Birth Control SUggestion...



  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Avoid the Depo shot if you can. I was on it for 2 years. Started going to a dietian and the very first thing they told me was if I wanted to have any chance to lose weight I needed to get off Depo. I didn't gain much while on it, but I wasn't able to lose anything while on it either. They suggested pill or nuva ring instead.
  • notsosimplyabby
    notsosimplyabby Posts: 138 Member
    For the last two years I took Yaz & Loestrin. I have gained 10 pounds in the last two years and I can tell you not all of it was because of my eating habits. Also it made my face break out. I would avoid any type of pill at all costs because a recent study that was done showed that many birth control pill can (hormonally) create fat cells that are permanent unless extreme measures, such as liposuction, are taken.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I was on Seasonale and loved it, but my insurance changed and I could only get Seasonique, and then to only the generic version which is Jolessa. I HATE it, as soon as this last pack is done I'm off it for good. For the first 2 weeks I was on it I had morning sickness so bad I thought I was pregnant, we switched to condoms for a month but I hate the stress of worrying that it might break so I went back on, I hate to throw it away because the pack was $160 so I'm sucking it up and taking it, I have 2 more weeks and then I'll be trying Nuva Ring, my doctor gave me 2 samples of it (I'll update when I try it but a friend of mine has it and loved it)

    My experiences have been:
    patch: got huge pimple/boils where I put the patch, and the edges of the patch would get dirty and a few times it came off alltogether
    ortho-tricycline-lo (or however you spell it!): no ill effects, if nuva-ring doesnt work for me I'll be switching back to that

    my sister has the copper IUD and had to have it "adjusted" because it was poking her husband lol but its fine now, she and aside from a little spotting after she took it she had no issues

    my cousin tried depo and gained 15lbs and had basically one continuous period for about 2 months with only occasional no-bleeding days, bad cramps and BAD mood swings. She (and everyone around her!!) was so happy when it wore off!

    After I have kids I'll be getting fixed for good but until then I'll try nuva ring and switch back to the ortho if I dont like it.
  • jessimacar
    I agree with all the other women who advise against taking Yasmine. I have had so many issues with it, that even after being off it for almost a year, I'm still dealing with the crap from it. I gained 50lbs while on it - you crave EVERYTHING. It makes you just want to eat and eat. My skin is horrendous. Dry and spotty - the works. I won't even get into the mood swings. I almost lost a boyfriend and a couple of friends I was such a *****. I also had NO sex drive. It's slowly coming back now. I think the pill caused me to start having yeast infections - never had them before I started Yasmine. I think the pill is supposed to help you have a lighter, easier period. Yasmine made mine heavy and painful, and so long. I ended up skipping my "placebo" week of the pills, to avoid my period. I stopped taking the pill, and now, finally, my period is short and light and easy!

    Sorry for the rant, but I have never had as bad of an experience with any other medication as I have Yasmine.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Condoms and with-holding until husband gets fixed :laugh:
    Seriously though - been like this 2 years and knock wood, been accident free.

    that's what we've done for the past 4 years---2 kids later, it doesn't work for us! Time to go on birth control!! :laugh:

    wait you've always used a condom 100% correctly and you still had 2 kids!?..****
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I was on Yaz for years and I had absolutely no problems so I think you have to find out how things react with your body because everyone is different. No weight gain....nada.

    I'm on Nuva Ring now and I love it. It has never slipped and no weight gain so far. I triple pack my rings so I only have my period 4 times a year.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I used the Nuva Ring until I got married. I didn't stop to get pregnant, just ran out, was in a new country, was planning a wedding, dealing with a whole lot of stuff and never got around to getting it replaced. I hated the ring when I was on it, BUT then I got off it and boy oh boy. I had no idea what that thing was doing for me. Firstly, I was waxing my eyebrows less, let my leg hairs grow out for a week and a half to get them waxed (hey, it was for the wedding and honeymoon. Figured I could suffer for 10 days) and they still couldn't wax me because I didn't have enough hair. Now, I've noticed how quickly it's growing back. Also, I guess I must be a little imbalanced (I know, surprise) because I was less moody and less emotional when I was on the ring. Finally, TOM was so much easier that I'm jealous of my former self! I never got bloated or gained any weight during that week while I was on the ring, hardly any cramps, etc... and now it's like my body is rebelling against me. I told my husband this week that I want to get back on it ASAP. I really recommend it. You should know, though, that anything you insert within areas can change the...uh...chemistry, and it might make certain things seem different, but you get used to that, and you only have to do it once a month. Take it out for a week, put a new one in, and if you're lucky and can get to a planned parenthood or something, you might just be able to get it really cheaply, and get a six-month supply.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I used the Nuva Ring until I got married. I didn't stop to get pregnant, just ran out, was in a new country, was planning a wedding, dealing with a whole lot of stuff and never got around to getting it replaced. I hated the ring when I was on it, BUT then I got off it and boy oh boy. I had no idea what that thing was doing for me. Firstly, I was waxing my eyebrows less, let my leg hairs grow out for a week and a half to get them waxed (hey, it was for the wedding and honeymoon. Figured I could suffer for 10 days) and they still couldn't wax me because I didn't have enough hair. Now, I've noticed how quickly it's growing back. Also, I guess I must be a little imbalanced (I know, surprise) because I was less moody and less emotional when I was on the ring. Finally, TOM was so much easier that I'm jealous of my former self! I never got bloated or gained any weight during that week while I was on the ring, hardly any cramps, etc... and now it's like my body is rebelling against me. I told my husband this week that I want to get back on it ASAP. I really recommend it. You should know, though, that anything you insert within areas can change the...uh...chemistry, and it might make certain things seem different, but you get used to that, and you only have to do it once a month. Take it out for a week, put a new one in, and if you're lucky and can get to a planned parenthood or something, you might just be able to get it really cheaply, and get a six-month supply.

    um i wouldnt even know how to like..insert it lol
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I used the Nuva Ring until I got married. I didn't stop to get pregnant, just ran out, was in a new country, was planning a wedding, dealing with a whole lot of stuff and never got around to getting it replaced. I hated the ring when I was on it, BUT then I got off it and boy oh boy. I had no idea what that thing was doing for me. Firstly, I was waxing my eyebrows less, let my leg hairs grow out for a week and a half to get them waxed (hey, it was for the wedding and honeymoon. Figured I could suffer for 10 days) and they still couldn't wax me because I didn't have enough hair. Now, I've noticed how quickly it's growing back. Also, I guess I must be a little imbalanced (I know, surprise) because I was less moody and less emotional when I was on the ring. Finally, TOM was so much easier that I'm jealous of my former self! I never got bloated or gained any weight during that week while I was on the ring, hardly any cramps, etc... and now it's like my body is rebelling against me. I told my husband this week that I want to get back on it ASAP. I really recommend it. You should know, though, that anything you insert within areas can change the...uh...chemistry, and it might make certain things seem different, but you get used to that, and you only have to do it once a month. Take it out for a week, put a new one in, and if you're lucky and can get to a planned parenthood or something, you might just be able to get it really cheaply, and get a six-month supply.

    um i wouldnt even know how to like..insert it lol

    Well, you get full instructions with the thing. It's simple. You squeeze it so it's oval, and put it in, then push it back. You feel it for a few minutes and then you forget it's there. I used to have to check because I'd get paranoid and start to worry it had fallen out, because I'd just forget about it for so long. :blushing: :laugh:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I've used the Nuva Ring for nearly 6 years now. I've often thought about going to the pill because it is cheaper, but I can't bring myself to do it. I love the ring! The only side effects I have are better moods all month long, less acne, a perfectly predictable TOM (down to the hour of the day), and worry free sex-life. We don't practice -any- other BC method and I've been with him 3 years, no worries at all. Where I live it is nearly $60 per ring (a once a month fee) so it is not cheap, but it's not the most expensive either.

    Like others mentioned, I have few to zero cramping, the TOM is short and light (usually 3 days), and it is VERY easy to use. Only one time in 6 years have I messed up on the cycle of when to put in / take out. If you mess up you can restart with a backup method for 7 days and you are back on easy street.

    I'm not for injections, as my neighbor back home has used them perfectly and had 2 children while on them. I wonder if you happen to get pregnant while using injection... how do they stop it and get you back to normal for carrying? :S
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Does anyone use natural family planning anymore? I can't take birth control pills, and probably wouldn't want to even if I could. I have taken them before, but long story short, I can't and won't anymore. I have thought about what I will do someday when I am married. Condoms and NFP are probably the options I am looking at. Hoping the future Mr. Right is ok with that. I have had so many problems with my reproductive organs that I may actually have "built-in" birth control anyway, so this might not even be an issue!

    But I was just curious because I didn't see any women post that they were using NFP.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    My mother never used any sort of pill, injection, or Rx at all to prevent pregnancy. Since I can remember (she was very open about.. everything LOL) she has only used condoms and never had a scare or worry at all, for the past 15-20 years! So NFP is still very viable, my guess. :)
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    My mother never used any sort of pill, injection, or Rx at all to prevent pregnancy. Since I can remember (she was very open about.. everything LOL) she has only used condoms and never had a scare or worry at all, for the past 15-20 years! So NFP is still very viable, my guess. :)
    Good to know! Thanks. :smile:
  • fasttrack27
    I put a tack in my shoe - makes me limp instantly.

    Sorry ladies, couldnt resist! I didnt take the time to read all the other posts, so hopefully i'm not like the 10th guy to chime in with that old one.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    um i wouldnt even know how to like..insert it lol

    I was worried about this too, but it's actually quite easy. The nuvaring looks like a firm rubber band. It's round and about two inches in diameter and is made out of a silicone plastic. The hormones are imbedded in this and are steadily given off while you have it inserted. You simply flex the band and insert it like a tampon. It fits the shape of your body and you don't even know it's in there... a lot of people can't even tell during sex (it can be removed up to three hours if you prefer to NOT have it in during sex).

  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    Have to pass on this one :-)
  • helenoke
    helenoke Posts: 2 Member
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    Does anyone use natural family planning anymore? I can't take birth control pills, and probably wouldn't want to even if I could. I have taken them before, but long story short, I can't and won't anymore. I have thought about what I will do someday when I am married. Condoms and NFP are probably the options I am looking at. Hoping the future Mr. Right is ok with that. I have had so many problems with my reproductive organs that I may actually have "built-in" birth control anyway, so this might not even be an issue!

    But I was just curious because I didn't see any women post that they were using NFP.
    I have wanted to go the nfp route. I had planned to get cycle beads too, to help me keep track of the days. However, my cycle has always been VERY irregular and messes with the accuracy of nfp, which is already a little low.
    As I said before we did use condoms for the last two babies. It would have worked fine if we hadn't have been married for 6 years before starting to use condoms. He didn't like them and refused to use them many times. I wasn't exactly surprised when Gabriel, and Samuel were announced, ya know?!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I think my grandpa gave me the best BC method. An asprin. Put it between your knees and hold it there without using your hands.:wink:
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    Avoid the Depo shot if you can. I was on it for 2 years. Started going to a dietian and the very first thing they told me was if I wanted to have any chance to lose weight I needed to get off Depo. I didn't gain much while on it, but I wasn't able to lose anything while on it either. They suggested pill or nuva ring instead.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I was on Depo for a little over 8 years and managed to lose 57 pounds. My problem was since it isn't meatn for long term use, it caused some mild bone loss in my back. Now that I'm off that and exercising, I've reversed the bone loss.