Lost 18.7 kg (41 lbs) and got a healthy BMI now

I did it! I lost 18.7 kg thus far and my BMI went from 30.0 to 24.7! :) I was 106 kg in the start, now I am 87.4 kg (some background: 1.88 m (6 ft 2), 27 years, guy, athletic build)

Interesting facts:
1. I love doing sports, but when I was 106 kg I did not want to think about exercising. So I just started walking.
2. When I started running, it was a challenge to run 10 km. When I could, I did it with an average speed of 9-10 km/hour.
3. Now I can run 10 km with an average speed of 14 km per hour and I hope to reach 15 later this year. That's what weight loss (and training) can do!
4. I gained about 8 kg when I quit smoking (but for those thinking about quitting: just do it, it's worth it. Don't worry about weight gain, you can lose that afterwards)
5. I used to wear size XL shirts and could not fit my pants well (most tore) when I gained the weight after quitting smoking. Now I wear size L and my pants are several sizes smaller (I have no idea what my size is though, I never remember, but it's certainly a lot smaller).

I'll lose another 7 kg and then I'm done. Doesn't sound like a lot now, does it?

I hope that inspires you to lose. Oh wait, let me share some of my methods. I don't think there's much unique methods.
1. I never tracked calories on paper or MFP (I am here for the community) but I read a lot of labels and tracked a bit in my head. I know it's not ideal, but tracking is not my thing. I tend to be a bit forgetful ;)
2. I did track my weight (this is only one measurement per day, and it's fine if you forget a few days). I started on May 23 2013, so I have a nice graph now. I use the "WeightRecord" app on iPad.
3. Like I said before, my first exercise was walking. I really did not feel like running and it was my principle from the start to listen to my feelings, so I went walking a LOT! I walked to university, supermarket, to friends in the center of town, and just through nature. This, combined with paying attention to my calories, got me losing.
4. When I was just below 100 kg I was looking forward to run again so I gradually replaced my walks with runs. I kept doing this and eventually I ran 5-6 times per week.
5. After a while I felt the need to do other sports so I started swimming, which I do about 3x per week (replacing some of my runs). And now I am also biking a lot, usually about 100 km per week. So yeah, exercise is helping me a lot! I think this works so well for me because I just LOVE to move! I love to find the limits of what I can do. And I like to be outside, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends. I can recommend that you make exercise as fun as possible. Explore new areas. Invite your friends. Listen to music if that's your thing (though I never do this, I love the silence). Buy gear gradually as you proved that you really want to keep going (like: if I've exercised for 20 times, I will buy a shirt) - trust me you'll love the shirt when you have it! :)
6. About food... the best change I've made: I stopped eating junk food and I started cooking for myself again, with healthy ingredients, like a lot of vegetables. Also throughout the day I sometimes reflect on what I eat regularly and make changes as needed - for example I used to eat a lot of rice pudding because it's a really quick and easy meal, but then I realized that it has a lot of sugars and not much good nutrition, so instead I just eat fruit, bread and leftovers from hot meals.

Ok that's a long story. I could make it so much longer, since am losing weight for 1 1/4 year now. Anyways I hope it's interesting!


  • Wow, that's really concise, thank you! Congratulations on the loss, and this really did inspire me :)
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    awesome job!!
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    Kudos to You. I'd never make it without calorie tracking, You have a strong will.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    Thank you! And great work, well done on getting to a healthy BMI!
  • Dagnova
    Dagnova Posts: 68
    Thanks everyone! :)

    Today I will give myself a reward for reaching this goal - I will get a new haircut! I never worried so much about looks but now that I am lighter again I feel the need to improve my looks, to look as good as I can!

    Next goal will be weighing less than 86 kg. I can buy a piece of clothing when I reach that goal. For every further 2 kg I lose I will give myself a suitable reward.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Great job!
  • red0202
    red0202 Posts: 37 Member
    Excellent job !! You are an inspiration.
  • Dagnova
    Dagnova Posts: 68
    Thanks Red and Perseverance! :)
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Whoop! Go you!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Outstanding job!!!!
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