Mom's who use a jogging stroller...

kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
I have a Babies R Us Paseo (essentially a Baby Trend) and I hate it. It's hard to push and the tires go flat quickly. My son is a heavy 30 pounds so the added weight doesn't make it any easier. Not sure if I need to get used to it more as I only run with it once a week and go solo 2x a week.

My question, if I hate this stroller, will I love a BOB?



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    In for answers. I did a lot of research and settled on the BOB RE (with the adjustable from wheel for both fixed and swivel). The Ironman is supposed to be the best but it is fixed front wheel and for that price it is going to have to be our everyday stroller too (I know, it's bulky but sacrafices…)
    Obviously I haven't had a chance to use it yet.
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    I use a BOB and have run with it with 4 kids now and still going strong. I am going to pass it on to my sister and I expect it will hold up for many more miles!
  • McCrabby
    McCrabby Posts: 77 Member
    I really enjoy the bob... My son is around 30lbs, but it doesn't feel like I'm pushing that much weight.
  • Jenny8511
    Jenny8511 Posts: 141 Member
    I love my bob!! My sister in law had one and I used it for a few minutes and I instantly sold my double tandem stroller and bought a side by side bob. I use it all the time. My kids love it, it's a nice ride. I never feel the weight of them unless I'm going up hill or if I have the stroller packed down with stuff.

    Edited to add.. I have twins who are 30 pounds each. So 60 baby pounds plus all of the baby stuff I carry and I don't feel the weight at all. I also bought an attachment for my baby's car seat which added 30ish pounds plus a 15 pound baby sitting next to her 30 pound brother and I didn't notice a difference at all.
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    thank you for the replies. It is a bulky stroller, but then again joggers are just bulky in general. Mine doesn't even fit in my small car so I leave it at home.

    Luckily my son starts preschool soon. I'm thinking of just selling mine and springing for a BOB for the next kid
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    Kool Stop makes a jog stroller that is awesome. I got one that a mom of 4 had jogged with over the past 15 or 20 years at a garage sale and it was still in perfect condition. It weights next to nothing and is so easy to maneuver. The old models didn't fold down but the new ones do. This is a jog stroller though - not meant for every day use really.

    Totally off topic of BOB, but figured I'd mention it if you happen to see one.
  • lvmamaduke
    lvmamaduke Posts: 24 Member
    I have had many strollers and finally got a BOB with my youngest. I love it not only for jogging but everyday use. It is so easy to use and push with one hand.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I've got a 40 lb kid in a Bob ironman. Love it! Run with it all the time! 28 miles last week. And we're doing a half marathon together on Sunday. It's easy to push! And fits inside a Toyota echo (very small) without removing the front wheel.