Hi There!

Hello All,

I joined MFP the end of last year as an app on my iphone and i am determined with the start of the new year I am going to get fit and healthy.

I have battled with my weight for years and also my body image and mental health as a result. I have had an eating disorder in the past and i think this contributes to my issues with my weight now. I have been 55kg in the past but I was at the gym 6 days a week 2 hours at a time working in a fast paced hospitality job and eating low calorie food and not much of it and then binge eating later.

Now I am back at university and studying full time to become a nurse i now know that I need to change the way i view myself, food and exercise, I want to get back to my goal weight of 55kg or even 60kgs I just want to be fitter and healthier mainly to assist me in my future career.

I have an amazing partner who loves and supports me. He thinks I am beautiful but knows that Iwant to loose weight and gain self esteem, he supports my decision and the changes I am making in my life and is doing them with me. He has had a girlfriend in the past that refused to eat correctly and not exercise and chose to have lap band surgery. He is determined to see me do it the right way and is so supportive with out being judgemental.

I have been reading the stories of others and you are all so inspiring and I know have faith in myself that I can do this.

so thank you and good luck to you all


  • Sabrina_W
    Congrats on making the decision to lose weight the healthy way! I too am pursuing nursing and I truly want to be an example for both my family and patients. Add me as a friend if ya like!
  • savagegirl
    savagegirl Posts: 33 Member
    Hey!, You're in the right place as the support on this site is fantastic!! I'm only new on here but have already made some friends. Good job on training to be a nurse! I'm a qualified nurse too. Its important you do look after yourself in a profession where you give so much to others. Good luck with your goals. Susie :-):bigsmile: