low cholesterol dinner recipes

Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
I know that dietary cholesterol has almost no effect on blood cholesterol levels (ALMOST no effect, so some effect, yeah) but my husband's most recent level came back crazy high, and we're trying to get it down with diet and exercise and all that. He works out five days a week, lifting and biking, and walks 8 miles a day for work, so this is probably a genetic thing and not so much related to our diet, which is pretty good. I need high-protein, low-carb, tasty and (reasonably) inexpensive dinner ideas. I'm up for just about anything, and am not afraid to try new foods (though I haaaaate seafood). Got anything?


  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    My husband and I recently started eating Paleo, which is basically low-carb without the bread, rice, etc. The only carbs come from vegetables and fruits. Here are some great resources for recipes:

    http://nomnompaleo.com/ - her cookbook is amazing too

    During the weekdays, we usually grill steak, chicken, or fish for dinner (usually from Costco so it's less expensive) then make roasted veggies with some EVOO, pepper, and salt. One side dish that we recently started making is mashed cauliflower which has the consistency of mashed potatoes... steam a head of chopped cauliflower with garlic cloves, then blend in food processor with some milk, butter, and salt/pepper/herbs. It is amazing!!! (don't try this with broccoli tho - I've tried it once and the consistency is yucky!)
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    My husband and I recently started eating Paleo, which is basically low-carb without the bread, rice, etc. The only carbs come from vegetables and fruits. Here are some great resources for recipes:

    http://nomnompaleo.com/ - her cookbook is amazing too

    During the weekdays, we usually grill steak, chicken, or fish for dinner (usually from Costco so it's less expensive) then make roasted veggies with some EVOO, pepper, and salt. One side dish that we recently started making is mashed cauliflower which has the consistency of mashed potatoes... steam a head of chopped cauliflower with garlic cloves, then blend in food processor with some milk, butter, and salt/pepper/herbs. It is amazing!!! (don't try this with broccoli tho - I've tried it once and the consistency is yucky!)

    Thanks! He's a big fan of Paleo-style eating, though doesn't do it consistently. We are planning on trying that cauliflower mash this week (though it's the one vegetable that actually makes me gag) as a steak side dish. But are potatoes really that bad? I know they're starches, but they're not full of anything that terrible, right? Anyway, thank you for the links! I love cookbooks.