Just Started My Fitness Pal



  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    Yea really, for only being a member for about 2hrs I have gotten so much support.
    It is amazing, really pushing me to make this my year of weight loss...hope all goes well for you as well
    if you ever need some support I'm always here!

    good luck to you!!
  • Ola,

    My name is Leah and I just started ten minutes ago. Mom of two precious little girls. Wife of one handsome man. Got to get my life healthier and needed a site to track my goals. I hope I like it here :)
  • Hi there! Yea I just signed up a bit ago also, hopin I like it too. Good luck to you!! Here to listen or support.
  • Mphaneuf
    Mphaneuf Posts: 13 Member
    i have been here 2 hours and already love it!!!

    i am amazed at how many people have just been joining in the last 2hours its incredible!!
    the support everyone gives it truly amazing...never had so much support in my life....
    i hope this site is as good with the health and dieting as it is with its support!!

    hope everything works out for you and if you ever need some support you can always add me as a friend :)
    good luck to you!
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