eating habits when Aunt Flow has arrived

When it is my time of the month i tend to snack a little more than i would normally and should. Is that normal? does anyone else do the same?


  • ChrissyM93
    ChrissyM93 Posts: 9 Member
    I actually tend to eat less because I don't usually feel up to eating but I do eat a lot chocolate during that time of the month.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    For a day or two before AF arrives, I am all about the sweet and salty, and could go to town on on a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Once my period actually begins, I am less hungry and the cravings stop.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Calling ToM "Aunt Flow" is more than enough to deter me from any extra snacking. :sick:
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    But to answer your question, my birth control has all but eliminated periods for me, so I don't have to deal with monthly cravings, anyway. Might be something to talk to your Dr. about if it gets out of control.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    It's pretty normal from a sense that a lot of women do it. Not sure if it's really normal in the sense that it's a necessary physical response for a woman starting her menstrual cycle.

    I tend to be a little more emotional/short tempered and because I'm more of an emotional eater, I tend to snack a little more than normal. Best thing that I've found, since I have a regular cycle, is to plan accordingly when I know it's getting close to that time of the month, by either being more aware of my cravings and try to distinguish between actual hunger and my raging hormones causing me to irrationally eat or by having alternatives to my typical snack foods that don't hit my food diary so hard if I go a little overboard.
  • keke0904
    keke0904 Posts: 28 Member
    i dont know if i do it cuz im hungry or maybe cuz i know im not going to see the scale go down. and i just see things that look good and i want it
  • FrancescaWebb
    FrancescaWebb Posts: 211 Member
    OMG YES. i could eat the entire fridge when its that time of the month. I try not to, but its definitely a struggle. I don't really get emotional or moody, just hungry.
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    The menstrual cycle is super calorically expensive for the human body, which is why women tend to stop menstruating when they aren't getting enough food. The body just can't afford it any more.

    I just read this in another forum. Thought it was interesting and if accurate, makes sense. However, I find that 1 week prior to TOM my appetite increases and last 3 days of that it is ravenous. (This has been especially bad since about I turned 40) Maybe something to be premenopausal?):smile:

    Give me the chocolate and chips or anything in the house. Now back to returning to eating healthy within the calorie allowance for the next 3 weeks
  • swaggityswagbag
    swaggityswagbag Posts: 78 Member
    The menstrual cycle is super calorically expensive for the human body, which is why women tend to stop menstruating when they aren't getting enough food. The body just can't afford it any more.

    I just read this in another forum. Thought it was interesting and if accurate, makes sense. However, I find that 1 week prior to TOM my appetite increases and last 3 days of that it is ravenous. (This has been especially bad since about I turned 40) Maybe something to be premenopausal?):smile:

    Give me the chocolate and chips or anything in the house. Now back to returning to eating healthy within the calorie allowance for the next 3 weeks

    It's not "super calorically expensive". Most research puts you between 100 and 200 calories extra on the days right before and a couple of the first days of your menstrual cycle. Some women hit a whole 300 calories more burned. But it is not "super calorically expensive". It's a small difference.
  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    I want to eat anything and everything before/during TOM...I also have little energy to work out. Ive been doing my best to work through it.