Suggestions and Fitness Pals?

I've always been on and off of diets but now I have came to a point of shifting the weight in a healthy way and keeping it up. At the moment I am at my biggest being around 147 pounds, I am 5'3/4 so I have a bit more weight than I would like.
I've been dieting for just over a week now, but by dieting I mean just cutting out crappy foods and eating better. But I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how I can lose the weight the healthiest way and methods I can use.

I have started to drink green tea which is apparently good for weight loss - even though it doesn't taste the best it's something I can get used too.
I have also just joined up to the gym which I plan to go to 4/5 times a week, thats if I have the time!!

Also it will be nice to have someone to share my journey with and they can also share their journey and we can encourage each other!

Thank you in advice!

Natalie X


  • thefitdiary
    thefitdiary Posts: 10
    Look for flavoured green tea, it's sooooo nice! :D Lemon especially haha. Basically, to remain healthy, make sure you eat enough, ingredients are more important than calories and at the gym do HIIT :D and weight lifting :)

    It'd be awesome if we could encourage each other! I'm a yo-yo dieter too haha. -_-
  • I will keep my eye out for the flavoured green tea! I just put lemon in my tea which made it abit nicer haha! I've set myself 1200 calories per day which I think is decent, but it is never always easy to keep track with the calories! What about you??
    I will add you! :D
  • april979
    april979 Posts: 39
    Stash variety green teas are soooo good. They have mint and even chocolate flavour green tea
  • Thank you, I will look out for them! Sound so much more nastier than just plain green tea :D