How many calories should I be aiming for?

Cloudborn Posts: 43 Member
So I'm quite new here and I've been looking around seeing posts saying that you're not meant to limit yourself to 1200 calories whilst others say you should. It has left me slightly confused so I guess I'm asking for clarification from wiser minds.

My data:

Age: 23
Height: 157cm (5"2)
Current Weight: 79.1kg (157 lbs)
Goal Weight: 55kg (121 lbs)
Activity level: Not active (However I might be singing up to a Gym soon!)

I guess I would like to lose 2 lbs a week if possible.

I definitely don't want to eat to little as I've heard it can send me into starvation mode. So if someone could clarify this for me I would greatly appreciate it!


  • 1200 is probably the least you should intake a day, my current aim is to have 1200 calories a day but it is always less and I guess I am fine :P
  • Shell_1384
    Shell_1384 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi there! My stats: 29 yrs old, 5'4'', SW 200 lbs, CW 192 lbs, GW 140 lbs.

    When I started on MFP about 2.5 months ago I was set to lose 2 lbs/week, and MFP calculated a 1200 calorie daily budget for me. After a few weeks, when I started to add exercise (even though I was eating back my burned calories), I found 1200 was way too low for me and I was always hungry. So I changed my goal to lose 1 lb/week and it increased my daily calories to 1460. This has been MUCH easier to handle. I suggest you try it out at 1200 for a few weeks and then assess things. See how you are feeling and consider changing your goal if you find yourself really hungry, lacking energy, or feeling weak. Remember it's a slow process, you need to be patient with the weight loss.

    Best of luck to you :smile:
  • Good answer Shell!

    It all does depend on how much you use those calories throughout the day!

    I tend to eat more if I work out.

    Hope it all goes well with your weight loss, I'm sure you will get there in no time.

  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Until someone answers who can explain better than me:
    I would start by calculating how many calories you eat in an average day. I am certainly not an expert here but at your age, weight, you should absolutely be eating more than 1200 cals/day. Using a BMR/TDEE calculator, your BMR is about 1422 which is the amount of calories in a day your body burns even if you lay in bed all day long. Even a "couch potato" at your age should be eating around 1700. That is your TDEE.
    There are a lot of helpful hints on this site. I personally do not believe in starvation mode, but I know if I am hungry, I am going to pig-out. So, you want to find a comfortable place. Good luck!
  • Cloudborn
    Cloudborn Posts: 43 Member
    So I have been eating 1200 calories the last week and a half, and from what I can tell from your responses this is to little and I could force my body to go into starvation mode? Darn, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. :/
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I do not think there is any such thing as starvation mode. That is just my personal belief. Are you not losing weight at 1200 calories?
  • So I have been eating 1200 calories the last week and a half, and from what I can tell from your responses this is to little and I could force my body to go into starvation mode? Darn, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. :/

    Nah. You're not going to go into "starvation mode."
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    "Starvation mode" is essentially a myth.

    If you can eat 1200 calories (healthy calories, not processed food) and feel content, I say go for it.

    I have a real hard time getting below 1600, but that's because I'm addicted to food :(
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    You won't suddenly go into starvation mode at 1200 cals. However, It is generally advised that you cut no more than 20 percent of your calories (from TDEE), and some also recommend that you don't go below your BMR.

    I suggest you read this:
    Covers all bases in a pretty concise manner, and has good information.

    ETA: I ate 1200 cals for a very long time, didn't go into starvation mode or any such situation. Increased my calories when I started lifting.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    So I have been eating 1200 calories the last week and a half, and from what I can tell from your responses this is to little and I could force my body to go into starvation mode? Darn, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. :/

    With MFP you're supposed to eat back exercise you gross more calories than that. That said, you have to consider that a 2 Lb per week goal is very aggressive...that is 1,000 calories per day deficit from your theoretical NON EXERCISE maintenance number...with only 35ish Lbs to lose, it is very, very aggressive and I would suggest that you will have a difficult time adhering to this.

    The way starvation mode is talked about here doesn't really exist...that said, you will stall out...and where do you go from there if you already have the pedal to the medal so to speak?

    With the amount of weight you have to lose, your body is likely to respond better and you are likely to be happier with a 1 - 1.5 Lb per week loss rate goal will have to dial that back as you lean out because you simply won't have the fat stores to go fast.

    I have about 10 cosmetic Lbs left to lose to get down to around 15% BF and I will tell you it is very sense in starving myself...I shoot for about 0.5 Lbs per week which really doesn't show up on the scale as anything in particular for a couple of months. I tell you this so that you understand that this is a process...not a 2 Lbs per week wham bam thank you ma'am kinda thing...I can pretty much guarantee you it's not going to work that way.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    If you input 2lbs a week most likely MFP is gonna tell you 1200. Maybe try 1lb a week.

    Im the same weight as you but taller 5'6 I find if I eat around 1500 or 1600 I lose a little more than 1lb a week.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    what cwolfman said - this guy knows what he's talking about
  • Cloudborn
    Cloudborn Posts: 43 Member
    Phew you guys had me worried there. Well I've been eating 1200 calories and to be honest I've been satisfied with them. I don't really crave other things or want to eat more. Is it alright to go on aggressive weight loss as long as you can personally maintain it without getting depressed or overeating?

    @cowwolfman I currently have no exercise calories as I don't exercise. I will probably start exercising in a few weeks but my life currently is very sedentary.

    I guess I am kind of jumping the gun and wanting to lose loads right away, it is very possible that I should lower my goal to 1lbs or 1.5. However I want to try it at 2lbs until October since I start university then and I guess I want to lose as much as possible until then.

    I guess the bottom line question is: as long as I'm happy with 1200 calories it's alright to eat that few?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Phew you guys had me worried there. Well I've been eating 1200 calories and to be honest I've been satisfied with them. I don't really crave other things or want to eat more. Is it alright to go on aggressive weight loss as long as you can personally maintain it without getting depressed or overeating?

    @cowwolfman I currently have no exercise calories as I don't exercise. I will probably start exercising in a few weeks but my life currently is very sedentary.

    I guess I am kind of jumping the gun and wanting to lose loads right away, it is very possible that I should lower my goal to 1lbs or 1.5. However I want to try it at 2lbs until October since I start university then and I guess I want to lose as much as possible until then.

    I guess the bottom line question is: as long as I'm happy with 1200 calories it's alright to eat that few?

    Stop jumping the gun, then. "Losing loads right away" is never a good idea, unless you are morbidly obese to begin with (which looking at your stats you are clearly not). You didn't put on all the extra weight at the rate of 2 pounds a week, it is unreasonable to expect it to come off that fast.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    So I'm quite new here and I've been looking around seeing posts saying that you're not meant to limit yourself to 1200 calories whilst others say you should. It has left me slightly confused so I guess I'm asking for clarification from wiser minds.

    My data:

    Age: 23
    Height: 157cm (5"2)
    Current Weight: 79.1kg (157 lbs)
    Goal Weight: 55kg (121 lbs)
    Activity level: Not active (However I might be singing up to a Gym soon!)

    I guess I would like to lose 2 lbs a week if possible.

    I definitely don't want to eat to little as I've heard it can send me into starvation mode. So if someone could clarify this for me I would greatly appreciate it!

    Your BMR (calories your body uses to function) is 1400-1500 calories (different calculators). So yes, 1200 would be a really small number for you. The reason for the small number......MFP defaulted to the lowest value it ever gives (1200) because you wanted 2 pounds a week.

    With 36 pounds to lose, 2 pounds a week is really aggressive. Eating below your BMR (basal metabolic rate) does not support lean muscle mass. If you want to lose (mostly) more. If you just want the number on the scale....then eat 1200.

    Look up the term skinny-fat. This is an ok look in clothes....a terrible look naked.
  • Cloudborn
    Cloudborn Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you! Your post was really insightful.

    How much should I be eating then? 1400? 1500?
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Thank you! Your post was really insightful.

    How much should I be eating then? 1400? 1500?
    Read this very carefully - it will answer all your questions:

    Also, all of this:
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    My opinion - if you're happy on 1200 a day then stick with it for a while. If you start exercising then eat back your exercise calories. However if you start to feel unhappy/unwell/hungry all the time/not working for you etc then re-evaluate.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Sorry OP, no help, but just want to thank other posters for the links!
  • changergirl
    changergirl Posts: 81

    My data:

    Age: 23
    Height: 157cm (5"2)
    Current Weight: 79.1kg (157 lbs)
    Goal Weight: 55kg (121 lbs)
    Activity level: Not active (However I might be singing up to a Gym soon!)

    I guess most people don't use both kg and pounds but your numbers for your current weight are off. 79.1 kg is actually 174 pounds. Your goal weight conversion is correct. This could affect other people's BMR calculations and it shows that you've actually got more weight to lose. A lot of people would say it's safer to lose 2 pounds a week when you've got more than 50 to go compared to the 36 you've stated.