you're eating more than you think

So for those of you who aren't losing weight and cant figure out why, from my experience its usually either water retention or youre eating more than you think....ive noticed my weight loss has more or less stalled for a couple of weeks when I was trying tp figure out why I realize also during this time frame i have been slacking on logging EVERYTHING THAT IVE EATEN.... for example I have a mini gum ball machine at home and have the bad habit of grabbing a few whenever I walk by, even though one gum ball is only 5-610 calories, 10, 20 or even 30 can add up in a week....same with the candy jar at work.... another thing I noticed is that im AWFUL atlogging condiments, mayo im good with but chili sauce, ketchup, mustard, etc. I barely log and those points add up quick.... thr last time I had fried fish for dinner I took the time to accurately log the calories in the chili sauce, what I thought was a normal amount actually turned out to be 4 serving at about 20 calories per serving.... so please do yourselves a favor before you go crying "plateau" take a look at hoe accurately your logging and make sure you log EVERYTHING no matter how insignificant it might be


  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    I am always very skeptical of people who claim to have stalled when they're eating like 1400 cals and under, unless they are a very small woman, 90% of the time they're not measuring correctly or just retaining water, people think your metabolism will just grind to a halt if you eat too little, doesn't work like that at all, the largest slowing of metabolic rate ever measured was only 15%, and was after 6 months of near starvation with NO weight training or refeeds etc, metabolism will never slow enough to cancel out a 800+ cal deficit
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    Side effects of medication, periods, and overestimating burn are some other ways.
  • swiftfox1980
    swiftfox1980 Posts: 22 Member
    I have definitely be underestimating my intake by a few hundred! Also, my sodium intake is scary and carb intake is high. Never would have guessed this. Happy to be tracking finally! This should do the trick.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    So for those of you who aren't losing weight and cant figure out why, from my experience its usually either water retention or youre eating more than you think....ive noticed my weight loss has more or less stalled for a couple of weeks when I was trying tp figure out why I realize also during this time frame i have been slacking on logging EVERYTHING THAT IVE EATEN.... for example I have a mini gum ball machine at home and have the bad habit of grabbing a few whenever I walk by, even though one gum ball is only 5-610 calories, 10, 20 or even 30 can add up in a week....same with the candy jar at work.... another thing I noticed is that im AWFUL atlogging condiments, mayo im good with but chili sauce, ketchup, mustard, etc. I barely log and those points add up quick.... thr last time I had fried fish for dinner I took the time to accurately log the calories in the chili sauce, what I thought was a normal amount actually turned out to be 4 serving at about 20 calories per serving.... so please do yourselves a favor before you go crying "plateau" take a look at hoe accurately your logging and make sure you log EVERYTHING no matter how insignificant it might be

    Very True!!! I have been trying to leave myself a few calories at the end of the day for those mindless snacks that are not logged. I agree with you 100%. I pick up a bite of chocolate chips (70 cals) without logging them. These things surely add up. :drinker: