted to perform a biopsy, but i freaked out and did not let them. it was painful and quite large. so, if you're a guy, maybe you can keep eating dairy. but girls need to think twice.

    not sure if srs
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:

    I am new to this, cuz I am now obsessed with trying to understand food after watching scary documentaries like Food Inc. I swear to you that I do NOT have a calorie deficit. I eat more than 2000 a day. In fact, I eat about 2200 calories a day. How can you explain that? I never even counted calories until now, when I started logging all my food, I was shocked at how many calories I consume (e.g. more than 3000 today), and my carbs are always in red font and at least three times above the daily recommended amount. My fat is usually the exact allowed amount, but my protein is often kinda low, cuz i am a vegetarian. And by the way, I often eat all evening long and if my bladder wakes me up I always grab some fruit on my way to bed. I truly believe it is the type of food that you eat that makes you gain or lose. Cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense, at least not to me. E.g., high in calories flaxseed gives me diarrhoea, and it cleanses me like a laxative would. Low-fat, low-cal, rather low-carb lactose-free yoghurt gives me terrible constipation, as if I had swallowed concrete.
    If it's not a secret, how many calories a day do you eat? And how much do you weigh?

    Anyhow, I will stick to doing what works for me -my hula hoop exercise. And in case you think I don't know a thing about sports and muscles - I used to train as a professional boxer a long time ago. Almost every day I had horrible workouts - so bad that at times I could hear my heartbeat despite the loud music. All I got was muscle, and of course what I wanted out of it in the first place - self-defence techniques. I first noticed extra muscle on the front part of my upper legs after only 1 month, then the calves grew larger in another month, at the same time my arm muscles grew, after 6 months I noticed my *kitten* became somewhat muscular and male-like. To avoid getting a six pack, I started to cheat during classes. Maybe to a body-builder this would not seem like too much of a change, to me it was very noticeable. All those workouts and weight lifting kinda ruined my good "body" looks. But I continued for another year, cuz i liked it too much. Gradually, I learnt that most workouts really don't make you slimmer. The slow "tension" exercises do.
    btw, the lump was quite serious. they wanted to perform a biopsy, but i freaked out and did not let them. it was painful and quite large. so, if you're a guy, maybe you can keep eating dairy. but girls need to think twice.
    I'm a female.

    Really, there is not reason to avoid dairy or any other food unless there is a medical reason for it.

    Seriously, you lost weight because you were in a calorie deficit. That's the only way you can lose weight. It's been proven over and over.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:

    I am new to this, cuz I am now obsessed with trying to understand food after watching scary documentaries like Food Inc. I swear to you that I do NOT have a calorie deficit. I eat more than 2000 a day. In fact, I eat about 2200 calories a day. How can you explain that? I never even counted calories until now, when I started logging all my food, I was shocked at how many calories I consume (e.g. more than 3000 today), and my carbs are always in red font and at least three times above the daily recommended amount. My fat is usually the exact allowed amount, but my protein is often kinda low, cuz i am a vegetarian. And by the way, I often eat all evening long and if my bladder wakes me up I always grab some fruit on my way to bed. I truly believe it is the type of food that you eat that makes you gain or lose. Cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense, at least not to me. E.g., high in calories flaxseed gives me diarrhoea, and it cleanses me like a laxative would. Low-fat, low-cal, rather low-carb lactose-free yoghurt gives me terrible constipation, as if I had swallowed concrete.
    If it's not a secret, how many calories a day do you eat? And how much do you weigh?

    Anyhow, I will stick to doing what works for me -my hula hoop exercise. And in case you think I don't know a thing about sports and muscles - I used to train as a professional boxer a long time ago. Almost every day I had horrible workouts - so bad that at times I could hear my heartbeat despite the loud music. All I got was muscle, and of course what I wanted out of it in the first place - self-defence techniques. I first noticed extra muscle on the front part of my upper legs after only 1 month, then the calves grew larger in another month, at the same time my arm muscles grew, after 6 months I noticed my *kitten* became somewhat muscular and male-like. To avoid getting a six pack, I started to cheat during classes. Maybe to a body-builder this would not seem like too much of a change, to me it was very noticeable. All those workouts and weight lifting kinda ruined my good "body" looks. But I continued for another year, cuz i liked it too much. Gradually, I learnt that most workouts really don't make you slimmer. The slow "tension" exercises do.
    btw, the lump was quite serious. they wanted to perform a biopsy, but i freaked out and did not let them. it was painful and quite large. so, if you're a guy, maybe you can keep eating dairy. but girls need to think twice.

    not sure if srs
    Yes, she is serious (if that is what srs means, i"m not sure. :smile: )
  • ChristineMiller2
    Target weight loss has never worked for me. I eat as healthy as I can and do planks to strengthen my core. You will not "bulk up" by lifting weights in 30 days. Avoid pop and alcohol as it causes bloat!
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    I agree with the others that suggested the 30 Day Shred. It can give great results, but you have to put in the effort and sweat!

    Also, don't reduce your caloric intake. Set your goal to maintenance and eat! Reducing your calorie intake is not going to give you the results you want. You need to increase your cardio and lift some weights all while eating a balanced diet of fats, proteins, carbs, dairy, etc.

    Good luck!
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I maintain 145lbs eating 2000-2300 calories a day. I eat everything except gluten (celiac disease, gluten kills me, like literally). Eat less than you burn and you will lose weight. Eat more than you burn and you'll gain weight. I eat ice cream, donuts(gluten free but whoohoo on the calories!), candy, yogurt, pizza(gluten free but covered in 2 cheeses, bacon, Canadian bacon and pepperoni), and anything else I want. I just don't go over my calorie limit very often.

    You do not have to be on a food restriction diet to lose weight.
    You will not bulk if you lift weights.

    I promise!!!
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    Do some rowing as part of your cardio if you have access to a rowing machine, it's good for abs. Yoga poses for the core such as the plank, dolphin etc are also good. You look great already though! :)
  • SavageAbbey
    SavageAbbey Posts: 79
    I think you look beautiful! I invested in a trainer who is well versed in the area of nutrition as well as a good excercise regimen. I firmed up with squats and a lot of core exercises. Now lifting weights and feeling strong and confident. She (trainer) helps to keep me in check. I almost can't believe how far I have come in just a short time. Good luck whatever you decide to do!
  • ashnicbro
    ashnicbro Posts: 26 Member
    Sorry I have not responded guys! I didn;t think anyone would still be commenting on this thread. I am fairly new to fitness period. So a lot of this is confusing to me. As you guys can see, I don't have much fat. i don't need to lose any fat anywhere else but my stomach but since I can't do that, I have to lose it every where! Do I eat more, do I eat at a deficit? Its confusing!

    However, i do get what you guys are saying about lifting. When I said I didn't want to look too muscular, I mean I didn't want to look like a bodybuilder in training. Buy now I see that I can do it and still look soft.

    So...I will def start lifting. I actually already started! I started the 30 Days shred as well!

    Thank you all!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Go on facebook, find the IIFYM women's group, join, get your macro numbers, stick to it TO THE TEE and I guarantee what little stomach you have will be gone. Good luck!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I eat Cheese, drink 2% milk and eat yogurt..and I lost belly fat..

    I love how folks tout "do this or dont do this"..BS..what works for one person may not work for another.

    OP-I cant see your I cannot comment. I know me personally, my belly is the first area I will gain and the last I seem to loose. Ive lost a good amount..still have a pinch more to go..but Ive also come to terms with the fact..I do have some extra skin there..(I have a son) and then being bigger for afew years..I think, without surgery I may always have some extra skin.

    I have found my DIET plays alot into this though...Id been told numerous times..Abs are made in the kitchen. I know, like you, I dont want to be all manly ab looking..but I want a flat, toned belly. Encorporating more protein based food and eating MUCH less food with sugar in it helped me..good luck!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:

    I am new to this, cuz I am now obsessed with trying to understand food after watching scary documentaries like Food Inc. I swear to you that I do NOT have a calorie deficit. I eat more than 2000 a day. In fact, I eat about 2200 calories a day. How can you explain that? I never even counted calories until now, when I started logging all my food, I was shocked at how many calories I consume (e.g. more than 3000 today), and my carbs are always in red font and at least three times above the daily recommended amount. My fat is usually the exact allowed amount, but my protein is often kinda low, cuz i am a vegetarian. And by the way, I often eat all evening long and if my bladder wakes me up I always grab some fruit on my way to bed. I truly believe it is the type of food that you eat that makes you gain or lose. Cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense, at least not to me. E.g., high in calories flaxseed gives me diarrhoea, and it cleanses me like a laxative would. Low-fat, low-cal, rather low-carb lactose-free yoghurt gives me terrible constipation, as if I had swallowed concrete.
    If it's not a secret, how many calories a day do you eat? And how much do you weigh?

    Anyhow, I will stick to doing what works for me -my hula hoop exercise. And in case you think I don't know a thing about sports and muscles - I used to train as a professional boxer a long time ago. Almost every day I had horrible workouts - so bad that at times I could hear my heartbeat despite the loud music. All I got was muscle, and of course what I wanted out of it in the first place - self-defence techniques. I first noticed extra muscle on the front part of my upper legs after only 1 month, then the calves grew larger in another month, at the same time my arm muscles grew, after 6 months I noticed my *kitten* became somewhat muscular and male-like. To avoid getting a six pack, I started to cheat during classes. Maybe to a body-builder this would not seem like too much of a change, to me it was very noticeable. All those workouts and weight lifting kinda ruined my good "body" looks. But I continued for another year, cuz i liked it too much. Gradually, I learnt that most workouts really don't make you slimmer. The slow "tension" exercises do.
    btw, the lump was quite serious. they wanted to perform a biopsy, but i freaked out and did not let them. it was painful and quite large. so, if you're a guy, maybe you can keep eating dairy. but girls need to think twice.

    not sure if srs
    Yes, she is serious (if that is what srs means, i"m not sure. :smile: )


    So now we can lose weight while in an energy surplus, and certain exercises DO spot reduce? Who knew!